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Wednesday, July 13, 2022


I have a friend who once said something that struck while we were in a gathering of fellow believers. The discussion was centred on heaven and the christian journey, and then he said "Let's not fool ourselves,most christians already know that besetting sin ...that one sin, that would make them miss heaven if they do not do something about it."

We were all silent for a while, because it was true. 
Some christians pray and say God deliver me, and when God delivers, they wrap one hand around the chain that was just broken off them and follow after Christ, and when they look ahead and see the christian journey is not easy, they begin to wound the chain tighter until they are back to where they started.

This is the truth. You have heard how beautiful the christian journey is, when you know Christ, but maybe no one emphasized that it was not made to be easy, so you face it unprepared and soon you tuck your rails in between your legs and go back to the world in defeat.

One more thing you need to know is this. Your unprepared state might just be the best preparation you need, because the race is not for the swift, or for the strong. Your helpless state will ensure God steps in for you if you just ask.

Don't give up yet.
Don't let that one sin end you.
Hold on

With Love,

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Thirsty All Your Life! 🥤

Happy Sunday!!!

A quick one.
so I was reading my devotional this morning and God expanded something to me I'd like to share... (if you share from the heart, you hardly forget it yourself )
The mystery of thirsting.
Well, it's no secret that we are all a bunch of thirsty breed. We humans. Today it's money, tomorrow, it's to Japa, next tomorrow, it's to slay. There is always something we are after that improves our image.
But Solomon came out and declared boldly... 
"Vanity Upon Vanity, all is Vanity."
He said everything is useless and worthless. And he spoke from experience. 

You don't have to go too far to understand, the rich are always trying to be richer. Someone becomes a president today, hes already thinking of what he could become or acquire that is greater than presidentship....

That fellow is thirsty!!!
No shock there, because that is the way the world works. It is designed to make us thirst endlessly, to always want more. There are always new innovations and ideas that we thirst to represent. It's an endless cycle till you reach your death bed, and you realized the glitters you were collecting were the worst kind of rags.

On the other hand, There is Jesus who simply says .."I have the Living water, He that drinks will never thirst again!!!!"
Boy, did that put perspective on things for me?
I hope it does for you too .
Because you and I have something or someone in common. Our Goal.
Our Purpose.
I and my Friend have an anthem. (A music)

it goes thus 
We are United in Jesus Christ
We are the Soldiers of the Light
We don't wrestle flesh and Blood
But principalities of the dark
We do our Marching to one beat
Crushing the enemy under our feet
We are mighty in our stand
With God's word In our hands.

I pray that God will reveal something to your heart. Remember God is on your team, Not against you.

Happy Sunday once again.

With Love,