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Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Struggling with your identity is a real struggle. We are in an age where a boy is a girl, and a baby is a goat, but even before all this confusion came to be, there was the inevitable struggle within you, where you feel like you don't deserve the credit for the life you are living.

When someone looks at you and compliments you, or tells you how your life has lent them strength, you begin to smile, while a self deprecating thought roots itself in your mind. Then you begin to think "thank God this person doesn't know about certain weaknesses that you might have"

See, it's a blessing and a curse that you know your own strength and weaknesses, but God never intended for you to let it bring you down. Knowing your weaknesses can sometimes overshadow the good you know about yourself.

It can make you think the good things don't matter, if you are not all good, then you are not good.

Here is what Jesus has to say about being good.

Luke 18:18,19. And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, What shall I do to inherit eternal life?

And Jesus said until him, Why callest thou me good? None is good,  save one, that is, God.

Does that mean we are all bad? No, we have that part of us that longs for eternal life, which is the part of us that exposes us to God's goodness.

It is okay to feel how you feel, but it most definitely is not okay to dwell on it. Whenever you have a question about who you are, why don't you carry your Bible?

Rediscover, your identity in God's, and be proud of who and what he calls you.

Don't forget, he knows you by name.

With Love,

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