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Tuesday, July 18, 2023


2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. 

There are things you just don't bother fighting for, and Wonuola had removed herself from the running long ago.

She had learnt an unpleasant lesson that came with slight bitterness and a touch of envy. Competing with others even if you are on the same path never ends well.

She had learnt to repeat to herself words like "it doesn't matter that Ropo got there before me, what matters is that I'm there now, and I'm happy"

Unfortunately the enjoyment of such moments are shortlived before she's reminding herself again that she doesn't have to catch up to anyone. she is at the place where God wants her to be.

The bible made us realize that they that compare themselves with themselves are not wise...

Wonuola had learnt this lesson the hard way, but she didn't learn it the way God wanted her to understand it.

Understanding it God's way would mean that at any point in time where she finds herself, she is joyful and finds peace, she is able to glory in God, because the steps of the righteous are ordered by God.

However, if she perceives stagnancy , she could also take it up with God. At no point in time is she supposed to look at her colleagues and try to rationalize her way of the situation shes in.

Her solution on the surface may seem okay, in the sense of anyone who is not of the father, or doesn't know their inheritance in Christ.

While repeating positive phrases through the day is great and reminding yourself of things you shouldn't do is okay. Reminding yourself of God's word is even better.

However, there are some burdens we take on, that are not necessarily ours. immersing ourselves in God, eliminates such distractions

Stay in God's space through the moments, a moment at a time.


Tuesday, July 11, 2023



Proverbs 28:13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

'Keep it a secret' is a common phrase used to tell a friend or a confidant not to share certain information.

There is a difference between keeping a secret, and keeping things private. Often times, secrets tend to be dark, and revealing it comes with liberation. The feeling of a heavy load being removed from you.

Why is that? Should what you are keeping trouble you so?

Imagine this. You hid something hurriedly under your chair, and used your flowing gown to cover the chair, you will not be able to leave that chair, until the person you are hiding from leaves. 

There tends to be bondage in secrets, but have you considered a question?

What if your secret is keeping a secret?

Most things we hide are the things we are not proud of. But the ugly sides to this things are that they are heavily expensive.

The bible made us to understand the wages of sin is death.

Maybe it is time to release yourself from that chair, and throw caution to the wind.

The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent takes it by force.

There is only relief to be found at the foot of the cross.
Unleash all those secrets, God will not cast you out. He knows already.

Openly yours,