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Monday, January 2, 2023


Happy New Year!!!!

Job 7:1
Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? Are not his days also like the days of an hireling?

It was an amazing 2022, but for it to be and incredible 2023, there are certain things you'll need to bury with the old year, and habits you must master this New Year.

According to our text, Man shall not last forever, and even though we all know this as the gospel truth, most of us still choose to live out lives like the wind. Barely there. No root, No real destination.

My charge for you this year, is to Waste No Time!!!!
To everything under the Earth, there is a season. This is a season to plant. To run, To take hold of the vision and to make it into a reality.

Like any university degree you obtain, at the final lap, you write a thesis, to prove you have learnt through all the years. Similar to it is the end of man. You will give account before God how you spent your time.

Therefore, I say again. WASTE NO TIME!!!

With Love, 


  1. More Grace to Glorify Heavens in Jesus' Name. Amen

  2. (Man shall not last forever, and even though we all know this as the gospel truth, most of us still choose to live out lives like the wind.) the most pathetic part of life. Pray God touches our lives
