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Friday, June 10, 2022


For over two years now, I have specialized in bringing you a message of hope. So forgive me if I digress a bit.
But I find that I must in fact bring to you the truth which you already know, and what to do with it.
(did I hear you sigh?)
I had the privilege to hear a minister who woke up from a nightmare about a war in Nigeria. The vision was so real, that when he woke up, he wasn't sure which reality he was in.
I'm not going into the details of that dream, but here is what I Know. Nigeria is already at war. PVC won't save us, it's just a paper, only God can. Gone are the days when our cries were for electricity and good roads.  Maybe if we had learned to call on God sooner........

Christian's are troubled that our current president said he'd continue to rule even after election, and they do have reasons to believe that was not a joke.

However, here is the message of hope. I once read a book by Donna Partow, she claimed to have met a woman who was powerful both in heaven and on earth. This woman lived in one of the dangerous hills of USA, and she loves God. A movie rentage company known for selling pornography was going to open in that part of the country, and that woman said "NOT ON MY WATCH." She prayed and decreed and declared, and the building is now used as a church.
I guess my message is this. Believers! You do have authority. Do not wait till we are homeless to pray, Do not engage in mindless antagonistic discussions on Twitter, Pray, and wrestle and declare . Positive things, with Love.
Remember Love is a language that is powerful, do not abandon Nigeria, she needs you.
Where are our women... Powerful Deborah's, Prophetic Intercessors praying with onsite on-site (Nigeria) Where are our Elijah's, calling down fire to put an end to a reign of tyranny.

There is hope for Nigeria yet! We are at War yes!!!
But it's a Spiritual War.


Thursday, June 9, 2022

Holy Spirit:Your Life Coach 🧚

Did you know that in life, we are all athletes? You don't?
Have you not heard about the comparison that Life is a race?
Good. Imagine all tribes, and races on a big massive track. 
You included. Ahead of you, is the longest track you ever saw. With a couple of discouraging hurdles that could claim your life if not properly maneuvered.

In this scenario, you will most definitely be needing a guide book, and an experienced person who can interpret the guidebook for you the right way. Someone who knows all the details of that terribly long track, so you will not get pulled out of the race prematurely.

So life interpretation? You cannot get through life unless you have a coach, and you follow the instruction manual. Jesus already ran that race, and he put all the instructions in the Holy Bible. Guess who was with him during the race?
Holy Spirit!!!!
Yes! And you get the choice of having this same Holy Spirit as your coach today.

Listen, you will always stumble and fumble constantly in life, not because we are, but because you denied the power of God in Keeping you on the right track. No man can on his own finish the race and reach the heavenly finish line. A lot has depended on their strength, and it has landed them in hell.
Remember that we were saved by GRACE, and through FAITH. So, it is not human effort that keeps you saved, it is Faith in the person who offers you Grace freely.

Let him be your Life Coach. Otherwise, you are doomed to fail.
(But seriously, I'd like to see some friends at the marriage supper of the Lamb, whose food will I steal if you are not there. oga o.)

Let's help each other to run this race. When one of us stops listening to the coach, be the pointer that leads him/her back.

Yours -in-track

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Grateful in Not So Great Situations.😶

Good Morning, and Happy First Day of the week.
In light of recent events, there seems like there is nothing to be happy about. I found myself asking questions yesterday, but all the spirit wants is for me to give thanks.

I know for me, it don't make sense, and I know it don't for a lot of us either. 
You fail an exam "give Thanks"
You were duped "give thanks"
You lost a close friend "Give thanks"
All I want to do during those period is complain!!!!!
Let's not forget that during the good times, we are to give thanks too, but it is in our nature to suddenly remember God when he's done us good, and to complain when things are beyond control
I don't know everything there is to know about God, but I can assure you that everything has a reason, and like Mary his mother once told his disciples, I'll tell you this morning

"Whatsoever he says unto you, do it."

Maybe praises isn't our gut reaction to sad and devastating situation, but we have all established that walking the narrow way is a cross to bear, but keep in mind that bearing that cross comes with great reward.
So let us dare to bear it with praises on our Lips.


Saturday, June 4, 2022

Going Back Again.🚩

Hey! It's the weekend, but I want to leave you a message.
Have you ever, done something that you know Jesus would not be proud of?
I know I have done those several times. Then you come away with that terrible internal souvenir that makes you feel like Despite asking for forgiveness, God has put you on his Naughty Child List forever and has decided to turn his nose up at you.
That, my friends, is all a lie.
I bet if anything, God is looking at you and spreading his arms wide to tell you he still loves you.

Haven't you heard?

While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us!!!!

Isnt that amazing?
So you are Loved either ways.
One more thing I need to address. Do not measure God's love my the Christian Life standard.
It took me a while to figure it out, but when I finally did, I didn't like it at all.
Of course, we treat God like another Self-righteous christian, who unfortunately knows all out faults, and we cannot hide it from him.
So we feel condemned, and stay afar like Peter.
It's the weekend, And God still Loves you.
Anytime, Anyway, Any Day, Any Hour, Any Moment.
You are Loved.
Have a Memorable Weekend.


Thursday, June 2, 2022

June and Just!!!!😊

Happy New Month, My fellow Word lovers, it has been a long and silent month in May, but we are back and fully awake in June.

I have a few words to share with you or more like secrets that aren't secrets.
If you are already a good Christian, you are welcome to this space where we seek to make ourselves better.
if you are still struggling to make a choice and decision with your life, well, I do hope to help you make a wise decision.

Now, the secret is This...To do good, You must mostly feel bad. I know it may not make sense, but as a Christian, you are supposed to smile and love all your enemies. Enemies!!!!
The coworker that is trying to get you fired, The friend that lives to gossip about you, the acquaintance seeking to ruin your friendship.

Well, I don't know about you, but that is a very tough pill to swallow. 
But all you have to remember is this 
1) I was once the enemy to Jesus, and he Loved me back into the fold
2) I am not of the world, so I can't act like them
3) Always pray for grace.

So my fellow Word criers. It is great to declare into June, but if ever you find it turbulent too. Pray, If you need reassurance,  reach out to God. 
Nothing can faze you when you have a God as a best friend. 
