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Thursday, March 3, 2022


Self - Development

Yeah, it's that Topic.

Firstly, I think we can all agree, that without progress, life will be full of emptiness.
It is a shame that many assume that, because life seems to progress on its own, they have also progressed along with it.

Those are not quite true. Real progress takes Real and Conscious Effort. Anything that demands progress, demands real and conscious effort.

In five years, do you still want to be where you are right now, doing the same things, with the same sets of skills?

I know the majority are comfortable where they are as long as the pay is good. At least, they are comfortable until someone close to them leaves them behind, then they begin to scramble, trying to catch up.

This is called Self-Development, not Community Development. So if you are not ready to develop yourself without waiting for a partner or friend, this post is not for you.

These are a few Steps to Self-Development

Have a Plan -    I know you have heard this lots of time, but having a plan guides you in your area of development

Learn to say No -  This is very difficult for most people, but usually, when you have a goal/plan, it gives you the courage and a reason to say No. Not every Task is for you. It's not disrespect, it is spending the valuable time, God gave you wisely.

Get Out-  What I mean is, do not stay in your comfort zone. This is not an era where opportunity comes looking for you. You create opportunities. Try something different, and celebrate your little wins

Be Persistent-  This is where the remaining 50%  of your Self-Development lies. It won't matter if you tried all the steps above, and gave up later, you have to continue steadily, consistently, and persistently, especially when you don't feel like it.

See you at the Top.


1 comment:

  1. True Saying and Words of Wisdom

    '' Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: Which having no guide, overseer, or ruler, Provideth her meat in the summer, and gathereth her food in the harvest'' Proverb 6:6 - 8

    Moral Lessons from Ant:
    (1) Ants are tiny creatures but mighty in wisdom and power.
    (2) They are silent workers and builders.
    (3) They never complain of lack of equipments. They work with their physical energy, talents and skills.
    (4) They always welcome one and another ideas, go for the best and engage in team work.
    (5) Very intelligent and industrious.
    (6) They always plan for the future.
    (7) They never procrastinate.

    May our God's given dreams and purpose come to reality in Jesus' Name.
