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Wednesday, March 8, 2023


Excuse me?!!!
Sorry for disturbing.
I have a question though, and it can't wait.
What is your most treasured Philosophy?
Like the thoughts or ideas that you hold closest to your heart?
I didn't ask what or who your most prized possession is.
I simply asked about the line of your thought processes, your cognitive attitude or the sayings you hold dear to you heart.

I need to know because there is death in your thoughts.
Remember how Jesus Conquered death and asked where is thy sting?
When you chose a philosophy different from Christ's, You resurrected deaths sting, and handed it to him, then you invited him over for a ride with you in your lifes journey.

I know what your end is. How it ends I can't say, but where you end up. I know.

So will you answer the question?
What is your favorite quotes that guides your lifestyle? 
Did you borrow from the pages of the dead?
Or will you listen to wisdom and dare to make a tedious turn around and peek into the book of life?

Hey! Having an end is not a disaster.
Man must end. 
Yet, must continue.

So humor me, Let's go into a territory no man really loves to explore. Let's play a game of What if?

So we start.

What if this moment as you are reading, Time finally stops. You know what that means? The Rapture? What do you think you fate will be?
If you have to think too hard, you have failed.

What if tonight you die, God either calls you home like Elijah, or he says to you like that rich man "thou fool, tonight, your soul shall be required out of your hands." Which do you think you'll be?

Before you roll your eyes, take a look around the world where you are now. Does it look like the world you used to know? 

This world cannot last forever. And I have a secret to share. There is no hope in any corner of this world. No. Your hope lies in God. Jesus.

Remember, the Wages of Sin is Death....But God Gifts us eternal life freely.

What if you chose Christ now? What if you reclaim the chapters of your life and hand it over to Jesus to rewrite your story?

What if you decide to find hope beyond this world?
Chose Christ, there is no other choice

With Love,

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