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Friday, June 10, 2022


For over two years now, I have specialized in bringing you a message of hope. So forgive me if I digress a bit.
But I find that I must in fact bring to you the truth which you already know, and what to do with it.
(did I hear you sigh?)
I had the privilege to hear a minister who woke up from a nightmare about a war in Nigeria. The vision was so real, that when he woke up, he wasn't sure which reality he was in.
I'm not going into the details of that dream, but here is what I Know. Nigeria is already at war. PVC won't save us, it's just a paper, only God can. Gone are the days when our cries were for electricity and good roads.  Maybe if we had learned to call on God sooner........

Christian's are troubled that our current president said he'd continue to rule even after election, and they do have reasons to believe that was not a joke.

However, here is the message of hope. I once read a book by Donna Partow, she claimed to have met a woman who was powerful both in heaven and on earth. This woman lived in one of the dangerous hills of USA, and she loves God. A movie rentage company known for selling pornography was going to open in that part of the country, and that woman said "NOT ON MY WATCH." She prayed and decreed and declared, and the building is now used as a church.
I guess my message is this. Believers! You do have authority. Do not wait till we are homeless to pray, Do not engage in mindless antagonistic discussions on Twitter, Pray, and wrestle and declare . Positive things, with Love.
Remember Love is a language that is powerful, do not abandon Nigeria, she needs you.
Where are our women... Powerful Deborah's, Prophetic Intercessors praying with onsite on-site (Nigeria) Where are our Elijah's, calling down fire to put an end to a reign of tyranny.

There is hope for Nigeria yet! We are at War yes!!!
But it's a Spiritual War.


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