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Monday, April 4, 2022



Subconsciously, we know this truth about God and our plans. And yet, does it change anything about us?

In today's devotional, for me. I read about how God pushes us out of our comfort zone in other to fulfill our purposes on earth. 
Come to think about it. Have you ever met any man who fulfilled a purpose from his comfort zone??
Not David nor Esther, Not Elijah nor Deborah, Not Jeremiah nor Mary.

Are you getting the trend here Yet?

Wasn't David basically on the run all his life? Look at Paul who is said to be the greatest apostle, How easy did he have it?

You really cannot fulfill that purpose if you are always in your room, in the same vicinity you've been in all your life. The same vicinity that has yet to nurture that purpose, and yet you just think.....Oh, I'll just have to pray more. 

I'm scoffing at you. You are still saying that in the most comfortable of ways. Get uncomfortable, or the devil will get comfortable with you.
It's that easy to choose, but difficult to follow through, but hey!

His grace is sufficient for you.



  1. '' And Saul was consenting unto his death. And at that time there was a great persecution against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles '' Acts 8:1

    Sometimes, God do permit certain things to happen to us which are blessings in disguise.
    *If not for the persecution of the church at Jerusalem by Paul, the disciples of Christ would not have established churches in other places but remained in their comfort zone.
    *If not for the imprisonment of Paul the Apostle, he would not have become the greatest author of the New Testament. Most of his epistles were written from the prison and his writings are now blessing to us.
    * If not for the several trials and persecution of David, there would not have been the book of Psalms for our spiritual diet.
    *If not for the Haman' threat, Esther would not have organised three days prayer and fasting that elevated Mordecai to the place of authority and wrath deliverance for the Jews.
    *If not for hatred exhibited to Joseph by his siblings, he would not have been in Egypt to assume the position of authority.
    *If not because Abraham obeyed God and left his kindred, he would not have become the father of many nations.
    *If not because Mary Magdalene left her comfort zone(house) early enough, she would not have been the first person to see her beloveth Jesus after his resurrection and she would not have proved to the world that no one loved Jesus best than her humble self.

    May God direct our paths and place us where we ought to be in Jesus' Name. Amen


  2. Happy Refreshing Monday!! A True Saying from a Great Mind. More Wisdom of God in Jesus' Name.Amen
