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Monday, March 28, 2022


Have you ever had to go on and on and on because you have a goal in mind? But somehow, the more you try, the farther it seems to become. You became your life coach, you became your motivational speaker, you read other people's success stories. So what is going wrong? Why aren't you there yet?

I'll tell you what I did when I was in your shoes. I broke down. The engine of the car quit the Job. So I had to go look for a mechanic. I talked to Jesus.

Often, when it seems like our own strength ain't enough. It's because we ain't doing it the right way. Our strength was never going to be enough for anything in this world. It is always up to us to go to Jesus to tap strength from him. 
Every step of the way, he wants to know what you are using his strength for.

Carry him along, and you'll never have to break down.
Do not be afraid to plan big. Make exceedingly big plans, and go and get strength from God. Do not map it out in your head and decide on your own 

A wise man once said, "Write your purpose down in Permanent Marker, but write the steps to get there in Pencil."   That's right. 

You decide the steps, take it to God, have to fine-tune, then when you make mistakes, you come back for more fine-tuning.

Remember, Dream Big, Use God's strength.
That's the Key.
You serve a God who creates Rivers in the Dessert.



  1. Joyful Monday and Happy Longest Time!!!

    '' And he took his staff in his hand, and chose him five smooth stones out of the brook, and put them in a shepherd's bag which he had, even in a scrip; and his sling was in his hand: and he drew near to the Philistine. Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Isreal, whom thou hast defiled'' 1 Samuel 17: 40 & 45

    The post reminded me of little David in the Bible who did exploits for God and His people. For forty (40) days, no one could confront Goliath. David stepped in on the fortieth day, not afraid of big Goliath but thought about the biggerness if God. (We all knew the story). He was able to confront Goliath; brought him down in the name of Jesus, and became the number one talk in Israel.

    In the world we are in, God has endowed every one with gifts and talents. All that is required from us is to take the step of faith, employ innovation and carry Jesus along. And soon, God will catapult us to high places.

    There are three basic needs or necessities of man. They are; food, shelter and clothing. Every human being on earth needs these and some people have made it by the production or provision of this commodities. Thank God for sister MaryA that out of her many wealth of skills, she is also venturing into provision of clothings. The great designer has the humble Christian background and could innovate the fashion world with decency, godliness and modesty. This would make her to gain recognition globally and in Heaven.

    May our godly dreams come to reality in Jesus' Name. Amen.

  2. A Wonder Post Full of Inspiration. God bless in Jesus' Name. Amen
