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Tuesday, August 15, 2023



John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

Yoruba has an adage about "somebody that goes to sleep with fire burning on their rooftop."
in this regards, there are two categories of christians I'd like to address.

1) The one that is aware, but can't be bothered. I call them the soft life kind of christian. They see the trouble, but would rather succumb to other forms of distractions than deal with the issues in their lives. 
This kind of people, when the wind blows and their house that is built on the sand begins to crumble, they begin to act like martyrs. God after all I have done for you, the enemy is a liar, God do not let my enemies rejoice over me. 
But you have been warned to take heed, lest you fall.

2) The ignoramus. They are the completely blind kind of christian, whose discernment level has lowered to almost non-existent.
The bibles warning to watch and pray is for the over serious believers who makes everything about. God, God, God.
One of the worst things about this set of people is that they can rationalize anything. They will give reasons for what is happening instead of Going to God for revelation and insight, they interprete from their own mind, and therefore are easily frustrated. 

It is easy to say this one's have built sand castles and have been living in them.
It is also sad to realize that the devil has closed the shutters over there eyes of understanding, so that they move around and live their lives as one without the knowledge of God. 

The bible talks about them as "having the form of godliness, but denying the power thereof."

What should you do when you get troubling news?

The obvious thing we do is look for someone who will downplay it and give us hope that it will all be fine.
Humans promises holds no weight. Run to God, and he will catch you, he will embrace you and also guide you through the process. 
The psalmist testifies that God was with him through "the valley of the shadow of death."

Don't underestimate God.

Have a lovely day.


Thursday, August 3, 2023


Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. 

It's interesting how we change and yet remain the same.
What I mean is how we chase time because of what is ahead of us.
We want the month to move quickly, and when the new year arrives, we delude ourselves into thinking we have a better chance at something when in reality we need to reverse our focus and come back to ourselves.

The bible made us understand that God doesn't change, but that doesn't mean we don't need to.

It is in humans nature to need change, which is why even your physiology begins to change with time. You may not notice it. you man feel 16 and yet you are 30 years old. That is one of the wonders of life. How time flies without us noting the significance of it in ourselves.

Each moment that flies brings us closer to the end of our lives, where we have to stand before God and recount how we have spent the moments of our lives.

Were we fruitful servants? or did we chose to be unaware of time and wasted out lives as such?

God doesn't change, we need to.
Think about the last five years of your life, how quickly the time flew by. Are you still moving in circles. Being a baby christian that falls today and rises tomorrow? Are you living your life in circles or are you following the footprints of God?


Tuesday, July 18, 2023


2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise. 

There are things you just don't bother fighting for, and Wonuola had removed herself from the running long ago.

She had learnt an unpleasant lesson that came with slight bitterness and a touch of envy. Competing with others even if you are on the same path never ends well.

She had learnt to repeat to herself words like "it doesn't matter that Ropo got there before me, what matters is that I'm there now, and I'm happy"

Unfortunately the enjoyment of such moments are shortlived before she's reminding herself again that she doesn't have to catch up to anyone. she is at the place where God wants her to be.

The bible made us realize that they that compare themselves with themselves are not wise...

Wonuola had learnt this lesson the hard way, but she didn't learn it the way God wanted her to understand it.

Understanding it God's way would mean that at any point in time where she finds herself, she is joyful and finds peace, she is able to glory in God, because the steps of the righteous are ordered by God.

However, if she perceives stagnancy , she could also take it up with God. At no point in time is she supposed to look at her colleagues and try to rationalize her way of the situation shes in.

Her solution on the surface may seem okay, in the sense of anyone who is not of the father, or doesn't know their inheritance in Christ.

While repeating positive phrases through the day is great and reminding yourself of things you shouldn't do is okay. Reminding yourself of God's word is even better.

However, there are some burdens we take on, that are not necessarily ours. immersing ourselves in God, eliminates such distractions

Stay in God's space through the moments, a moment at a time.


Tuesday, July 11, 2023



Proverbs 28:13 He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh them shall have mercy.

'Keep it a secret' is a common phrase used to tell a friend or a confidant not to share certain information.

There is a difference between keeping a secret, and keeping things private. Often times, secrets tend to be dark, and revealing it comes with liberation. The feeling of a heavy load being removed from you.

Why is that? Should what you are keeping trouble you so?

Imagine this. You hid something hurriedly under your chair, and used your flowing gown to cover the chair, you will not be able to leave that chair, until the person you are hiding from leaves. 

There tends to be bondage in secrets, but have you considered a question?

What if your secret is keeping a secret?

Most things we hide are the things we are not proud of. But the ugly sides to this things are that they are heavily expensive.

The bible made us to understand the wages of sin is death.

Maybe it is time to release yourself from that chair, and throw caution to the wind.

The kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent takes it by force.

There is only relief to be found at the foot of the cross.
Unleash all those secrets, God will not cast you out. He knows already.

Openly yours,

Tuesday, June 27, 2023


Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Remember how we used to count down to Christmas or our birthdays, or end of the year party, or children's day celebration? There usually is an air of anticipation and suppressed joy bubbling within us.

In similar manner, the devil often paints pictures of terrible scenes or potential evil that could happen to you, or to your loved ones, and you Begin to anticipate bad news, when God had no such plans for you.

We have simply opened the door of torment to ourselves. Some christians even go as far as to ascribe this evil premonition to the Holy spirit. They say things like " My instincts have never failed me before, that's how God talks to me."

Unfortunately this occurs because such christians have list touch with the reality of Who God is, and that in his presence, there is Fullness of Joy.

So where does this bad premonition come from? 
What should we do about them?

Do not incubate those thoughts!
Kick them out, Yes, them. The thoughts and the demon feeding you such thoughts.

Remember that God has no plan of evil for your  life.

He who gave his son to ransom your soul, would once again do any thing to keep you safe.

You are the apple of his eyes.
You are loved of God.

With Love,

Tuesday, June 20, 2023


Let no one despise or think less of you because of your youth, but be an example (pattern) for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12 AMPC

Most people for find themselves in certain areas of leadership mist have weathered some 'storm', garnered experiences and more.
Leadership position isn't something that is taken lightly. 

You hardly find and organization that is worth something position a total amateur as it's head, to operate the in and outs of it's details.

This also applies to us in the household of faith, before you can be an exemplary member to others, your walk with God and relationship has to be strong.

No man can serve two masters. To be an example like the bible wants us to, we must first go to God's training school, and learn of him.

However, there are times we battle invisible things like others peoples opinion of us, or out own lack of faith in ourselves.

This are tools that the devil has borrowed in time past to ensure that the truth remains untold. Hidden.

What kind of man would light a candle and put it away on a cellar or under his bed? 

What the world desperately needs is the light of the word of truth.
If others are not thinking twice of flaunting their levels of depravity, why would you for a minute think you do not have much to give.

Any time God's call comes for us, I pray our response will be immediate like Isaiah's.

Here I am, send me.

Have a lovely day,

Tuesday, June 13, 2023


Habakkuk 1:2 O Lord, how long shall I cry, and thou wilt not hear! even cry out unto thee of violence, and thou wilt not save!

How many times have we heard of brutal injustice being served to humanity, and the culprit not brought to justice?

The closest one I can think of right now, are the Owo and Toll gate massacres. Why does it seem that when all this were happening, God was watching?

After all, Nothing catches him by surprise! A lot of backsliders have their reasons for backsliding rooted in the fact that they cannot understand a God who is slow to mete out judgement on the wicked, and would "let" or watch the innocent suffer.

To my understanding, Sin is sin before God, I know it's a bit difficult to comprehend, because I struggle with comprehending it myself, but there is no big or little sin, because it is still the same blood of Jesus that washes them clean.

However, if we beseech God to quick judgement, would you be left unscathed? Wouldn't it affect you as a person? Or your close and loved ones?

We ought to remember especially in the difficult times, that God is not man, he is merciful and he is not unjust. 
Self -pity and Self- righteousness anger will do no one good.

In our passage today, the full passage recorded prophet Habakkuk's grief over God's silence on Judgement. This is not something we are experiencing in this time alone, It has happened before.

Remember, his ways are not our ways. Seek his face when you don't understand, and he will answer you.

God bless,

Tuesday, June 6, 2023


Put off your old self, which belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness. ~Ephesians 4:22-24

Growing up, we have dabbled into so many things, and our parents help us to unlearn them.

Some kids suck on their Thumb, some bite their nails, some pick their nose and go as far as to suck on it. This habits are carefully broken with constant discipline and actions from the parents.

Imagine an adult say working as a manager in a big company, and on your visit, you met him sucking on his Thumb. Well, that would not only influence your perspective of him, you would also perceive the individual as immature and unable to handle certain responsibilities, that individual cannot be the face of the company. In fact, the only way a company would retain such person would be if they were exceptionally good at their work, and haven't found a replacement yet.

Bad Habits in the Kingdom are like little Foxes we over look, but their tails are lit with fire that is slowly destroying the works that God has wrought in your life overtime.
Bad Habits could be the Music you listen to, The kinds of books you read, The way you think of yourself more highly than you should, Wayward thoughts, Inconsiderate actions, Inhumane treatment of the people God has called your neighbor, and the likes.

How do we break bad habit?
No one can break a habit without external help. Whether through getting more information or consulting someone for help.

We need to get closer to God, and Read the bible. Spiritual ba habits are not broken, by focusing on the Bad habits, but instead by focusing on God. When we look into God and follow after him, His perfections begins to erase our imperfections.

You cannot chase darkness by burrowing or learning more about darkness, No. You chase darkness, by moving Closer to the Light.

Every Solution you need Is found in Christ, who supplies all our needs according to his riches in glory.

Break that Habit.


Wednesday, May 31, 2023


Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present  your bodies a living  sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

Do you know what a puppet is?
Those wooden toys that are often attached to ropes and controlled behind the scenes to take certain actions that could be entertaining.

Well, you may not like what I am about to tell you, but I have to say it.

You and I, we are like those puppet. (I know we have free will and all, so hear me out)

(According to dictionary)
Someone who is manipulative and thus able to get people to do what they want or events to develop in the way they want, respectively, in a puppet-like manner.

Look at those puppet as having free will when they are still on the market, the moment their priced is paid, they are packaged and shipped to the new owner.

At no point in our lives have we own ourselves. If you have not presented yourself as a living sacrifice to God, then how can God wrought works through you? And if you are not of God, then.......Who do you thinks you belong to?

One way or the other, man must serve a master.

As Christians, Before you presented your body as a living sacrifice, the devil has used your tongue to lie, your hands to commit evil, your mind to sin, but when you present your body as a living sacrifice to God, he claims ownership and washes out the effects of the devil's use.

The devil is a puppeteer, but Jesus is a care taker. He takes care of you, listens to you, and guides you. He asks for permission before he lets himself use you.

If you can choose now between a puppeteer and a Care Giver, who will you choose?

Choose Wisely!


Wednesday, May 24, 2023


What do they call someone who is being framed for something they didn't do, and the person remains mute despite having evidences that speaks for him/her?

Yoruba calls them Mumu. English calls them Idiots, I can't speak for other languages, but how often have you behaved like one?

Hear me out okay?
As christians, we have the same father, and one of his name is 'the Lord, mighty in battle' 

Psalms 24:8 Who is this King of glory? The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.

Often times, life throws situations at us, and we begin to cower or slowly defend ourselves, but it hardly ever yields a satisfactory result, and the reason is because you let your guards down enough to be attacked.

The other side does not rest. They work on shifts, some for morning, afternoon or night. So that way, your whole life is covered for potential attackers.

And it is with all this that a Foolish Christian would say 'i know what I a doing'.

Let me tell you what God wants you to do. 

Ephesians 6:16 Above all,  taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

He wants you to go to war with your enemies. We have read earlier, that God is a man of WAR. He wants you to attack, not defend!

That means you do not have time to twiddle your thumbs. You are always praying without ceasing, You are constantly walking in the will of your father, and you are constantly Watching.

The root of sin is going deeper with each passing day, Labourers are few, and those who are available don't have the right tools. We are outnumbered, but we are more than enough.
For we were born to do exploits. Things the world cannot comprehend.

Remember, The Just shall live by Faith. 
Attack! Don't Defend.

From a Fellow Comrade,

Sunday, May 14, 2023



FUN FACT! Did you know that there are so many people in the bible who lived the "I cannot kill myself life?"

Amidst the numerous people were, Nebuchadnezzar, Herod, Saul,Judas and Solomon.
If you examine all this people closely, you'll realize that one thing they have in common is a life of little or no discipline. 

Proverbs 10:17 He is in the way of life that keepeth instructions: but he that refuseth reproof erreth.

Why did Solomon fall into this category? After all, he was anointed, he was wise! He was blessed. 

But he also had time, He had time to examine fine looking women and keep them all for himself. The bible recorded that they turned his heart from God in his last days on earth. 

In this life, enjoy yourself, life is short. 

That is the principle that has led many christians in this age to the pathway of Solomon. It is not a secret that Yahoo business is thriving, That our women now consider premarital sex a norm, and that revival has gone out of churches.

What pushed Judas towards that life?
He had enough time to think too much about the fact that they were homeless, they lived like a street beggar, moving from town to town, and he despised Jesus for it. He thought 30 pieces of silver would set him on the highbrow life. 

You cannot kill yourself. I know. I'm not asking you to do that.
But my dear, come. Let us borrow each other wisdom. The kind of enjoyment that Solomon enjoyed has earned him a VVIP spot in Hell. 

Are you ending up, killing yourself because you cannot deny yourself now?

Think about it. VVIP ticket is plenty, and the devil is looking for whom to give.

Solomon in all his wisdom, was not wiser than God. If you act wiser than God, you get a ticket.

If you have a ticket already, it's not too late to give it back to the rightful owner.

Join the "I want to die !" gang. Be crucified and Live.

Galatians 2:20 I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son  of God, who loved  me, and gave himself for me.

Galatians 5:24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

With Love,

Tuesday, May 2, 2023


Hebrews 11:15 And truly, if they had been mindful of that  country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity  to have returned.

Remember how we sometimes look forward to the holidays, because it gives us time to indulge in activities we used to engage in our free times?

Or have you ever been to a place, an event, and you wish it didn't have to end?

Well, that is what happens when as christians, we give our lives to Christ but we miss our old habits. We are unwilling to walk away from the lives we used to live, or we still examine those old behaviors and try to see which one we can still indulge in even as christians

Our Bible verse made us to know that if you are still mindful of where you came from, you will probably soon find your way back there.

Hebrews 11: 16 But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be Called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city.

How proud do you think God is to be called your father when you try to sneak in a little sin here and there into his house, his temple, his presence?
As christians, we have similar goals, and it is to make it to the city of Light. When your gaze is fixed on that, it's just like when you want to pass your WAEC, or UTME. You study till the exam is over and you have passed. If you don't pass, you retake.

There is little to no option for a retake in Life's journey, and that is why the only thing you have to b mindful of, is your heavenly Journey, Looking into Jesus only.

Say this prayer with me.

Dear Father, I admit that my gaze often wander, and my feet often stray far from you, and I am sorry, forgive me for my sins. Kindly give unto me grace to stand and walk before you all the days of my life. To do what is pleasing to you and glorify your name. Amen.


Tuesday, April 25, 2023



Most people had a lot of fun growing up. Did a lot of silly things without care or worry. The carefree nature of a child, and it's worry free days, might have been dismissed as such, but when one begins to age, one begins to take on responsibilities and strive to be more than we were before.

The childhood days begin to appear golden, and the adulting.....well. A lot of people have subscribed to that saying that adulting is a scam. Some in deed do not survive it, and some barely live through it.

However, the greatest disasters that comes with Adulthood are that if necessities.
Of course, one must gain certain experiences, whether positive or negative, but often without us noticing, those experiences often embed themselves in our hearts, and serve as inhibitors to our Faith in God.

We begin to depend on our experiences to guide us, instead of God. Thus, miracles elude us, Faith diminishes, and we become Christians who have forgotten who they are. There inheritance in christ, and the promise of their father.

How sad.

While it is physically impossible to go back to being a child, God has given us free access to become children once again.

Matthew 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.

One of the worries that comes with Adulthood is Responsibilities, yet children have someone to carry theirs for them.

Take advantage of this as admonition, and embrace the spiritual nature of children, and strength and grace will be supplied to you.


Monday, April 17, 2023


Jeremiah 11:8

Yet they obeyed not, nor inclined their ear , but walked everyone in the imagination of their evil heart; therefore, I will bring upon them all the words of this covenant which I commanded them to do; but they did them not.

How many times have you listened to the news and had cause to sigh or gasp at the wickedness of human?
Not so long ago, we celebrated Easter, and pondered on the courageous death of Christ, but if you looked closely, the Wicked hands of men and the imaginations of their heart was written all over it.

How many people did they make crowns of thorns for? The bible gave hints of the mockery Jesus went through.

How creative is the heart of man? 
The answer is written here.

Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?

The heart of man is wickedly creative and imaginative 

What happens when he walks in the ways of his imaginations?
He strays from God, sows seeds of discord, and sheds innocent blood.

Why? The blood of Jesus has availed for us all, yet man walks in the imagination of his ways.

How often has someone vexed you sore, and your imaginations begin to take a vengeful form? This are what ensures we are cut off from our inheritance in christ.

Bible says, Be ye angry and sin not.
Our excuses this days lies in the fact that "I'm not God, I'm human."

To be a partaker of the Covenant of blessings, You must willingly and knowingly forsake your own imaginations and look into God for guidance. You must accept your higher calling. A life of dedication, completely dead to the flesh.

I pray that we won't be ensnared by our own hearts.


Tuesday, April 4, 2023


Wetin dey God's mind, wey make him create man...never understand me.
I no too Sabi wetin e dey think. God no fit be lonely now, but even with all the angels wey he get. Lucifer turn himself to hustler for heaven.
Him think say na election them go do last last. 
No be the thing wey they divide nation be that?
Him go campaign for some angel. God just dey look.
Pikin wey no Sabi wan carry throne.

Na Lucifer make Naira cost, no get value.
If he no carry election for head that time.
We for support who dey chair, no dey criticize person wey dey position.

Na since that time, man never satisfy. I no lie.

No be covetousness push Eve go chop forbidden fruit. That fruit no fit be apple. I think say God don pack the fruit for ground sef.

Fruit of knowledge. The fruit no dey now sef, person dey find power to chook eye for another person matter, see if him get glory pass him own.

Today, Election still dey go on o. Person dey choose say Lucifer Sabi sweet things, dey call Jesus fool. Another one go say nobody fit compare for him Jesus. Na this second table I dey.

The one wey shock me na the one wey talk say the two no do well, them no fit win. 

I dey wonder if Dem wan run for the election too, because if no be Jesus or Lucifer, na yourself you wan choose 

Abi may I tell am the truth? 
Okay, I go talk am.
Na the thing wey make you Lucifer brother be that. Him chose himself. Na the thing wey you dey do be that.

I don talk my own sote.
For Jesus campaign, we dey talk one thing. 
if you get ear to ear, make una hear wetin he don talk.

My guys, I go come back another time.

Use this small gist hold body.

#Aprokoweygojerusalem. #aprokonetwork.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17 KJV


I was opportuned of late to read a guys story about addiction to a certain Kind of lifestyle which included Drugs and Alcohol. 

I know you may not be doing drugs of alcohol, but what led him to that lifestyle according to him in the first place was exercising his Free will. God gave us free will. Innit?

However man has constantly uses that free will to enslave himself in a That's how I am syndrome.

Let me tell you something about myself as the Author. Back in school I had a friend who always told me "You are just like my brother." He had two brothers, I didn't ask which one of them, i wasn't interested.

Fast forward to a time when I looked at myself and see a gaping difference between my kind of normal and the way other people tell me I'm a special kind of different. I took the bait...conducted a doctor and the result came out that I was  indicative on the Spectrum. Autism.

I laughed and cried... because really my friends brother was Autistic....I knew it... A lot of my actions began to make sense... Psychology explained it well...but one day, I awoke.

The world is putting me in a box Labelled Autism because they think I don't fit into their definition of normal. That's okay! I am who God says I am.

A lot of people use Autism as a THIA excuse for why they are the way they are. But before Neurodivergence became a normal thing in the world, their were several other THIA excuses. It's my family, It's my Job, It's my Children.
Excuses never end. They are infact sweet, but they ensure you never grow, you never become better, the person God wants you to be.

Take note of today's passage. True freedom and Liberty lies in Christ. I have chosen that and found peace.

How about you try his ways of freedom, and see if he gives you peace.

With Love,

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


In Christ alone, My hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my Joy
This cornerstone This solid rock
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm

What height of Love, What depth of peace,
When Fears are stilled
When striving cease, 
My comforter, My all in all.
Here in the Love of Christ I stand.  - Keith Getty, Stuart Townsend.

This hymn above is dedicated to a God who is just as powerful as he is gentle.
The beauty of this hymn is that it has travelled through ages, since it was written and has still managed to pluck at our Stony heart's and give us a glimpse of what it would be like to have a heart of flesh.

However, what I can't explain is the way the song entwines us in the depth of God's love. The word "My" was used to indicate us.. whoever is singing, but only to make us lost in who Christ is.

The song is captures the life of a Christian who has said to God.. "None of self, and all of thee". The Christian who seeks no recognition beyond the presence of God that he carries.

The amazing thing is how the things about Christ that gives us hope are attributes of him that we cannot see. 

Is that why the best things in life cannot he bought?  Maybe.

Finding Hope, and strength, or Finding yourself could be a trip into examining the pains and attributes of Jesus, and don't be afraid to get lost in him.

After all, That is the highest goal of man in Life.

Yours in Christ,

Wednesday, March 15, 2023


You need Help? Not a problem.
We are in an age and time where seeking help makes you look weak, or makes you a "beggar". There are various unpleasant terms for it now. 

However, God created man to need each other, to help and lift each other up, but most importantly we always are in need.

What happens when you find yourself in need of something your fellow human cannot give? Like a miracle? Like Healing? Like protection from spiritual attacks? Like Provision?

God is there for this purpose and more. He will help you. He should be your go to person. 

Hear what he says here in Isaiah 41:10

Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
Isaiah 41:10 KJV

Imagine God whose breath can destroy the whole world, coming down, moving mountains, breaking barriers just to help you.

Maybe your problem is that you don't know the God you serve. Maybe that is why you don't realize that help has been made available for you since before you were born.

Open your heart to God right now.
Humble your self, and Ask.
He has a simple rule about asking.

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
Matthew 7:7 KJV

Use this as a leverage and ask from your heavenly father.

Have a nice day.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023


Excuse me?!!!
Sorry for disturbing.
I have a question though, and it can't wait.
What is your most treasured Philosophy?
Like the thoughts or ideas that you hold closest to your heart?
I didn't ask what or who your most prized possession is.
I simply asked about the line of your thought processes, your cognitive attitude or the sayings you hold dear to you heart.

I need to know because there is death in your thoughts.
Remember how Jesus Conquered death and asked where is thy sting?
When you chose a philosophy different from Christ's, You resurrected deaths sting, and handed it to him, then you invited him over for a ride with you in your lifes journey.

I know what your end is. How it ends I can't say, but where you end up. I know.

So will you answer the question?
What is your favorite quotes that guides your lifestyle? 
Did you borrow from the pages of the dead?
Or will you listen to wisdom and dare to make a tedious turn around and peek into the book of life?

Hey! Having an end is not a disaster.
Man must end. 
Yet, must continue.

So humor me, Let's go into a territory no man really loves to explore. Let's play a game of What if?

So we start.

What if this moment as you are reading, Time finally stops. You know what that means? The Rapture? What do you think you fate will be?
If you have to think too hard, you have failed.

What if tonight you die, God either calls you home like Elijah, or he says to you like that rich man "thou fool, tonight, your soul shall be required out of your hands." Which do you think you'll be?

Before you roll your eyes, take a look around the world where you are now. Does it look like the world you used to know? 

This world cannot last forever. And I have a secret to share. There is no hope in any corner of this world. No. Your hope lies in God. Jesus.

Remember, the Wages of Sin is Death....But God Gifts us eternal life freely.

What if you chose Christ now? What if you reclaim the chapters of your life and hand it over to Jesus to rewrite your story?

What if you decide to find hope beyond this world?
Chose Christ, there is no other choice

With Love,

Wednesday, March 1, 2023


You have heard of the story of the man who got his healing by the pool, but not in the pool of Bethsaida?

There are so many lessons to learn from this and we will examine them in points.

1) The stirring
The stirring of the water was also called the troubling of the water. I wondered how it was discovered that an angel troubled the water, because in this age and time, I dare say we would have seen it as a place to be avoided. Not all stirrings are for a terrible cause...Not all troubles birth disasters.
  Only a man who discerns in his spirit would be able to tell the difference between a foreboding and a "troubling of the water".

2) The Rush
According to the passage...Everyone rushes forward once there was a stirring, but that stirring was meant for just one person. 
This relates to how you can share a burden with someone, but God still didn't hand over the assignment to you. Yes, you know something has to be done, and you rush headlong into it. You will find that you entered the pool, but no impact was made. The chosen one will be healed. Not you.

3) The miracle
I can imagine that nearly everyone by the pool witnesses this miracle, but cannot explain the source. They watch a man become a different complete version of himself. When God wants to move in your life, don't seek to rationalize his move. His ways are beyond that.

4) The Chosen
The one person who is healed, who steps ahead of others, was it because he was smarter? calculating and strategic? I doubt that really. You have to be helped by God to access heights that seem impossible to reach in your life. The chosen won't depend on their own strength and wisdom or power.

5) The wasted time
Have you ever thought about the people who grew old by the pool? None of them receiving their healing. Would they have been better off at their homes? I don't know, neither do I have answers, but I do know one thing. If you are by a pool that you shouldn't be, God will tell you to get out of there.

6) The losers
Those who were never on time, lost a great opportunity and they knew it. How bitter did they become? Did they let it get it stop them from trying again? Did they become entitled to the opportunity? This are questions we should ask ourselves when we don't get what we hoped to have.

7) The man Jesus healed has to be by that pool, but not healed by the pool.

This man, remained by the poolside even when others gave up. The lesson however was that he had to remain by the poolside to receive his miracle, but not from the troubled pool. God works in more ways than one, and this man found another way. What if he had left the side of the pool? Would he have met Jesus? 
The lesson here is this. Sometimes, we already have ideas of how things would go. God can only use person. That kind of mindset closes doors of blessings to you. 

Jesus was the last kind of messiah expected, doesn't that tell you that God loves the unexpected? How else will your faith remain alive if you can predict God's move?

Think on this things.


Tuesday, February 21, 2023


Struggling with your identity is a real struggle. We are in an age where a boy is a girl, and a baby is a goat, but even before all this confusion came to be, there was the inevitable struggle within you, where you feel like you don't deserve the credit for the life you are living.

When someone looks at you and compliments you, or tells you how your life has lent them strength, you begin to smile, while a self deprecating thought roots itself in your mind. Then you begin to think "thank God this person doesn't know about certain weaknesses that you might have"

See, it's a blessing and a curse that you know your own strength and weaknesses, but God never intended for you to let it bring you down. Knowing your weaknesses can sometimes overshadow the good you know about yourself.

It can make you think the good things don't matter, if you are not all good, then you are not good.

Here is what Jesus has to say about being good.

Luke 18:18,19. And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, What shall I do to inherit eternal life?

And Jesus said until him, Why callest thou me good? None is good,  save one, that is, God.

Does that mean we are all bad? No, we have that part of us that longs for eternal life, which is the part of us that exposes us to God's goodness.

It is okay to feel how you feel, but it most definitely is not okay to dwell on it. Whenever you have a question about who you are, why don't you carry your Bible?

Rediscover, your identity in God's, and be proud of who and what he calls you.

Don't forget, he knows you by name.

With Love,

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


Let it be known that I didn't intend to attend the meeting as a cranky single lady. However, when your therapist reduces your "I can take the world on" attitude to "daddy issues", that would steal your thunder too.

I didn't even bother with the breathing exercises I was taught to keep my crazy in check, nope . I just stormed into the meeting and grabbed the seat where I thought everyone should see my face and know enough to steer clear of me. how was I to know I was sitting beside the pastor? No one told me the raised platform wasn't an option.

My old neighbor got a kick out of it, because she doubled over in laughter and I caught her wiping her eyes because she had laughed that hard.

I soon focused on the pastor, because he was painting a lot of hypothetical situations.

What if you could eat your cake and have it too?
What if you found the love of your life too, who loved you as fiercely as valentine loved his woman. Who was perfect in everyway and who eventually died for you?

"Well then, he's a fool. No body wants a love that ain't gonna hang around." I announced to the good people.

They all glanced at me.

What? The questions can't go unanswered right? They were questions for a reason.

I caught my old neighbor coughing, but it seemed like she was hiding a smile. I must say that is a pleasant change. Usually, people cried or seemed to want to cry when I was around. So if she was laughing at me ....I don't mind.
"Right, miss....."
No way was I announcing my name. But I found myself saying Mayflower.

"How unusual." the pastor responded.

I could tell him that I don't know what my dad was thinking too, but he reminded me too much of dad in that moment, and I knew that just like dad, he would tell me lies that I wanted to believe . Lies that I was smart enough to know better, but my heart longs to hold on to a memory of daddy. To be that person he knew I could be.

"Miss Mayflower, You wouldn't turn down a proposal from the most perfect man in the world for you, would you?'

I snorted. It wasn't ladylike, but I never made a claim to being a lady.

"No one is perfect, but I'll humor you. I'll accept his proposal on the condition that he hangs around, and does not disappear on me."

I can nearly hear my therapist whisper "daddy issues" into my ears, and just like that, my scowl was back.

"Okay" Said the pastor " He loves you, proposes to you, dies for you, and somehow still found a way to come back to you, how would that make you feel?"

For a moment, I let myself believe this lies, and think of all I could still have
 A father, even if I never knew my mama, I'd still have best friends, roommates, and several relationship prospects, but somehow that didn't feel enough.

"semi- happy? I have to be honest with you pastor, I won't be happy unless I can eat my cake and have it too."

Someone groaned in the church, and I perked up. It's nice to make a nice person groan isn't it? I basically just humanised someone.

"If I told you that there is someone asking for your hands in marriage right now, someone who has defended your honor countless of times in your absence, someone who couldn't bear to see you hurt or cry, someone who would rather die than let any harm come to you, what would you say?"

"I'd Say yes. I wasn't born an idiot you know. I'd take his ring and never take it off my fingers, and we'd have a shotgun wedding. "

The nice people laughed again, and that was what made me made my chest feel warm, like a trickle of warm honey was thawing away at my frozen heart. It made me feel like I had come home. Like dad was around here somewhere, like maybe I could have roots in a place like this.

"If I told you that Jesus did all that for you, and much more. Built a mansion of gold for you and has been on his knees for a while now, begging to be noticed, craving your attention, what would you say?"

Nothing. I'd walked into that one with my eyes opened. Yet, I didn't think he lied.

My brain is telling me that Jesus was a liar. He was just like valentine who went and died, yet I feel like if I denied Jesus existence, then I am denying a part of the father I knew. The man who loved me regardless of my flaws, but my heart wants to open like petals to the morning light. I wanted Daddy back, but if I can't have him, I could have a part of him right?

Maybe my reasons for saying yes was questionable, but it was easily the best decision I've ever made. 

All that was six months ago now, and I'm engaged. I was going to have fun calling my therapist a liar, but I was engaged to a nice person. I'm still learning to be nice but we'll....the beauty of Christianity is that Jesus loves my quirks.

Last Sunday, I gave testimony that I was engaged and I hadn't bailed . I explained about my previous proposals, and now my old neighbor whose son I'm engaged too, suddenly wants the wedding soon. 

what's up with that any way?

On Friday, I followed the good people for community service, and I met the most pessimistic person ever. He wouldn't accept Jesus, and then I told him...If I were you, I'd hang around the only person who wants my miserable company.

Of course I was furious. Refusing Jesus is personal to me, and I even got more furious when My to be Husband apologized. 
"Funny enough, I saw "Mr. Miserable company" yesterday at our good people bonfire, and he was looking even more miserable, but just like I did six months ago, I could read the moment warmth started to trickle in."

My to be husband is still praying for more warmth for me, but I told him I'd probably burst into flames if I had to take more warmth.

Anyway, I gotta drop my pen here... Tomorrow is valentine's day, and I have a surprise brewing.
A valentine's day wedding. Hubby may not know it yet, but we are getting married tomorrow, and nobody can stop me.

Talk to you later.



PS: Maybe you are not as crazy as Mayflower, but you surely have your what if valentine's day reminds you of someone who beat Valentine to the punch, hustling to show how much he loves your imperfections? Sometimes your imperfections makes God grin. Think about it.


Monday, February 13, 2023


Two years ago, Ramon proposed to me, and I turned him down. No one wants to end up with a name like Mrs Froyagontage. I think my reasons are valid, even though he thought I could keep my maiden name. I like to part with people on a good note, with good memories. So I broke up with him over dinner. He had a glass of wine in hand when I told him. His proposal was sweet, but welll....There's the issue that he really was born into a family with a name like Froyagontage. If that is not bad omen, I don't know what else is.

A year and a half ago, it was Gideon. 
I didn't see that coming. He was the rebound after Ramon, and he knew I saved his number as the rebound. What will I tell my kids when they ask me how I met their father? It's like the beginning of a romantic tragedy. My heart was never his to begin with. I am glad he proposed because now, I can safely say he is a delusional man. I gave him the contact of my therapist before I walked away. Sometimes we need to tell people in our lives the truth. I hope Gideon took my advice. Delusions are ....well.... deadly. Love can never survive in an environment like that.

A year ago, I moved out of my apartment because my roommate said I was after her boyfriend. Really? Just Because he bought me gifts on valentine's day as well? come on, he was just being nice.I was still single, which is like the apocalypse in my world. I have never been single before since I started dating. I am what people call a serial dater, well, it keeps the fun alive right? 

Anyway, I moved into this small community by the lake, where everyone is too nice. They are not fooling me. It is not in human nature to be nice, and to top it up, my neighbor who is an old woman by the way....Probably in her late Fifties, is trying to set me up with her "nice son".

Firstly, I don't even like nice people, secondly I think their niceness is false, which makes them fall under the creepy people category in my book.

If my one year ago roommate hadn't been too insecure in her relationship, I wouldn't have to deal with all this nice people. I am really allergic to them. Toxic dangerous people. I can't remember the last time my heart had beat in fear, but this people take the cake.

Yesterday, my therapist said i run from anything commitment, and I laughed in her face, because she was wrong. I have been committed to my therapy session for months now, if you don't count the two times that I bailed, but really that's what normal people do. Bailing on events is part of life.

At least I haven't bailed on a wedding.....yet.

Okay, I'm just Joking....Maybe? Bailing on a wedding is not on my bucket list, but at least it would give me a chance to wear a wedding gown, and for people to see me and admire me in it right? See? Bailing on a wedding isn't always bad, especially when the guest get free food, and free gist out of it.

My childhood friend who left me for a "healthier friendship" if there was anything like that, said I was a raving lunatic in a stunning package.

I took it as a compliment, because....duh...That basically means i could handle life. The moron checks on me once in two weeks. I don't particularly hate her voice, but I'm afraid she has gone and joined those nice people. They do have a community. Christians, that's what they call themselves. I have seen them argue heatedly, but what kills the fun is the apology and soberness that follows after. Who on God's green earth likes to be sober anyway?

I remember my dad most day's when I feel normal...Like how normal people feel. I remember daddy because he was my link to normalcy. He'd tell me if Solomon could write a whole book for women, then he could try to write half for his darling daughter.

I didn't understand daddy. I got in trouble a lot, My teacher called me cold hearted, but daddy would smile and tell her I was a saint. Thankfully I grew up, I saw all my dad's words for what it was. Lies. 

Even when he wasn't there anymore, and was six feet under. 
He made me promise to read the bible, but bible makes him tell me lies. 

I hate nights when I remember him, because l miss him, I miss his lies, I miss how he made those lies my truth, I miss him because when he left, everyone left too. No best friend, no good neighbors.

According to my therapist, I cannot trust people! I run from commitment because I was afraid people would leave me. News flash!!! They already left. I told her that, and she said it ain't the same. If I pushed people away because I didn't want to hurt, meant I was already hurting.
Maybe she was delusional too, I suggested she also book a therapy session with another therapist.
She responded by telling me that I never saw the world for myself, but through daddy's eyes, and now that he's gone for over a decade, I've been fumbling to find his perspective, and not my own.

Pfft...Hog wash. She went as far as to say that I avoid the good kind of people, because it wouldn't give me an excuse to walk away.

I laughed hard when she said that. I mean...Lady, you tripping...

In my mind, I was this woman for real?
I guess I must have been making some bad choices anyway, because now I'm single, which is like the beginning of the end in my mind. On top of that valentine is coming, and I don't think my ex roommates boyfriend will extend the love this year. Who cares about valentine anyway. One idiot who went and killed himself because of love.

I told my old next door neighbor that, and she chuckled. Good news is that she has a good smile, bad news is that now, she knows I have no plan for valentine's day. So she invited me to their nice people's group meeting on valentine's day. I couldn't say no, because I would sound like a .....well.... I just couldn't say no

So I said yes, and here I am.

To be continued.....

PS: Is she crazy or what? Feel free to drop your comment below.

Wednesday, February 8, 2023


Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; 

and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:
Ephesians 6:14‭-‬17 KJV

Have you ever Being in a fight before? Whether with fists or with words? Then you'll know that sometimes, it doesn't matter how prepared or strong or knowledgeable you are, when you face the other party, you could be surprised at their strength, and come back defeated.

If you were sure you would win every battle, then you would probably face it all heads on. 

No need to remind you that life is a battlefield, however there is need to be reminded that there is an endless bloody battle going on for your life. In regards to eternity.

I know I have friends and loved ones that have gone before, and some days I give a wistful sigh because I want to go home too. Away from all this burdens and troubles and sicknesses, you name it.

Unfortunately, we don't get feedbacks from those who have gone ahead, to give us gist to hold body... We only have the bible, and I say that's more than enough.

If you were to pick a battle, a battle unto death, which would you pick? One that even if you die or you lose, you win, or one that even if you die or stay alive, you lose?

Think deeply, there is no winning on the broad way. There is only a blindfold that prevents you from seeing the truth.

This is my plea to you. The end has truly come. We are loosing hope in our country and Japa had become excessive, but if you look beyond the country, you'll realize it's not just here, There really is no hope in this world, only in the world to come. 

Putting your hope in another country is setting yourself up for disappointment. Let's all hope to Make it successfully to Canaan.

The best Japa ever.

With Hope,

Wednesday, February 1, 2023


When you hear the word Addiction, what picture comes to mind? I'll tell you. Drugs, Pornography. Those are the top two, am I right?

However, there is something to be said of addiction. It could attach itself (gum body) to any thing, event or activity. There are party addicts, phone addicts, sex addicts, picture name it. This all seem common right?

How about other things like Talking? Do you know you can be addicted to just talking? Day dreaming? Things that appear harmless, but are designed to waste the time of your life.

Then one day, you appear before God as an unfaithful and fruitless servant.

The bible is clear on one thing. Read below....

Mark 12:30 And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment.

If we are busy obeying God's commandments, we cannot find ourselves victim to any of this things. You can only be addicted to something you have prioritized more than God, irrespective of God.

Psychology says no addict can be fully healed...( I am a psychologist by the way) but I disagree. God says complete recovery. He promised to wipe away your horrible past and give you a fresh start.

If I were you, I'd go for a fresh start.
Start with a simple confession.

Just as I am, without one plea,
But that thy blood was shed for me,
And that thou bidst me to come to thee,
Oh Lamb of God, I come, I come.

With Love,

Wednesday, January 25, 2023


Who am I?

Have you ever paused to think of your many qualities, or lack of it? And then tried to sum them up into a total of who you are?

In our various schools and universities, there are award sections. Most beautiful, Most resourceful, Gifted and quick witted...Name it, there is an award for it. Yet, deep inside you know all this is just scratching the surface of who you are.

If you are to get to the deep end and solve that equation, what would be waiting for you there?

I can give you two possible outcomes.
You get to that end, and realize that you are a royal priesthood, and that is the sum total of who you can. one with the spirit of adoption that can cry Abba father, or you can realize that you have been tagged the son of perdition.

1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called  you out of  darkness into his marvellous light:

This are the ultimate outcomes with awards of their own. You could win a mansion, a golden crown with stars and more. or a one way ticket to swim in the lake of fire.

Who are You?
Are you willing to find out?
If you already know your outcome, is it sufficient for you, or there are changes you need to make?

Yours in Christ.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


Peace is a word we use as a slang, with its own unique gesture too, but the tragedy in life is that peace has successfully eluded many. Peace is no slave to any one. In fact, I dare say that peace is a leader, after all, the bible instructs us to "follow peace."

Romans 14:19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another. 

Why would God put us in a world that Has refused to know, meet or liaise with peace, and then instruct us to follow after peace?

Your guess is as good as mine. I cannot give you a definite reason, because I believe his reasons are peculiar to your life's journey. Your purpose in life.

But, How do we lay hold on peace in our daily lives? When misunderstanding is the order of the day, harmful rumors fly, and we become the bottom of a joke? Or maybe it's the news, maybe it's a disturbing news from the medical doctors, maybe it's a family unrest, and suddenly you have realized that your wisdom has failed you.

Everything within you is shouting 'Activate Panic Mood!', but you need to remember that Jesus is not on the other side of the storm. He is in the storm with you, waiting for you to turn to him for help.

John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

Understand something, Your peace is realized in the truth that you are not alone. Jesus is there to handle the problem. All you have to do is say. "Jesus, this is now your problem, I'll do my part by holding on to your peace."

Mark 4:39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.

When life feeds you sour grapes,you don't have to pretend you don't taste the sourness. Take all that feelings, and the baggage, the frustration and the fears, and tears and the overwhelming ones, to him, and he will look at you with so much love in his eyes and tell you from the depths of his heart in a confession so true, the world must obey..."Peace, Be still."

With Peace,

Wednesday, January 11, 2023


Ever since man Knew trouble, He had learnt to seek a different weapon to solve it's problem. While we are not examining the diabolic ways, but the only true spiritual way to go about solving ones trouble. Prayer!

Maybe you think prayer is one of the easiest things to do? Well, if you are helped by God. Then it will be. Prayer isn't just about talking to God, It is about who does the talking or inspires the talking through you.

Remember the disciples who lived and walked with God, still had to ask him to teach them how to pray.

Luke 11:1 And it came to pass, that, as he was praying in a certain place, when he ceased, one of his disciples said unto him, Lord, teach us to pray, as John also taught  his disciples. 

Remember the warnings of Jesus'about vain repetition in prayer, and about pride and self righteousness in the place of prayer.

It goes to show that in our might and strength, we cannot pray as we ought to.

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also  helpeth our infirmities: for l we know  not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for  us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

To pray and get results is to do it scripturally. God hears groanings, tears, heartbreaks, disappointments and it translates into prayers before him. Even when you do not have the words to pray, God hears you.

Your fellow Intercessor,

Monday, January 2, 2023


Happy New Year!!!!

Job 7:1
Is there not an appointed time to man upon earth? Are not his days also like the days of an hireling?

It was an amazing 2022, but for it to be and incredible 2023, there are certain things you'll need to bury with the old year, and habits you must master this New Year.

According to our text, Man shall not last forever, and even though we all know this as the gospel truth, most of us still choose to live out lives like the wind. Barely there. No root, No real destination.

My charge for you this year, is to Waste No Time!!!!
To everything under the Earth, there is a season. This is a season to plant. To run, To take hold of the vision and to make it into a reality.

Like any university degree you obtain, at the final lap, you write a thesis, to prove you have learnt through all the years. Similar to it is the end of man. You will give account before God how you spent your time.

Therefore, I say again. WASTE NO TIME!!!

With Love, 