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Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Say to those who are broken hearted, do not be afraid. The lord your God is strong, and with his mighty hands, when you call on his name, will come and save you.

~ Bob fitts

The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; And saveth such as be of a contrite spirit.
Psalm 34:18 KJV

Heartbreak! It is low-key a dreaded word. So many things tend to want to break our hearts each day. To crown it all, Jesus promised that we will suffer such things similar to heartbreaks. It is a part of life. ugh.

We associate heart break with Relationships, but heartbreak is wider than that. That feeling you get about yourself as if you are a waste of space? Yep. Heartbreak.

Sometimes, it's because we have failed and we watch all our dreams, plans and labors come crashing down in rubble's around us. That's heartbreak.

When people in your life choose to believe a lie about you instead of having faith in you. It's heartbreak.

When you start feeling guilty about something you did wrong, or something you should have done and failed to do. Heartbreak.

Death of a loved one? Heart break.

The list goes on and on, and you find that heartbreak lurks at every corner, and you just have to be careful that it doesn't jump on you.

But really, we do not have control over this circumstances.
Heartbreak comes in various shapes and sizes, but you have got to believe that God is closest to you in that moment.

If you have a child, that suddenly screams your name in agony, no matter where you are, or who is in front of you, you would leave whatever it is you are doing and go to that child. The child will still feel the pain, but there is a sense of assurance that his/her parent will take care of it.

Sometimes we call on God in our heartbreaks and grief, but when he comes, we push him away and tell him the pain is greater than he could fix.

It's difficult, but God can and will heal you if you let him. He will never leave you in that position alone. He's here for you.

Close your eyes, take a deep, deep breath and let him have it all. Your anger, your pains, your heartbreaks, and let him comfort you.



  1. ''Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee'' Isaiah 49:15

    God the Son is a loving and compassionate friend. He is always doing good, protecting and caring for whomever approach Him. He never breaks the hearts of any man but it is man that always breaks His heart through sin and disobedience.

    Imagine that! All the twelve (12) best friends of Jesus who dined with Him forsook him during His trying times. Judas was the first. He sold Jesus because of money. Other ten (10) disciples including Jesus beloveth (John) were the second. They varnished and abandoned Jesus. Peter was the third. He denied Jesus three times and called His best friend ''That Man''. Peter the rock '' upon which Jesus promised to find His Church'' not only denied Jesus when He was alived but dismantled the church of Christ. He went back to square one with the other disciples ''Simon Peter saith unto them, I go a fishing. They say unto him, We also go with thee. They went forth, and entered into a ship immediately; and that night they caught nothing ''John 21:3.

    '' The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe'' Proverb 18:10.

    The righteous is assured, saved, protected, provided and cared for by Jesus. The righteous is not forsaken in relationship that has Jesus in it. The righteous should remain righteous so that God's special promises and covenants are not terminated. The righteous should never joke with prayers; prayers for his/herself, beloved, friends, family members, church members and enemies.

    May the Lord continues to keep us righteous in Christ in Jesus' Name. Amen

  2. More Grace upon the Great Writer in Jesus' Name. Amen
