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Friday, April 1, 2022


Mrs Wilson sighed turning off the television. All these sad news shown on the television did nothing for her except gives her a little creep. She was bored and her husband has gone on one of his volunteering service although it had reduced compared to how often he went before. It doesn't really matter tho because most of the times when he was home they were always at odds which left them barely speaking to eachother but what was she to do, their son Tyler has refused to come back home and Bella although has started improving still had a long way to go and Mrs Wilson felt she had no support whatsoever from her husband .

To distract herself a little, she had begun to put in a lot more into church activities but it still wasn't enough. She misses what her family use to be before everything happened. She misses the lovely conversations she always had with her husband, the dates they often went on when the children had gone for sleepovers, the picnic they all had together as a family every Sunday, the way they always held hands and prayed and the love they all had for one another that always shone brightly which made some families covet what they had.

Mrs Wilson never thought things could be the way they were right now. If she could be granted just one wish then she would wish things went back to how they were before Rose's death. She would give anything to have it all back but since that couldn't be done then she would fight for her family, fight for what they had and fight to restore it all back to how best it could be without Rose.

Standing up, Mrs Wilson made her way to the little shelf in the living room. Opening a locker, she pulled up a couple of photo albums and made her way back to the sitter the same one where the family use to sit on and gather around to go through the pictures together going down memory lane and making fun of eachother. Those fun times always ended with a great dinner being served and then prayer of thanks to God for making their family so wonderful and God made then choruses of "I love yous" were made before they all went to bed.

Mrs Wilson continued to go through the pictures and didn't stop even though tears were now rolling down thickly from her eyes. She closed her eyes tightly letting the memories flood her. Had this been the way Job felt when he had lost all his family too? Opening her eyes she picked up a tissue and blew her nose her eyes catching a picture of Rose on her valedictory service giving the valedictoria speech. She had a huge proud smile on her face looking ready to take on anything thrown her way.

"My baby, m..m..y bbab..b..yy" Mrs wilson cried

"My little girl" she wept clutching her chest.

Mrs Wilson curled up on the sofa clutching Rose picture on her chest and let memories of her and her daughter flood her as tears kept streaming down her face through her closed eyes until sleep overcame her.

With Love,


  1. Hello Grazie here
    Please do well to let me know what you think of this chapter. Thanks for reading. Have a lovely weekend and week ahead ❤❤

  2. ''...but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD'' Joshua 24:15e

    There is always a cost in being a true disciple of Christ. Many servants of God in the Old Testaments were one time or the other discouraged in doing the work of God. Moses, Elijah and Jeremiah were typical examples. In the New Testament, Peter and other disciples went back to their formal estate, but later received encouragement from the risen Christ. Our Lord Jesus was at a point overburdened. He prayed to God for the cup to pass over him but quickly surrendered to God because he had put his hands on the plow.

    Bella's father had much responsibilities. Responsibility to provide for Bella, Bella's mum and Tyler, responsibility in his place of work, responsibility in the church, responsibility to friends and extended families, responsibility to fend for himself and care for his health. On several occasion, he might have thought of quitting God's work so that he could have time for himself and his family. But he could not, because he has laid his hands upon the plow and could not turn back(Luke 14:26-27). God is a righteous God. He always protects the family members of His true servants(Though, this story is fictional).

    Message to Mr. Wilson:
    (1) Please, don't be hypocritical in your service to God.
    (2) Remember your family members(wife, Bella and Tyler) are the closest to you. Your family is a big volume of book to your church members. Work on them and make them lights.
    (3) Duty demands that you love your wife in the Lord better than your self. Your love for your wife must be visible to your children and friends and church members. It should provoke them to godly jealousy.
    (4) Please, be wise like Moses who delegated duties to others and find time to rest. ''Activities without Holy Spirit approval destroy the body''
    (5) Bella's needs your attention. Watch Christian movies with her, give her frequent calls, encourage her in what she likes doing best,have family devotion when you are home, sing together with your family, and frequently remind her(Bella) she is a precious daughter of God.(remaining comment below)

  3. (6) Many children of God's servants aren't born again. Ask Bella about her salvation, sanctification and Holy Spirit baptism experiences/testimonies. Seriously and prayerfully work on Tyler's salvation.

    Message to Mrs. Wilson:
    (1) Remember that your primary responsibility is in the home front.
    (2) Strike balance between your home and church activities. Activities uninspired by Holy Spirit worn out the body.
    (3) Be submissive to your husband, crack jokes with him in the presence of Bella
    (4) Be a praying mother(I recommend this movie for you: War Room)

    Message to Bella:
    (Thank God Bella has re traced her step back to God
    (1) Try and understand with your daddy's plentiful responsibilities.
    (2) Have pity upon your father(Thank God he is not a drunker, smoker or womaniser)
    (3) Pray for him, encourage him with good words such as ''more grace sir'' ''love you sir'' ''you are the best dad''. Make friend with your daddy on Facebook, publicize his good works and and share his contents on your social media handle.'' Other children of ministers are doing that for their father.
    (4) Imagine how your daddy will feel, seeing you doing exploits for God in choir, or youth ministry, or children ministry, or campus ministry. He will be grateful to God for blessing him with you.
    (5) Don't bring shame to your father's ministry the way children of Old Testament servants of God brought shame to their fathers.
    (6) Surely, you will leave your parent's home one day for your own home. Let your sibling and parents always remember you for Good
    (7) Your sibling is your assignment. Devil is at work. Prayerfully work on his salvation(I recommend WAR ROOM for you)


  4. Happy New Month!! A wonderful write up from a prolific author. More of God's wisdom in Jesus' Name.Amen

  5. This is a great one dear, looking forward to more from you. A promising writer you're.
