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Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Struggling with your identity is a real struggle. We are in an age where a boy is a girl, and a baby is a goat, but even before all this confusion came to be, there was the inevitable struggle within you, where you feel like you don't deserve the credit for the life you are living.

When someone looks at you and compliments you, or tells you how your life has lent them strength, you begin to smile, while a self deprecating thought roots itself in your mind. Then you begin to think "thank God this person doesn't know about certain weaknesses that you might have"

See, it's a blessing and a curse that you know your own strength and weaknesses, but God never intended for you to let it bring you down. Knowing your weaknesses can sometimes overshadow the good you know about yourself.

It can make you think the good things don't matter, if you are not all good, then you are not good.

Here is what Jesus has to say about being good.

Luke 18:18,19. And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, What shall I do to inherit eternal life?

And Jesus said until him, Why callest thou me good? None is good,  save one, that is, God.

Does that mean we are all bad? No, we have that part of us that longs for eternal life, which is the part of us that exposes us to God's goodness.

It is okay to feel how you feel, but it most definitely is not okay to dwell on it. Whenever you have a question about who you are, why don't you carry your Bible?

Rediscover, your identity in God's, and be proud of who and what he calls you.

Don't forget, he knows you by name.

With Love,

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Let it be known that I didn't intend to attend the meeting as a cranky single lady. However, when your therapist reduces your "I can take the world on" attitude to "daddy issues", that would steal your thunder too.

I didn't even bother with the breathing exercises I was taught to keep my crazy in check, nope . I just stormed into the meeting and grabbed the seat where I thought everyone should see my face and know enough to steer clear of me. how was I to know I was sitting beside the pastor? No one told me the raised platform wasn't an option.

My old neighbor got a kick out of it, because she doubled over in laughter and I caught her wiping her eyes because she had laughed that hard.

I soon focused on the pastor, because he was painting a lot of hypothetical situations.

What if you could eat your cake and have it too?
What if you found the love of your life too, who loved you as fiercely as valentine loved his woman. Who was perfect in everyway and who eventually died for you?

"Well then, he's a fool. No body wants a love that ain't gonna hang around." I announced to the good people.

They all glanced at me.

What? The questions can't go unanswered right? They were questions for a reason.

I caught my old neighbor coughing, but it seemed like she was hiding a smile. I must say that is a pleasant change. Usually, people cried or seemed to want to cry when I was around. So if she was laughing at me ....I don't mind.
"Right, miss....."
No way was I announcing my name. But I found myself saying Mayflower.

"How unusual." the pastor responded.

I could tell him that I don't know what my dad was thinking too, but he reminded me too much of dad in that moment, and I knew that just like dad, he would tell me lies that I wanted to believe . Lies that I was smart enough to know better, but my heart longs to hold on to a memory of daddy. To be that person he knew I could be.

"Miss Mayflower, You wouldn't turn down a proposal from the most perfect man in the world for you, would you?'

I snorted. It wasn't ladylike, but I never made a claim to being a lady.

"No one is perfect, but I'll humor you. I'll accept his proposal on the condition that he hangs around, and does not disappear on me."

I can nearly hear my therapist whisper "daddy issues" into my ears, and just like that, my scowl was back.

"Okay" Said the pastor " He loves you, proposes to you, dies for you, and somehow still found a way to come back to you, how would that make you feel?"

For a moment, I let myself believe this lies, and think of all I could still have
 A father, even if I never knew my mama, I'd still have best friends, roommates, and several relationship prospects, but somehow that didn't feel enough.

"semi- happy? I have to be honest with you pastor, I won't be happy unless I can eat my cake and have it too."

Someone groaned in the church, and I perked up. It's nice to make a nice person groan isn't it? I basically just humanised someone.

"If I told you that there is someone asking for your hands in marriage right now, someone who has defended your honor countless of times in your absence, someone who couldn't bear to see you hurt or cry, someone who would rather die than let any harm come to you, what would you say?"

"I'd Say yes. I wasn't born an idiot you know. I'd take his ring and never take it off my fingers, and we'd have a shotgun wedding. "

The nice people laughed again, and that was what made me made my chest feel warm, like a trickle of warm honey was thawing away at my frozen heart. It made me feel like I had come home. Like dad was around here somewhere, like maybe I could have roots in a place like this.

"If I told you that Jesus did all that for you, and much more. Built a mansion of gold for you and has been on his knees for a while now, begging to be noticed, craving your attention, what would you say?"

Nothing. I'd walked into that one with my eyes opened. Yet, I didn't think he lied.

My brain is telling me that Jesus was a liar. He was just like valentine who went and died, yet I feel like if I denied Jesus existence, then I am denying a part of the father I knew. The man who loved me regardless of my flaws, but my heart wants to open like petals to the morning light. I wanted Daddy back, but if I can't have him, I could have a part of him right?

Maybe my reasons for saying yes was questionable, but it was easily the best decision I've ever made. 

All that was six months ago now, and I'm engaged. I was going to have fun calling my therapist a liar, but I was engaged to a nice person. I'm still learning to be nice but we'll....the beauty of Christianity is that Jesus loves my quirks.

Last Sunday, I gave testimony that I was engaged and I hadn't bailed . I explained about my previous proposals, and now my old neighbor whose son I'm engaged too, suddenly wants the wedding soon. 

what's up with that any way?

On Friday, I followed the good people for community service, and I met the most pessimistic person ever. He wouldn't accept Jesus, and then I told him...If I were you, I'd hang around the only person who wants my miserable company.

Of course I was furious. Refusing Jesus is personal to me, and I even got more furious when My to be Husband apologized. 
"Funny enough, I saw "Mr. Miserable company" yesterday at our good people bonfire, and he was looking even more miserable, but just like I did six months ago, I could read the moment warmth started to trickle in."

My to be husband is still praying for more warmth for me, but I told him I'd probably burst into flames if I had to take more warmth.

Anyway, I gotta drop my pen here... Tomorrow is valentine's day, and I have a surprise brewing.
A valentine's day wedding. Hubby may not know it yet, but we are getting married tomorrow, and nobody can stop me.

Talk to you later.



PS: Maybe you are not as crazy as Mayflower, but you surely have your what if valentine's day reminds you of someone who beat Valentine to the punch, hustling to show how much he loves your imperfections? Sometimes your imperfections makes God grin. Think about it.


Monday, February 13, 2023


Two years ago, Ramon proposed to me, and I turned him down. No one wants to end up with a name like Mrs Froyagontage. I think my reasons are valid, even though he thought I could keep my maiden name. I like to part with people on a good note, with good memories. So I broke up with him over dinner. He had a glass of wine in hand when I told him. His proposal was sweet, but welll....There's the issue that he really was born into a family with a name like Froyagontage. If that is not bad omen, I don't know what else is.

A year and a half ago, it was Gideon. 
I didn't see that coming. He was the rebound after Ramon, and he knew I saved his number as the rebound. What will I tell my kids when they ask me how I met their father? It's like the beginning of a romantic tragedy. My heart was never his to begin with. I am glad he proposed because now, I can safely say he is a delusional man. I gave him the contact of my therapist before I walked away. Sometimes we need to tell people in our lives the truth. I hope Gideon took my advice. Delusions are ....well.... deadly. Love can never survive in an environment like that.

A year ago, I moved out of my apartment because my roommate said I was after her boyfriend. Really? Just Because he bought me gifts on valentine's day as well? come on, he was just being nice.I was still single, which is like the apocalypse in my world. I have never been single before since I started dating. I am what people call a serial dater, well, it keeps the fun alive right? 

Anyway, I moved into this small community by the lake, where everyone is too nice. They are not fooling me. It is not in human nature to be nice, and to top it up, my neighbor who is an old woman by the way....Probably in her late Fifties, is trying to set me up with her "nice son".

Firstly, I don't even like nice people, secondly I think their niceness is false, which makes them fall under the creepy people category in my book.

If my one year ago roommate hadn't been too insecure in her relationship, I wouldn't have to deal with all this nice people. I am really allergic to them. Toxic dangerous people. I can't remember the last time my heart had beat in fear, but this people take the cake.

Yesterday, my therapist said i run from anything commitment, and I laughed in her face, because she was wrong. I have been committed to my therapy session for months now, if you don't count the two times that I bailed, but really that's what normal people do. Bailing on events is part of life.

At least I haven't bailed on a wedding.....yet.

Okay, I'm just Joking....Maybe? Bailing on a wedding is not on my bucket list, but at least it would give me a chance to wear a wedding gown, and for people to see me and admire me in it right? See? Bailing on a wedding isn't always bad, especially when the guest get free food, and free gist out of it.

My childhood friend who left me for a "healthier friendship" if there was anything like that, said I was a raving lunatic in a stunning package.

I took it as a compliment, because....duh...That basically means i could handle life. The moron checks on me once in two weeks. I don't particularly hate her voice, but I'm afraid she has gone and joined those nice people. They do have a community. Christians, that's what they call themselves. I have seen them argue heatedly, but what kills the fun is the apology and soberness that follows after. Who on God's green earth likes to be sober anyway?

I remember my dad most day's when I feel normal...Like how normal people feel. I remember daddy because he was my link to normalcy. He'd tell me if Solomon could write a whole book for women, then he could try to write half for his darling daughter.

I didn't understand daddy. I got in trouble a lot, My teacher called me cold hearted, but daddy would smile and tell her I was a saint. Thankfully I grew up, I saw all my dad's words for what it was. Lies. 

Even when he wasn't there anymore, and was six feet under. 
He made me promise to read the bible, but bible makes him tell me lies. 

I hate nights when I remember him, because l miss him, I miss his lies, I miss how he made those lies my truth, I miss him because when he left, everyone left too. No best friend, no good neighbors.

According to my therapist, I cannot trust people! I run from commitment because I was afraid people would leave me. News flash!!! They already left. I told her that, and she said it ain't the same. If I pushed people away because I didn't want to hurt, meant I was already hurting.
Maybe she was delusional too, I suggested she also book a therapy session with another therapist.
She responded by telling me that I never saw the world for myself, but through daddy's eyes, and now that he's gone for over a decade, I've been fumbling to find his perspective, and not my own.

Pfft...Hog wash. She went as far as to say that I avoid the good kind of people, because it wouldn't give me an excuse to walk away.

I laughed hard when she said that. I mean...Lady, you tripping...

In my mind, I was this woman for real?
I guess I must have been making some bad choices anyway, because now I'm single, which is like the beginning of the end in my mind. On top of that valentine is coming, and I don't think my ex roommates boyfriend will extend the love this year. Who cares about valentine anyway. One idiot who went and killed himself because of love.

I told my old next door neighbor that, and she chuckled. Good news is that she has a good smile, bad news is that now, she knows I have no plan for valentine's day. So she invited me to their nice people's group meeting on valentine's day. I couldn't say no, because I would sound like a .....well.... I just couldn't say no

So I said yes, and here I am.

To be continued.....

PS: Is she crazy or what? Feel free to drop your comment below.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 

and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Ephesians 6:14‭-‬17 KJV

Have you ever Being in a fight before? Whether with fists or with words? Then you'll know that sometimes, it doesn't matter how prepared or strong or knowledgeable you are, when you face the other party, you could be surprised at their strength, and come back defeated.

If you were sure you would win every battle, then you would probably face it all heads on. 

No need to remind you that life is a battlefield, however there is need to be reminded that there is an endless bloody battle going on for your life. In regards to eternity.

I know I have friends and loved ones that have gone before, and some days I give a wistful sigh because I want to go home too. Away from all this burdens and troubles and sicknesses, you name it.

Unfortunately, we don't get feedbacks from those who have gone ahead, to give us gist to hold body... We only have the bible, and I say that's more than enough.

If you were to pick a battle, a battle unto death, which would you pick? One that even if you die or you lose, you win, or one that even if you die or stay alive, you lose?

Think deeply, there is no winning on the broad way. There is only a blindfold that prevents you from seeing the truth.

This is my plea to you. The end has truly come. We are loosing hope in our country and Japa had become excessive, but if you look beyond the country, you'll realize it's not just here, There really is no hope in this world, only in the world to come. 

Putting your hope in another country is setting yourself up for disappointment. Let's all hope to Make it successfully to Canaan.

The best Japa ever.

With Hope,

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


When you hear the word Addiction, what picture comes to mind? I'll tell you. Drugs, Pornography. Those are the top two, am I right?

However, there is something to be said of addiction. It could attach itself (gum body) to any thing, event or activity. There are party addicts, phone addicts, sex addicts, picture name it. This all seem common right?

How about other things like Talking? Do you know you can be addicted to just talking? Day dreaming? Things that appear harmless, but are designed to waste the time of your life.

Then one day, you appear before God as an unfaithful and fruitless servant.

The bible is clear on one thing. Read below....

Mark 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

If we are busy obeying God's commandments, we cannot find ourselves victim to any of this things. You can only be addicted to something you have prioritized more than God, irrespective of God.

Psychology says no addict can be fully healed...( I am a psychologist by the way) but I disagree. God says complete recovery. He promised to wipe away your horrible past and give you a fresh start.

If I were you, I'd go for a fresh start.
Start with a simple confession.

Just as I am, without one plea,
But that thy blood was shed for me,
And that thou bidst me to come to thee,
Oh Lamb of God, I come, I come.

With Love,