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Tuesday, March 1, 2022


The fear of man bringeth a snare: But whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.
Proverbs 29:25 KJV

I and my friend have found ourselves in a position where we either have to do what someone else says (an elderly) or risk disappointing them. We have to choose between disappointing our families, and friends or disappointing them. Naturally, we want to disappoint our family and friends because we think. Yh, they will understand.

However, we soon realized we would be that friend or family member they could not rely on because they are always available for someone else but their family.
Now it seems our hands are tied because we work for these elderly people too.

In cases like this, we realized that we had to depend on the wisdom of God. What Would Jesus Want Us To Do?

Maybe your case is just A Tad bit different. Remember that Your family is very important. This weekend, I was ready to stand my ground, and tell this elder what I think of their demands, and why I would like them to miss me with such demands later in life.

The same bible that says we should respect our parents and elders, told us that God is not a respecter of persons.
This is how tricky the situation is. Sometimes, we need God's wisdom e on how to respect our elder's wishes, and other times, he tells us to be brave and put our foot down.

He told us to go in the courage of Elijah.
I pray that God will help us.

Happy New Month!!




  1. Happy New Month!!!

    '' Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ '' Ephesians 6:1&5

    As Christian workers, we are to be in subjection to our boss whether they are believers or unbelievers. We are expected to remain humble and meek as sheep when maltreated. By so doing God will defend us, and we will melt their hearts and win them to Christ when they see our Christlike disposition. Beside, they might directly or indirectly recommend us and be of help to us. One reason why Jonathan so much loved David was the meekly and humbly disposition of David to his cruel father(Saul).

    As children, we are to obey our biological and spiritual parents in the Lord. Jesus is our perfect example. At the age of 12 , He did not question the authority of His parents (when He stayed back in the temple conversing with the doctors of law), but obeyed and followed them.

    However, there are exemptions where we need to stand our ground especially in matters that challenge our faith. Typical characters that stood their ground and were commended by God and men were:
    (1) Daniel: He stood his ground and prayed to God three times against the decree made by King Darius. He was delivered from Lion's den and the same king Darius commended him for standing is ground and made another decree to reference the God of Daniel.
    (2) Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego: They stood their ground refusing to be fascinated with Babylonian music and worship of golden image set by King Nebuchadnezzar. They were delivered from fiery furnace, and the same Nebuchadnezzar made another decree to the whole world to worship the God of the trio friends.
    (3) The Rechabites: The stood their ground and reject the strange command of God at the mouth of great prophet Jeremiah to drink wine. They were commended by God for passing the great test.
    (4) David: David stood his ground and humbly refused the request of his siblings not to fight the Lord's battle. He fought Goliath and was commended by everyone for his bravery.

    NB: We should not allow our stand concerning any issue generate hatred, malice, bitterness against our boss or those placed in position of authority over us.

    May we never be foolish as the young prophets and may we never be lazy as the servant that went and hid his master talents in Jesus' Name. Amen


  2. '' Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works; and glorify your Father which is in Heaven '' Mathew 5:13 & 16.

    As Christians, we are salt and light of the world; expected of us to brighten the corners where we are; We are not the ones to tell other people that we are Christians but they are the ones to call us Christians when they see the Christlike lifestyle in us. If the light(Holiness within and in outward modesty) of Christ in us is very bright, of course, we will command the respect of both believers and unbelievers. But if our light is dim, people will question our faith, despise us and entice us.

    May our Christian lights never go dim; may God make us real soldiers of Christ, fierce and respected by both godly and ungodly people in Jesus' Name. Amen





    ��TEXT:JUDGES 8:1-3��

    ����```KEY VERSE:``` _*"God hath delivered into your hands the princes of Midian, Oreb and Zeeb: and what was I able to do in comparison of you? Then their anger was abated toward him, when he had said that"*_ _*(JUDGES 8:3).*_

    The scriptural truth that a soft answer turns away wrath played out well in the situation between Gideon and the aggrieved men of Ephraim over the battle against the Midianites. In all good conscience and truth, Gideon had sought God and indeed the support of other Israelites including the men of Ephraim in the present war against Midian.

    It was reported that "Gideon sent messengers throughout all mount Ephraim, saying, Come down against the Midianites, and take before them the waters unto Beth-barah and Jordan. Then all the men of Ephraim gathered themselves together, and took the waters unto Beth-barah and Jordan" (Judges 7:24). The Ephraimites turned around to confront Gideon for not mobilising them to join the battle from the beginning. They did not bear in mind that it was God's battle, as He scaled down the number of soldiers earlier assembled for this battle. The attitude of the feuding Ephraimites was not founded on reasonable grounds.

    However, the reaction of Gideon to the Ephraimites in this circumstance is commendable. We should not join issues with individuals who are in the wrong and do not understand the mind of God and the workings of His Spirit. Gideon knew that he had not offended any man, but still rendered detailed apologies to his chiding brothers.

    We must learn to follow peace with all men and maintain holiness of life without which no man shall see the Lord (Hebrews 12:14). God will avert all troubles for us as we follow His directive and trust Him for promised victory.

    ✍��```THOUGHT FOR THE DAY:``` _*A soft answer is golden indeed.*_

    cal battle with levity as if you alone can do it? Don't you see the avoidable danger you would have put all of us if we were not available for you when those enemy kings were running away?
    f. Manasseh was provoked and of course their comment also could be very provocative to Gideon, 8:1-3.

    If you were Gideon how would you have reacted?

    *2. Possible response*
    a. Gideon could have fired back that that is how he was led by God.
    b. He could have boasted of how his method worked and defeated the enemy.
    c. He could have proudly rebuked them for not giving him praise and honour after winning such a great battle.
    d. He could have ignored them since he must have been tired due to the stress of the war.
    e. Interestingly, in victory, Gideon was still very careful about what came out of his mouth. He took the path of peaceful resolution and tongue.

    *3. Peaceful resolution*
    a. Gideon, as a great leader, knew that the path of true wisdom and godliness is the path of peaceful resolution to every conflict, Hebrews 12:14.
    b. It is a path of humility. He humbled himself before them even though he was the army General, vv2,3.
    c. It is a path of self condescension and exaltation of others and their achievements above him, vv2,3.
    d. It is path of thoughtful and peaceful use of the tongue while answering the provoked or the provocators, vv2,3.
    e. It is the path of a truly converted person who loves peace sincerely, vv2,3.

    What is the wisdom in Gideon's use of peaceful tongue as opposed to "fire for fire" or angry response?

    *Prayer points*
    Lord, touch my heart and make me a lover of peace��
    Lord, circumcise my heart and remove every inner tendency to exhibit pride and self when there is conflicy?��
    Let your word of peace prevail in my family and church and destroy every seed of conflict��
    Lord, rebuke all those that are given to wars against Ukraine, neutralise their strategies and destroy their weapons of war��

    *HYMN* Gracious Spirit dwell with me
