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Friday, February 25, 2022


Bella woke to the sound of her alarm clock. Stretching, she yawned and flipped the cover off her and got off the bed. Taking the alarm clock she turned it off and dragged herself into the bathroom. She took a quick bath and got dressed in her school uniform which consisted of a wine pleated skirt which used to be beyond her knees but she has had it shortened to a little above her knees now. The white long sleeved oversized shirt she used to wear has now been held in the sides to make them tight on her. Donning on a wine sweater that had the name of the school Bella attends on it, St Augustine High School.
Bella rushed downstairs grabbed two pancakes out of the plates left on the dining table and walked out of the house where a car was waiting to pick her up. She entered into the white car driven by her bestfriend dads. The whole ride to school was akward which was unusual because Bella and Mr Peters use to banter a lot and Mr Peters considered Bella his daughter but now the man just kept glancing at her in the mirror not knowing what to do or say to her especially since Bella had put on headphones after replying to Mr Peter greetings with a nod. Bella didn't even seem interested or happy to see Paulina who was her very best friend after a long time. When Paulina had grinned broadly happy to see her bestfriend again, Bella barely even acknowledged her bestfriend's presence and had only answered Mr Peters greeting with a nod before shutting them all out by putting on headphones which had music blarring from it.
Shutting her eyes, Bella thought if her decision to go back to school was the best thing. Her parents had offered to change school for her to get her a fresh start but Bella had refused because she didn't want anyone to think of her as a weak person. She really wasn't looking forward to seeing her school mates or friends but maybe just maybe school would fill some of the emptiness in her since school was one of Bella's favourite place and she actually felt kind of excited to go to school again after taking off some time she was given to mourn her sister's death.
The car came to a stop infront of St Augustine High. Bella got out of the car and walked into the school and from the corner of her eyes she saw Paulina running to meet up with her. Paulina Peters and Bella Wilson has been friends since the time they first met at kindergarten and the two were very close. They did everything together and Paulina and Bella always slept over at eachothers house all the time. Paulina often went out on outings with both the Wilson sisters when Rose was still alive and Rose was like an elder sister to her. She and Bella had held eachother at Roses funeral and cried. However after the funeral, Paulina felt her bestfriend distancing herself from her. Bella wouldn't return her calls or reply her messages and whenever she had gone to visit Bella no matter how long she waited, Bella refuse to show up and despite all this Paulina never failed to always text her bestfriend sending her Bible verses, songs they both sung when Bella was still in the choir and letting her know she would be there for her no matter what.
As Paulina and Bella walked into the school, Bella took off her headphone looking around her. Students were heading towards her with cards and flowers in their hands but what Bella was focused on were the pictures of Rose pasted almost everywhere in school. Bella felt anger bubbling up inside her but kept her peace as she kept on walking struggling hard not to make eye contact with any of Roses pictures pasted. Soon she walked to her locker where she became surrounded by a lot of students holding out their flowers and cards to her. She ignored them and found her way to the principal's office. Bella could feel the gaze of the students behind her and she couldn't tell if it was because they were wondering at the change in her uniform or because they felt pity for her. Bella didn't care either way she had caught some of the students wisphering about her in the hall. Bella knocked once and entered the principal office where she found the principal and other teachers in the office.
"Come in Bella, we were just discussing about you. You haven't missed much and your teachers are willing to help in anyway they can to help you catch up with the rest" Principal Reynold says
Bella nodded hoping this would be the end of the conversation
"I am sure you have seen the pictures of Rose we put up. We are holding a service in honour of her this Friday since she was an exemplary alumni student of this school" Mrs Reynold went on
"And you're having it now since her death. Why?" Bella couldn't help asking.
" Your presence and that of your parent is needed so we waited till you got back to school" Mrs Reynold replied.
Bella has always had nothing but love and respect for Mrs Reynolds. Mrs Reynolds has always come through for Bella when she was having any school problem and she sometimes referred to the woman as her guardian infact the whole school looked up to Mrs Reynold.
"Ok, I'll be sure to inform them" Bella said
What Bella really wanted to say was that she wasn't looking forward to having any memorial service with bunch of people who either didn't know who Rose was or never bothered to know her or knew her but never really cared come and pretend like her sister meant something to them. 
After sometime, Bella was dismissed and as she found her way down the hall to walk into her classroom, her breath caught and she reached for the nearest wall and slid down it as memories of she and Rose in school came flooding back. Who was she kidding? Rose was a huge part of school for her and there is no way she would cope with school withwout her sister.
Who would pick her up from school and take her to the nearest restaurant to talk about the day event? Who would she talk to about what volunteer club to join for the new session? Who would she vent her problems to and who could understand her perfectly the way Rose did? The bell rang and Bella picked herself from the floor wiping her eyes feeling grateful that the hallway was still empty and no one had seen her fall apart. She picked her way to class carefully willing the day to move fast so she could get school overwith and go home.

With Love,


  1. Hello, its Grazie here. Don't forget to share your thoughts and opinions here. Have a lovely weekend❤

  2. '' When then unclean spirit8s gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came9ut; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished'' Matthew 12:43-45

    Firstly, the problem of Bella started when she permitted the spirit of anger to enter her - just because her parents did not honour Rose....

    The evil spirit of anger also invited another spirit of hatred and unforgiveness. These evil spirits now coordinately invited the spirits of worldliness (worldly music, sensual and wears, idols of neck chains, nose rings, Jezebel eye lids, pink dye hair, finger nails: Genesis 35:1-4)
    What a pity! Bella is now demonic possessed and urgently needed deliverance. Without deliverance, she will never be appreciative of love and care that anyone would give her. Bella should look up to Jesus now and live.


  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Bella story has now become a Super Story, best fit for conversion into a movie by a respectable and godly Christian Drama Ministry
    Honestly, Bella needs spiritual deliverance and a Christian psychologist to handle her case.
