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Tuesday, February 8, 2022


Hello!!! How was your extended weekend? Mine was beautiful.

So I have a story to share. Lately, I have been travelling between two states. The time before the last, I sat with an elderly woman who was carrying two kids in her lap. one was older than the other. I found it irritating the way the mother indulged the younger kid in so many things. She was allowed to get away with a lot, while the elder had to behave.

 I was wondering how that was going to pan out later for them in life, when the younger one started throwing tantrums again. Her eyes met mine and she paused. Then she pointed to the window and told me to "Look away."
Of course I kept looking at her then and she emphasized again for me to look away. We were fast becoming enemies. Because I didn't do what she asked.
Then she became bored and I offered her my hand. she had lots of fun playing with my hand and giggling... And the next time her mum noticing the mood of the passengers towards her indulgence of her last child started to scold her.

And the child said. "I'll report you to Aunty." She said pointing at me.
I chuckled under my breath and shook my head.

"Kids." That's exactly what I said in my head.
And we were best friends till I alighted from the bus.

It crossed my mind later how sometimes we want to do things we know that God will frown at, and then we want him to "Look away."
Maybe even get frustrated that we can't be like the unbelieving counterpart of creation.

However, with complete abandon, the kid figured she could report her own mother to me. Trusting. 
And then I remember "Except ye become like this little kids......."

There is a reason God wants us to have the attitude of a child, but the wisdom of an adult.
I left that vehicle realizing that I might have been underestimating God all my life.
He came second to what my parents wanted (that's not an excuse for disobedience to parent) He came second whenever there are other people who could help me. Why bother God (who may not answer in time), when I can bother this people. He came second to my emotions, when I let them take the driving seat of my life.
And even those times when I trusted God, it was because I had trusted my efforts first and failed.
"I will report you to Aunty."

That statement says, i cannot handle you on my own, but although Aunty looks smaller compared to you whom I've known my whole life, I believe if I report you, she will do something about it. It was trusting because she wasn't afraid "Aunty won't respond".

We have made God seem smaller compared to our situations. Because the situations surround us, and subconsciously we believe God resides up there in heaven, far away from us, we try not to bother him. We believe generational Curses that we have no power over, and instead of Going to God for power and rescue, we accept it and try to trick a curse out of binding you.

My people perish from lack of Knowledge.
1) Knowledge of God
2) Knowledge of the helplessness of self
3) Knowledge of Royalty (you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood)
4) Knowledge of Power (Behold I give unto you power)
5) Knowledge of Sonship
6) Knowledge of his Sacrifice (He who spared not his only son......How shall he not freely give us all things)
7) Knowledge of His Love. (Greater love hath no man than this.....)



  1. Great! And Great Post!!
    '' Trust in the LORD with all thine hearts; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths'' Proverbs 3: 5 - 6

    (Please! Kindly permit to comment by sharing Part 1 series out of about 10 series of a post subtiled ''Hearing God series'') in the second comment. Though, it is not that good to be sharing this kind of post because the Bible remains the only authentic and true source of God's revelation.

    May the Lord help us to humble ourselves before him; make Him No.1 of our lives; and may He grant us wisdom and knowledge in all endeavour of our lives in Jesus' Name. Amen


  2. Sometimes I wish I knew not things I know now!But that an excuse
    Lord continue to have mercy! An abuse of grace.
    "Lord have mercy less we perish!!!"

    1. There are things we wish we could unlearn, but God still has the power to rid us of the taste for sin.
