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Wednesday, May 31, 2023


Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present  your bodies a living  sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

Do you know what a puppet is?
Those wooden toys that are often attached to ropes and controlled behind the scenes to take certain actions that could be entertaining.

Well, you may not like what I am about to tell you, but I have to say it.

You and I, we are like those puppet. (I know we have free will and all, so hear me out)

(According to dictionary)
Someone who is manipulative and thus able to get people to do what they want or events to develop in the way they want, respectively, in a puppet-like manner.

Look at those puppet as having free will when they are still on the market, the moment their priced is paid, they are packaged and shipped to the new owner.

At no point in our lives have we own ourselves. If you have not presented yourself as a living sacrifice to God, then how can God wrought works through you? And if you are not of God, then.......Who do you thinks you belong to?

One way or the other, man must serve a master.

As Christians, Before you presented your body as a living sacrifice, the devil has used your tongue to lie, your hands to commit evil, your mind to sin, but when you present your body as a living sacrifice to God, he claims ownership and washes out the effects of the devil's use.

The devil is a puppeteer, but Jesus is a care taker. He takes care of you, listens to you, and guides you. He asks for permission before he lets himself use you.

If you can choose now between a puppeteer and a Care Giver, who will you choose?

Choose Wisely!


1 comment:

  1. I refuse to be a puppet, devil you are fired. I know identify as the child of the Living God, as I offer my body a living sacrifice. Hallelujah 🙌🏼
