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Friday, April 22, 2022


Bella woke up with a smile on her face. She had just had the most wonderful conversation with Rose ever. Her sister had told her she misses her and loves her and also that she's proud of how Bella is retracing her steps back to God. Rose had also told her that everything would be fine now but Bella didn't know how it could be finer.

 Her parents had started to come back to how they used to be before everything happened and Bella had begun to engage in activities she used to engage in before and she even found school more accomodating but the most wonderful thing was that her best friend, the Holy Spirit was fully back and Bella felt Him everywhere.

It was Saturday and her parent had told her to prepare for a family picnic tomorrow. It's been so. long since they went on one and it made her ache for both her sister who is in Heaven now and her Brother who seems to have completely cut her off from his life after fully blaming her for their sister's death. 

Bella misses Tyler so deeply she often had her fingers lingering on his contact number but never actually dials it because she had no idea what she would say and she wasn't even sure if Tyler had her blocked or not. Several times, she always thought of writing him a letter anonymously as a distant family relative and having it delivered to Tyler's school but had never gotten around to doing it.

Paulina had told her that no matter what Tyler had said, he still considers and loves her as his sister but Bella didn't dare hope to believe it. No one was there when that phone conversation had ensued. No one knew what was said. No one heard the resentment Tyler had spoken to her with has he told her Rose should be here instead of her. No one knew except her and Tyler. Bella never planned on telling anyone and she plans to keep it that way no matter what.

Bella stretched and reached for her Bible on the table beside her bed. After her quiet time, Bella got ready to shower. She kept mulling over the conversation she had with her sister in her dream. It had felt like Rose was very much alive in the park where the conversation in the dream had taken place. 
What was more was how Rose felt so sure of herself when she had told Bella that "from now on, everything would be fine".

Bella felt very much like picking up her phone to call her brother and share her dream with him, perhaps it could maybe help him to get back to himself.

Bella had just finished dressing up and was getting ready for her outing with her friends, Paulina and Summer. The trio had planned to visit the new orphanage that just opened in the next town and Paulina's father was driving them there. Bella picked up her two plastic bags filled with what she was going to give to the children in the orphanage. She called out to her parents that she was leaving for the orphanage and her mum told her to take care while her dad reminded her to take some snacks along in case she got hungry.

 Bella darted back into her room to pick up her phone which she would have forgotten on the table. Organizing herself, Bella picked up the two plastic bags again, cross-checked to see she had everything she needed then headed downstairs to pick some snacks taking enough to feed the rest also, and then opened the door. 

Welcome, Home Brother!!!

Bella stood frozen in shock staring at what was in front of her or rather who was in front of her feeling like she hadn't woken up from the dream with Rose after all and this was the continuation of the dream. However, the sound of her plastic bags falling from her hands brought her back to reality. She looked down at the now fallen plastic bags and up to the face of the person that seem to be standing in front of her. The fact that she often prayed for, wished for, cried for, and most of all, the fact that she misses so much.

Tyler had his hand up ready to ring the doorbell. Bella didn't know what to do so she did the only thing that came to mind and called for her mom.

"MOMMYYYY" Bella shouted her eyes still fixed on Tyler.

"Bella" Tyler said his voice a whisper
Bella felt goosebumps rise on her body. Her brother had just called her no and whispered her name. It wasn't much but it felt like everything to Bella. Behind her, Bella heard her mom's footsteps as she came down the stairs to meet them.

"Whaaattt?!!!! Ty..ler?” Mrs. Wilson said stopping to take in what was in front of her.

" Mummy," Tyler said and ran up to embrace his mum. 

Bella still stood where she was her hand on the doorknob still. Soon enough her Dad also came downstairs and was surprised just as much as the rest had been. After Tyler and Mr. Wilson had embraced. Bella slowly walked toward her brother not meeting his eyes and said her greetings.

"Hello, Tyler" Bella greeted her body visibly tensed up for whatever answer Tyler would give.

Bella saw her parents exchange questioning glances but what she hadn't expected was what happened next. Tyler's eyes grew moist with tears as he picked her up and embraced her tightly.

" Bella. My baby sister. I have missed you. I'm so glad you're doing great. Wow, I've missed you so much" Tyler said tears now streaming down his face. 

Bella felt the tension slowly leave her body as she embraced her brother back as tightly as she could breathing in the smell of him. She had missed him just as much and so much more. After they pulled away, Tyler held her hand and asked if they could talk later. Bella nodded yes and headed upstairs to text Paulina and Summer to tell them she wouldn't be able to make it today because something came up. She received a reply from Summer who told her not to worry and to take her time. 

Bella smiled. 

It's almost like the child knew what was happening. Heading downstairs, Bella grabbed some of the snacks she had taken earlier and headed to meet her brother who was waiting for her in their garden. She reached him in no time and stopped to briefly take in the sight of him.
 He was home. Her brother was home. Bella had no idea how the conversation was going to go but one thing she knew for sure was that everything would be fine. Not because Rose had told her that in her dream but Bella could just feel it. Bella finally reached her brother and took the seat next to him.

"Nothing has changed," Tyler said looking around.

Bella handed him some snacks and the drinks she brought along. Opening her drinks, Bella breathed deeply and replied, 

"Well, welcome home brother"

With Love,


  1. Thank you very much for reading the two chapters. I hope you loved them. Do let me know what you think of it. I love you all and have a lovely weekend and week ahead❤❤

  2. ''Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together! It is like precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron's beard that went down to the skirts of his garment'' Psalm 133:1-3

    Hymns Lyrics: Love at Home
    Kindly heaven smile above,
    When there's love at home,
    All the world is filled with love,
    When there's love at home,
    Sweeter sings the brooklet by
    Brighter beams the azure sky,
    Oh, there's one who smiles
    on high,
    When there's love at home.

    Love at home,
    Love at home,
    Oh, there's one who smiles on high,
    when there's love at home.

    Thank God for the Wilson's home and for the salvation, sanctification and Holy Spirit baptism of Bella. May the fruit of the Spirit(love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith meekness and temperance) in Bella never go dim again in Jesus' Name. Amen


  3. A Wonderful Story/Play Suitable For Christian Families To Read/Watch.

    More Grace Upon The Gospel Writer
