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Friday, April 8, 2022


Tyler Wilson breathed in the cool refreshing air of the evening as he walked along with the college surroundings. The school has been amazing, he is now one of the popular people in college. He partied almost every night and had whatsoever he asked for without struggling to get it. 
He was doing great in his studies as well and he has started to get a lot of opportunities that will make him set for life. His coach had told him just yesterday that some renowned international soccer coaches were going to start to come to his games to watch him and if he can live up to their expectations then he would be drafted into their team.

As he walked along the sidewalk. His eyes caught a newspaper left on a stool someone seems to have left not quite long. Tyler picked up the newspaper and opened it taking his seat on the stool. It was an entertainment newspaper. The front page was filled with interesting A+ list celebrities' latest news mostly scandals about them.
 Tyler flipped through the pages and came to a stop where the headline of a new page read 
"Tragedy struck as famous rapper Rob Dowey dies at age 23 from overdoseπŸ’”.

Tyler read the headline again. He knew the rapper as he was a huge fan of his and he had some of his songs on his phone playlist. Feeling sad about the rapper's death, Tyler closed the magazine and prayed that Rob Dowey rested in peace as memories of his dead sister that he had a hard time suppressing threatened to rise again. Pushing it to the back of his mind, he made his way to his dormitory.

Later that night as Tyler lay on his bed about to sleep, the door opened and his roommate Edward who like him was on the soccer team entered looking very sad. Tyler sat up in his bed and asked him if he was alright.

" Hey man, is everything OK with you? You look so sad." Tyler asked worriedly

" No, I'm not alright at all" Edward replied and Tyler saw that his roomie was struggling to hold his tears back.

" What's going on?" Tyler asked probing further

"My three years old cousins just passed away," Edward said tears now freely streaming down his face.

"We were already told when he was given birth that due to some complications he had when he was still in his mother's stomach, he won't be able to live long and we all had been expecting his death since then but by the time he clocked three, I guess all of us relaxed thinking he would continue to live on even after the age of three but then he is gone now" Edward continued as thick tears continued to fall from his eyes.

" I'm so sorry," Tyler said. Edward had been one of the few who had stuck by Tyler when he had been overwhelmed with grief after the death of his sister, Rose. The two had gotten close then and they saw each other as not just roomies but best friends and brothers.

" Thanks, man. I'm taking the first flight out back home tomorrow so I'll probably be gone before you wake up tomorrow." Edward said as he began to pack his things into a traveling bag.

A few hours later after Edward had finished packing, Tyler reached for the light switch and turned it off.

"Goodnight man." Tyler greeted Edward

"Goodnight" Edward replied

And then after a few minutes had passed, Tyler heard Edward say

"You know you should go too, man. Go home. You know you want to."

Tyler rolled over on his bed looking up. Sure, he often had thoughts of going home and even though he dreaded going back there because he doesn't think he can bear the absence of his sister Rose from there, he also missed his little sister Bella so much as well as his parent. Edward was right, he so badly wanted to go home and the news he read earlier of Rob Dowey passing away came back to him along with that of Edwards's dead cousin. He needed to go home. He doesn't even know how any of his family was faring because he had been plagued by guilt but enough is enough. He couldn't stand it anymore. He wants to know the well-being of his family and most importantly he wants to see them.

" Yeah man, you're right. I want to go home. I miss my family so much...I am going home" Tyler said with a smile and slept off.

With Love,


  1. Hi Grazie here. Thanks for reading. I would love to know what you think of this chapter so please leave a comment below. Have a good weekend and week ahead. Love you❤

  2. '' By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another '' John 13:35.

    This is the time(arrival of Tyler) for Bella to:
    (1) Demonstrate agape love in action to Tyler.
    (2) To prove Tyler wrong of his long time phone call muteness and criticism on Bella for the action that led to Rose....
    (3) Win Tyler for Christ.

    Bella's agape love in action to his brother could be: helping his brother occasionally in washing and ironing of his clothes and football boots; complimenting him on his various achievements; showing of admiration in what his brother loves during especially the godly ones.(Hope Bella is also a lover of football!). These and many more would strengthen their sibling and family tie, and prove Tyler wrong of his muteness and criticism on Bella.

    On this agape ground, Bella could now present the gospel message to her brother. It is Holy Spirit that converts. The Holy Spirit will convict Tyler of music to be a fan of and music not to be a fan of. He will also convict Tyler of some wayward lives.


  3. A Wonder Write up!!
    More of God's Wisdom in Jesus' Name. Amen
