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Monday, February 21, 2022

Money, Fun And What else????🤔

Let's take a bit of time to fave reality.
Really. This is a time to consider the cliche but the necessary question "Why am I here?"
Well, Hello Purpose!
I saw a post yesterday that says we were sent from heaven so that we can compete to make heaven.
I smiled at the ignorance In that statements, and then I realized, that nearly everyone is ignorant, that is why we have few people fulfilling purpose.

Once someone hears purpose, they begin to think of something with an elevated platform, where the whole world can see them. Let me tell you the truth, those people with platforms now didn't begin thinking they would get that platform. The platform is not for all. Some are called to be behind the scenes ensuring everything else runs smoothly.

We will always chase money, fun activity, drugs, affection, and sex if we fail to consider and accept God's love first. All these things are custom-made replacements, the devil has created to divert man from receiving what is already made available for him. God's love.

I wrote an exam last month, and there was a passage we had to read. it was an excerpt from a book, and it spoke deeply, about how we have underestimated man's innate need for a diversion. something to divert their attention away from reality. The writer was talking in terms of technology, but how true is this? 

That even Church activities had replaced real moments of fellowship with Christ?
Of course, you will run that race, and you will be tired, you will fill this empty longing in your heart, and you will tell yourself "if I had a job, it will leave" or "if I had money or a successful business", and then you get that, but it's not enough, so you think...."if I were married" and marriage didn't solve it because "if my spouse would just act a certain way"

There will always be an "If this", and "If that" but the weight of your emptiness can never in this life or the life to come be filled with anything, not even my another man's love, save God's love.

we'll continue tomorrow.

Remember "God has placed eternity in the heart of every man."



  1. Thank God!!!

    ''But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the King's meat, nor with the wine which he drank....And in all matters of wisdom and understanding, that the king enquired of them, he found them ten times better than all ...'' Daniel 1:8 & 20

    It is a true saying: we are all sojourners on earth and eternal abode(Heaven:Yes and Amen) is our home. We are not just sojourners but sojourners with purpose. Of what purpose? Service to God and humanity. Ask Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego; they would tell you that they had purpose in life and it is only God who can elevate one into position of authority.

    Christians with purpose driving life can be liked to Daniel and his three intimate godly friends. Our present world can be liked to Babylonian city.
    What are the moral lessons and thoughts?
    (1) Daniel was without blemish, skillful in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. This made him find favour in the sight of God and man. Question: Are we presenting ourselves daily to the Lord unblemished and how are we developing our God given skills - for praise of men, promoting Satan's kingdom, self glory or God's glory
    (2) Daniel purposed in his heart that he will not defile himself...Question: have we purposed in our hearts that we will not defiled
    ourselves with the world
    (3) Daniel was a great influencer. He influenced his new friends holily and positively.. Question: Are will holily and positively influencing our friends or are they the ones influencing us with worldliness?
    (4) Daniel humbly rejected the king rich meat and wine in order avoid the temptation of adapting to the sinful practice of Babylonians. Question; Do we always subject anything presented to us by the world to Holy Spirit test whether they will lead us into temptation or make others fall.
    (5) Daniel's three friends refused to be fascinated with Babylonians music and refused to worship the golden idol. Question: Are we not fans of worldly musicians? Do we not have their albums on our phones.
    (6) Daniel knelt down 3x daily to worship God even in the midst of trials. Question: Do will worship God in spirit and truth?
    These purpose driven life made God to elevate Daniel and his three friends.
    We will fulfil our God given purpose in Jesus' Name. Amen

  2. A Wonderful Gospel Post!!!

