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Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17 KJV


I was opportuned of late to read a guys story about addiction to a certain Kind of lifestyle which included Drugs and Alcohol. 

I know you may not be doing drugs of alcohol, but what led him to that lifestyle according to him in the first place was exercising his Free will. God gave us free will. Innit?

However man has constantly uses that free will to enslave himself in a That's how I am syndrome.

Let me tell you something about myself as the Author. Back in school I had a friend who always told me "You are just like my brother." He had two brothers, I didn't ask which one of them, i wasn't interested.

Fast forward to a time when I looked at myself and see a gaping difference between my kind of normal and the way other people tell me I'm a special kind of different. I took the bait...conducted a doctor and the result came out that I was  indicative on the Spectrum. Autism.

I laughed and cried... because really my friends brother was Autistic....I knew it... A lot of my actions began to make sense... Psychology explained it well...but one day, I awoke.

The world is putting me in a box Labelled Autism because they think I don't fit into their definition of normal. That's okay! I am who God says I am.

A lot of people use Autism as a THIA excuse for why they are the way they are. But before Neurodivergence became a normal thing in the world, their were several other THIA excuses. It's my family, It's my Job, It's my Children.
Excuses never end. They are infact sweet, but they ensure you never grow, you never become better, the person God wants you to be.

Take note of today's passage. True freedom and Liberty lies in Christ. I have chosen that and found peace.

How about you try his ways of freedom, and see if he gives you peace.

With Love,

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


In Christ alone, My hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my Joy
This cornerstone This solid rock
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

What height of Love, What depth of peace,
When Fears are stilled
When striving cease, 
My comforter, My all in all.
Here in the Love of Christ I stand.  - Keith Getty, Stuart Townsend.

This hymn above is dedicated to a God who is just as powerful as he is gentle.
The beauty of this hymn is that it has travelled through ages, since it was written and has still managed to pluck at our Stony heart's and give us a glimpse of what it would be like to have a heart of flesh.

However, what I can't explain is the way the song entwines us in the depth of God's love. The word "My" was used to indicate us.. whoever is singing, but only to make us lost in who Christ is.

The song is captures the life of a Christian who has said to God.. "None of self, and all of thee". The Christian who seeks no recognition beyond the presence of God that he carries.

The amazing thing is how the things about Christ that gives us hope are attributes of him that we cannot see. 

Is that why the best things in life cannot he bought?  Maybe.

Finding Hope, and strength, or Finding yourself could be a trip into examining the pains and attributes of Jesus, and don't be afraid to get lost in him.

After all, That is the highest goal of man in Life.

Yours in Christ,

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


You need Help? Not a problem.
We are in an age and time where seeking help makes you look weak, or makes you a "beggar". There are various unpleasant terms for it now. 

However, God created man to need each other, to help and lift each other up, but most importantly we always are in need.

What happens when you find yourself in need of something your fellow human cannot give? Like a miracle? Like Healing? Like protection from spiritual attacks? Like Provision?

God is there for this purpose and more. He will help you. He should be your go to person. 

Hear what he says here in Isaiah 41:10

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Isaiah 41:10 KJV

Imagine God whose breath can destroy the whole world, coming down, moving mountains, breaking barriers just to help you.

Maybe your problem is that you don't know the God you serve. Maybe that is why you don't realize that help has been made available for you since before you were born.

Open your heart to God right now.
Humble your self, and Ask.
He has a simple rule about asking.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
Matthew 7:7 KJV

Use this as a leverage and ask from your heavenly father.

Have a nice day.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


Excuse me?!!!
Sorry for disturbing.
I have a question though, and it can't wait.
What is your most treasured Philosophy?
Like the thoughts or ideas that you hold closest to your heart?
I didn't ask what or who your most prized possession is.
I simply asked about the line of your thought processes, your cognitive attitude or the sayings you hold dear to you heart.

I need to know because there is death in your thoughts.
Remember how Jesus Conquered death and asked where is thy sting?
When you chose a philosophy different from Christ's, You resurrected deaths sting, and handed it to him, then you invited him over for a ride with you in your lifes journey.

I know what your end is. How it ends I can't say, but where you end up. I know.

So will you answer the question?
What is your favorite quotes that guides your lifestyle? 
Did you borrow from the pages of the dead?
Or will you listen to wisdom and dare to make a tedious turn around and peek into the book of life?

Hey! Having an end is not a disaster.
Man must end. 
Yet, must continue.

So humor me, Let's go into a territory no man really loves to explore. Let's play a game of What if?

So we start.

What if this moment as you are reading, Time finally stops. You know what that means? The Rapture? What do you think you fate will be?
If you have to think too hard, you have failed.

What if tonight you die, God either calls you home like Elijah, or he says to you like that rich man "thou fool, tonight, your soul shall be required out of your hands." Which do you think you'll be?

Before you roll your eyes, take a look around the world where you are now. Does it look like the world you used to know? 

This world cannot last forever. And I have a secret to share. There is no hope in any corner of this world. No. Your hope lies in God. Jesus.

Remember, the Wages of Sin is Death....But God Gifts us eternal life freely.

What if you chose Christ now? What if you reclaim the chapters of your life and hand it over to Jesus to rewrite your story?

What if you decide to find hope beyond this world?
Chose Christ, there is no other choice

With Love,

Wednesday, March 1, 2023


You have heard of the story of the man who got his healing by the pool, but not in the pool of Bethsaida?

There are so many lessons to learn from this and we will examine them in points.

1) The stirring
The stirring of the water was also called the troubling of the water. I wondered how it was discovered that an angel troubled the water, because in this age and time, I dare say we would have seen it as a place to be avoided. Not all stirrings are for a terrible cause...Not all troubles birth disasters.
  Only a man who discerns in his spirit would be able to tell the difference between a foreboding and a "troubling of the water".

2) The Rush
According to the passage...Everyone rushes forward once there was a stirring, but that stirring was meant for just one person. 
This relates to how you can share a burden with someone, but God still didn't hand over the assignment to you. Yes, you know something has to be done, and you rush headlong into it. You will find that you entered the pool, but no impact was made. The chosen one will be healed. Not you.

3) The miracle
I can imagine that nearly everyone by the pool witnesses this miracle, but cannot explain the source. They watch a man become a different complete version of himself. When God wants to move in your life, don't seek to rationalize his move. His ways are beyond that.

4) The Chosen
The one person who is healed, who steps ahead of others, was it because he was smarter? calculating and strategic? I doubt that really. You have to be helped by God to access heights that seem impossible to reach in your life. The chosen won't depend on their own strength and wisdom or power.

5) The wasted time
Have you ever thought about the people who grew old by the pool? None of them receiving their healing. Would they have been better off at their homes? I don't know, neither do I have answers, but I do know one thing. If you are by a pool that you shouldn't be, God will tell you to get out of there.

6) The losers
Those who were never on time, lost a great opportunity and they knew it. How bitter did they become? Did they let it get it stop them from trying again? Did they become entitled to the opportunity? This are questions we should ask ourselves when we don't get what we hoped to have.

7) The man Jesus healed has to be by that pool, but not healed by the pool.

This man, remained by the poolside even when others gave up. The lesson however was that he had to remain by the poolside to receive his miracle, but not from the troubled pool. God works in more ways than one, and this man found another way. What if he had left the side of the pool? Would he have met Jesus? 
The lesson here is this. Sometimes, we already have ideas of how things would go. God can only use person. That kind of mindset closes doors of blessings to you. 

Jesus was the last kind of messiah expected, doesn't that tell you that God loves the unexpected? How else will your faith remain alive if you can predict God's move?

Think on this things.
