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Wednesday, March 16, 2022


My days are like a shadow that declineth; And I am withered like grass. But thou, O LORD, shalt endure for ever; And thy remembrance unto all generations.
Psalm 102:11‭-‬12 KJV

I was reading this last night, when it occured to me that in reality, We all live for just a moment.
We weren't made to last, just like all this new phones. We weren't made to last on this side of eternity. There is an ageless side of eternity where the toll of the years won't etch itself on our skins. We will be just as we are.

But before then, how do I live? That is the question that plagued my mind. we do not need an oracle to tell is that we are not here for the fashion, foods or politics. We are here for each other.

What would you do differently if you knew what time, hour and seconds you would die?

I'll give you two possible answers.
You live life like the "YOLO" (You only live once) gang and show up at every club, party and fights.
And when you are close to your death bed, you completely repent.


You find out what your purpose really is, and you go ahead and make God Proud.

As it is now, we do not know our expiring date.

Would you say those who died at the end sars protest signed a death warrant before going? Or an innocent man who slumped in his room and died? Or a woman in labor who never lived to see her child?

Death is all around us, and we all must Expire at one point.

What would you do differently?



  1. '' I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD'' Psalm 118:17
    ''Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil'' Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

    ''We do not need an oracle to tell us that we are not here for fashion, foods or politics...What will you do differently?''
    There are three types of lives individual would be remembered for after pilgrim journey on earth. They are:
    (1) Remembrance for the bad things done on earth
    (2) Remembrance for the good things done on earth
    (3) Remembrance for nothing done on earth

    Song's Lyrics:
    Only remembered, only remembered, only remembered by what we have done.
    Thus would we pass from the earth and its toiling,
    only remembered by what we have done.

    Some evil works of dead souls are still speaking for them and would continue till posterity. They have done the damage and their corrupt works are can not be erased. Heavens are sad while hell are rejoicing. Examples of their evil works are corrupt movies, corrupt music and dance steps, corrupt images and pictures, corrupt wears. Souls of humanity will never forgive them.

    The good works of saintly souls are still speaking for them and till posterity. Notably among them are; apostle Paul, Mary Magdalene, Thomas Edison, Mary Slessor, John Wesley, Samuel Ajayi Crowder and others.

    Moral Lessons:
    (1) Now that we are living in internet world: We should be careful of our spoken words, written words, comments and posts on social media as they can be used against us in future while living. Our posts if not immediately deleted are forever saved and could either be a blessing or corruption to our generations and posterity
    (2) Jesus Christ is the best confidant. We should be mindful of who we are reporting ourselves to as they could turned against us and make us a public talk.
    (3) Our talents, skills and gifts must be used for God's glory and betterment of others
    (4) We should be mindful of what we do in secret or private as there is a greater one with us seeing us.
    (5) People are no more reading the Bible but they are reading us. We should be careful the way we live our lives, the kind of clothes we put on.

    May we be remembered for good works in our generation and posterity, and may Heavens commend us for good works in Jesus' Name.


  2. '' With long life will He satisfy us, and shew us His salvation in Jesus' Name. Amen(Psalm 91:16)

    May our lives bring glory to God in our generations and posterity in Jesus' Name. Amen
