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Wednesday, February 8, 2023


Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 

and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Ephesians 6:14‭-‬17 KJV

Have you ever Being in a fight before? Whether with fists or with words? Then you'll know that sometimes, it doesn't matter how prepared or strong or knowledgeable you are, when you face the other party, you could be surprised at their strength, and come back defeated.

If you were sure you would win every battle, then you would probably face it all heads on. 

No need to remind you that life is a battlefield, however there is need to be reminded that there is an endless bloody battle going on for your life. In regards to eternity.

I know I have friends and loved ones that have gone before, and some days I give a wistful sigh because I want to go home too. Away from all this burdens and troubles and sicknesses, you name it.

Unfortunately, we don't get feedbacks from those who have gone ahead, to give us gist to hold body... We only have the bible, and I say that's more than enough.

If you were to pick a battle, a battle unto death, which would you pick? One that even if you die or you lose, you win, or one that even if you die or stay alive, you lose?

Think deeply, there is no winning on the broad way. There is only a blindfold that prevents you from seeing the truth.

This is my plea to you. The end has truly come. We are loosing hope in our country and Japa had become excessive, but if you look beyond the country, you'll realize it's not just here, There really is no hope in this world, only in the world to come. 

Putting your hope in another country is setting yourself up for disappointment. Let's all hope to Make it successfully to Canaan.

The best Japa ever.

With Hope,