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Friday, March 11, 2022


Bella flipped the pages of the book in front of her but she wasn't seeing any of the words before her. Her mind was far away, the way it had been since that day she heard a voice in the park. Bella didn't know what to make of it nor did she understand what the voice meant. Closing the book, Bella sat back in her chair and closed her eyes trying to recur the event. Bella knew fully well enough that the voice was from God but the question is why? The Holy Ghost had left her so why would God reach out and talk to her not like what He said helped anything but why did God bother at all.

It was Thursday which meant there was a revival service in the church. Bella got up, took a shower, and for the first time in months, she got dressed for church. She needed answers to all these questions and confusions that she has been dealing with since the park event and if she was going to get answers there was only one sure place she could go which was church.

 Bella looked at the time, she was already an hour late which left just two hours more for the service to be over. That was okay with her since all she wanted to do was see the pastor after service to tell him what happened so he can give her the answers she needed.

Some minutes later, Bella walked into the church making some of the congregation turn their heads, Bella heard some of them begin to whisper to each other. She sighted her parent, her mother was in the front seat while her father was seated on the podium looking as shocked as some of the congregation. Mrs. Wilson turned around just then to see what had caught her husband's attention and her mouth dropped open just as her eyes grew wide as she watched her daughter make her way into the church.

Bella felt a small hand tug at her hand and looked down. It was Summer signaling her to take the space beside her. Bella dropped down on the seat and patted Summer's head smiling at her.
"I prayed for this" Summer spoke

"Prayed for what?" Bella asked in a whisper. The last thing she wanted was to gain more attention from the congregation.

"This. You come to church." Summer replied also dropping her voice to a whisper.

"Oh," Bella said and turned her attention to the front. 

The pastor was saying something about the gifts of the Spirit. Bella listened with rapt attention. Maybe she would start getting some answers from here. It had been forty minutes but Bella hadn't gotten what she wanted. Sliding back on her seat, Bella closed her eyes preparing to doze off when she felt a cool tap and a voice in her ear saying   

" If you shall seek the LORD your God, you will find him, if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul."

Bella sat upright and opened her eyes.

"Did you tap me?" Bella asked Summer.

"No. I didn't" the child replied

"Did you say something then?" Bella continued.

"No I didn't..wait Bella were you sleeping?" Summer asked 

" I didn't get to" Bella muttered under her breath.

This just added more to her need to get answers and what was it with the voice speaking to her in riddles? She wanted answers only nothing more. It had nothing to do with God so why did the voice say she is seeking God? Bella couldn't wait for the service to be over so she can finally get to ask the pastor all her questions and get the answers she needed but for now, she had to listen to the rest of the sermon.

With Love,


  1. Hi Grazie here. I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Do let me know what you think of it. Thank you and have a happy weekend.

  2. '' Not forsaking the assembly of our selves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching '' Hebrews 10:25

    As the hospital is for the those that are sick in the body; so also is church for those that are spiritually sick. One might not appreciate fully, the importance of going to church until one was shown a little taste of Hell and Heaven. The Church is the heavenly embassy and spiritual health center, where individuals and families gather in the name of Jesus; to reference God in worship through spiritual songs, to hear heavenly inspired sermon, to pray and to edify/uplift one another unto good works.

    Experimentally, the spiritual life of an active born again member(who; is either among the choir, ushers, children teachers, youth teachers or any and involving in cooperate and personal evangelism) would be stronger than ordinary member who is always; going to church late, skipping fellowships and picking fault in other church workers and church activities. Of course, there would be surprises in Heaven. Those busy serving the Lord will have greater mansions in Heaven than those who are passive in the service of God.

    Bella made a good decision by making herself available in the Church to seek the Lord. Her parents, friend (Summer) and the church at large were very happy to see the presence of Bella in the church, because she was loved. Her case was just like the prodigal son who returned back to his father. If the church could be so happy of the Bella's presence; imagine how joyous angels in heaven which are before the heavenly father would be, rejoicing that a sinner/backslider has come back home.

    On the matter of Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is a Jealous God. The Holy Spirit has an enemy call flesh. They always battle together for the soul of a person. And there are there three types of spirit, namely; Holy Spirit, human spirit and evil spirit. Man is a tripartite being(body, soul and spirit). The tripartite is just like three concentric circle rings. The outer concentric contains the body, the middle contains the soul and the innermost contains the spirit. It is the spirit of man that is connected to Spirit of the triune God(Father, Son and Spirit).

    A genuine born again child of God has the Holy Spirit of God, while a sinner has the evil spirit of Satan. The human spirit is not inert. It is either bonded with the Holy Spirit or Evil Spirit. When the Holy Spirit keep warning a person on a particular issue and he/she refuses to submit, He will be grieved and leave the person for the Evil spirit(s) to come in.

    The Holy Spirit can be grieved from the outer concentric body when idolised, adorned with idols and adulterated (tatooing, bleaching, idols of nose rings, ear rings, neck chains, demonic attachments of nails, eye lashes and hairs obtained from '' market world '', worldly music, corrupt scenes, smoking, drinking, sexual immoralities and others). The Holy Spirit can also be grieved from middle concentric soul through lust, impure thoughts, anger, hatred and evil imaginations.

    The backslidden christian may be deceived by Satan to think he/she has the Holy Spirit just because he/she can speak in tongues. The speaking in tongues is not the only evidence of Holy Spirit. Speaking in tongues that is not accompanied with fire is only fleshy or demonic. The Holy Spirit manifested in form of tongues in the disciples on the day of Pentecost because many He needed to get the gospel message across to the different tribes and nations with differs languages which gathered at Jerusalem for pilgrimage.(CONTINUE IN THE SECOND COMMENT)

  3. God is compassionate and loving father, '' If you shall seek the LORD your God, you will find him, if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul'' eager to restore back the Holy Spirit in Bella. Imagine how the church would be that day; if Bella could join church work force(preferably choir) and use her beautiful sonorus voice to render a beautiful heavenly inspired song to the congregation.
    (I recommend a 2017 American Christian Movie titled ''A Question of the Faith'' to Bella. This story flows along with Bella's story).
    Thanks for the consistence write ups
