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Thursday, March 17, 2022


Tips To Improve your Life

1) Meditate - 
A lot of people do not have time to catch their breath, and when they do, they think about the day's activities and what they could have done better.
There is a reason for that proverb that said no use crying over split milk. In a local conversation, it is noted that most people do not reflect so that they could handle situations better, but instead focus on how incompetent or pathetic they think that must have looked.

Meditation frees the mind of toxic thoughts and reminds you of all the things around you, that you should be grateful for. It's a mental Power Up for the day.

2) Diligence - To improve your life, you have to be focused and hardworking. There is no way for you to make progress without diligence. A lot of people keep mentioning how they feel their life has been going in circles, and they are waiting for an opportunity to pluck themselves out. Even when you try something entirely new, you are still doing something that you used to do alongside. Do it deliberately and with a goal in mind.

3) After You Fail  -    A lot of people skip this step in the Improving Your Life Tips. However, failure is a part of life. There are so many lessons embedded in failure, that we really do not want to have to learn, but sometimes, it is a privilege to have failed. Many today, fail once and tell themselves "at least, I tried."

What that means is that the dream you were chasing was never too important for your ego to take a beating. What you do after you fail matters a lot, and will affect how you live your life, and relate to others. 

4) Eating Habit -   This may come as a surprise to you, but you can tell a lot about a man by the way he eats. I'm not here to preach eat healthy, because you know that already. I am talking about portions of Food. Being a Foodie is a thing now, but do you know some people cannot sacrifice their food to share with their friends when everyone else is hungry? 

Often, They come off as self-involved and self-centered. Such people find it difficult to see the bigger picture unless they are the stars along every step of the way. However, their eating habit says about them, that they would find it difficult to pay the price of diligence and discipline to attain their dreams.

5)  God -     I am Going to Stop here. If you Believe in God, then you know he has a lot of amazing facts for you. One of my favorites is 
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Now, why won't I want to do all things, when I am using someone else's strength? 

Have a great day!
And an improved life.


1 comment:

  1. True Saying and Words of Wisdom!!

    As we improve ourselves daily, we should also bear in mind the word of the Lord which says '' Not slothful in business; fervent in spirit; serving the Lord'' Romans 12:11.

    We should take enough rest, sleep, food, fruit, water and exercise. We should pursue clearly defined goals and make sure they are devoid of covetousness, pride and unhealthy competition. We should avoid procrastination and have well planned schedule to avoid rushing. These will save us from stress, worry, fear, tiredness and anxiety.

    May the Lord bestow upon us wisdom and improve us morally, spiritually and skillfully in Jesus' Name.

