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Tuesday, April 25, 2023



Most people had a lot of fun growing up. Did a lot of silly things without care or worry. The carefree nature of a child, and it's worry free days, might have been dismissed as such, but when one begins to age, one begins to take on responsibilities and strive to be more than we were before.

The childhood days begin to appear golden, and the adulting.....well. A lot of people have subscribed to that saying that adulting is a scam. Some in deed do not survive it, and some barely live through it.

However, the greatest disasters that comes with Adulthood are that if necessities.
Of course, one must gain certain experiences, whether positive or negative, but often without us noticing, those experiences often embed themselves in our hearts, and serve as inhibitors to our Faith in God.

We begin to depend on our experiences to guide us, instead of God. Thus, miracles elude us, Faith diminishes, and we become Christians who have forgotten who they are. There inheritance in christ, and the promise of their father.

How sad.

While it is physically impossible to go back to being a child, God has given us free access to become children once again.

Matthew 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

One of the worries that comes with Adulthood is Responsibilities, yet children have someone to carry theirs for them.

Take advantage of this as admonition, and embrace the spiritual nature of children, and strength and grace will be supplied to you.


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