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Tuesday, June 27, 2023


Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Remember how we used to count down to Christmas or our birthdays, or end of the year party, or children's day celebration? There usually is an air of anticipation and suppressed joy bubbling within us.

In similar manner, the devil often paints pictures of terrible scenes or potential evil that could happen to you, or to your loved ones, and you Begin to anticipate bad news, when God had no such plans for you.

We have simply opened the door of torment to ourselves. Some christians even go as far as to ascribe this evil premonition to the Holy spirit. They say things like " My instincts have never failed me before, that's how God talks to me."

Unfortunately this occurs because such christians have list touch with the reality of Who God is, and that in his presence, there is Fullness of Joy.

So where does this bad premonition come from? 
What should we do about them?

Do not incubate those thoughts!
Kick them out, Yes, them. The thoughts and the demon feeding you such thoughts.

Remember that God has no plan of evil for your  life.

He who gave his son to ransom your soul, would once again do any thing to keep you safe.

You are the apple of his eyes.
You are loved of God.

With Love,

Tuesday, June 20, 2023


Let no one despise or think less of you because of your youth, but be an example (pattern) for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12 AMPC

Most people for find themselves in certain areas of leadership mist have weathered some 'storm', garnered experiences and more.
Leadership position isn't something that is taken lightly. 

You hardly find and organization that is worth something position a total amateur as it's head, to operate the in and outs of it's details.

This also applies to us in the household of faith, before you can be an exemplary member to others, your walk with God and relationship has to be strong.

No man can serve two masters. To be an example like the bible wants us to, we must first go to God's training school, and learn of him.

However, there are times we battle invisible things like others peoples opinion of us, or out own lack of faith in ourselves.

This are tools that the devil has borrowed in time past to ensure that the truth remains untold. Hidden.

What kind of man would light a candle and put it away on a cellar or under his bed? 

What the world desperately needs is the light of the word of truth.
If others are not thinking twice of flaunting their levels of depravity, why would you for a minute think you do not have much to give.

Any time God's call comes for us, I pray our response will be immediate like Isaiah's.

Here I am, send me.

Have a lovely day,

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Habakkuk 1:2 O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!

How many times have we heard of brutal injustice being served to humanity, and the culprit not brought to justice?

The closest one I can think of right now, are the Owo and Toll gate massacres. Why does it seem that when all this were happening, God was watching?

After all, Nothing catches him by surprise! A lot of backsliders have their reasons for backsliding rooted in the fact that they cannot understand a God who is slow to mete out judgement on the wicked, and would "let" or watch the innocent suffer.

To my understanding, Sin is sin before God, I know it's a bit difficult to comprehend, because I struggle with comprehending it myself, but there is no big or little sin, because it is still the same blood of Jesus that washes them clean.

However, if we beseech God to quick judgement, would you be left unscathed? Wouldn't it affect you as a person? Or your close and loved ones?

We ought to remember especially in the difficult times, that God is not man, he is merciful and he is not unjust. 
Self -pity and Self- righteousness anger will do no one good.

In our passage today, the full passage recorded prophet Habakkuk's grief over God's silence on Judgement. This is not something we are experiencing in this time alone, It has happened before.

Remember, his ways are not our ways. Seek his face when you don't understand, and he will answer you.

God bless,

Tuesday, June 6, 2023


Put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. ~Ephesians 4:22-24

Growing up, we have dabbled into so many things, and our parents help us to unlearn them.

Some kids suck on their Thumb, some bite their nails, some pick their nose and go as far as to suck on it. This habits are carefully broken with constant discipline and actions from the parents.

Imagine an adult say working as a manager in a big company, and on your visit, you met him sucking on his Thumb. Well, that would not only influence your perspective of him, you would also perceive the individual as immature and unable to handle certain responsibilities, that individual cannot be the face of the company. In fact, the only way a company would retain such person would be if they were exceptionally good at their work, and haven't found a replacement yet.

Bad Habits in the Kingdom are like little Foxes we over look, but their tails are lit with fire that is slowly destroying the works that God has wrought in your life overtime.
Bad Habits could be the Music you listen to, The kinds of books you read, The way you think of yourself more highly than you should, Wayward thoughts, Inconsiderate actions, Inhumane treatment of the people God has called your neighbor, and the likes.

How do we break bad habit?
No one can break a habit without external help. Whether through getting more information or consulting someone for help.

We need to get closer to God, and Read the bible. Spiritual ba habits are not broken, by focusing on the Bad habits, but instead by focusing on God. When we look into God and follow after him, His perfections begins to erase our imperfections.

You cannot chase darkness by burrowing or learning more about darkness, No. You chase darkness, by moving Closer to the Light.

Every Solution you need Is found in Christ, who supplies all our needs according to his riches in glory.

Break that Habit.
