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Tuesday, August 15, 2023



John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

Yoruba has an adage about "somebody that goes to sleep with fire burning on their rooftop."
in this regards, there are two categories of christians I'd like to address.

1) The one that is aware, but can't be bothered. I call them the soft life kind of christian. They see the trouble, but would rather succumb to other forms of distractions than deal with the issues in their lives. 
This kind of people, when the wind blows and their house that is built on the sand begins to crumble, they begin to act like martyrs. God after all I have done for you, the enemy is a liar, God do not let my enemies rejoice over me. 
But you have been warned to take heed, lest you fall.

2) The ignoramus. They are the completely blind kind of christian, whose discernment level has lowered to almost non-existent.
The bibles warning to watch and pray is for the over serious believers who makes everything about. God, God, God.
One of the worst things about this set of people is that they can rationalize anything. They will give reasons for what is happening instead of Going to God for revelation and insight, they interprete from their own mind, and therefore are easily frustrated. 

It is easy to say this one's have built sand castles and have been living in them.
It is also sad to realize that the devil has closed the shutters over there eyes of understanding, so that they move around and live their lives as one without the knowledge of God. 

The bible talks about them as "having the form of godliness, but denying the power thereof."

What should you do when you get troubling news?

The obvious thing we do is look for someone who will downplay it and give us hope that it will all be fine.
Humans promises holds no weight. Run to God, and he will catch you, he will embrace you and also guide you through the process. 
The psalmist testifies that God was with him through "the valley of the shadow of death."

Don't underestimate God.

Have a lovely day.
