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Monday, February 14, 2022


"Tell me something, Are you ever going to marry me?"  Tayo needed to know.

He'd been proposing to his girlfriend of seven years now, and she had always had an excuse or the other for him. He watched as she sighed. He hated it when she sighed because it always felt like she was internally irritated by him.

At this point, Tayo was desperate. He had gathered whatever courage he had left, and when he realized his courage was not going to be enough, He had borrowed from his friends. They had always told him what they thought of his relationship, but he'd always laughed in their faces and said "You don't know her as I do."

"Let it go Tee." Her face hardened as she munched on a chicken wing.

"I cannot do that this time. I need an answer. Are you ever going to marry me?" He asked again, as his heat slowly sank in his chest. It was a moment of facing the truth even before it was said. Shayo had always kept her distance from him except when she needed him.

" Look Tee." She sighed again, but the slightly wicked glint in her eyes put him on edge. " I am not that woman for you. I'm a serial dater...One man cannot satisfy my needs, and you are one of many trying to lasso me into a marriage. I think you should cut your losses now and......."

"You've been dating others all this year's?" He asked her in a hoarse whisper.

She sighed again. That  "I'm irritated sigh"

" I wouldn't have told you that, if not because I know you'd get clingy. I need a clean break from you. It's been fun Tee. Really."

She proceeded to place a hand on his shoulder sympathetically, which was worse.
"Tee, this is best for you. Who knows, maybe a lady is praying for her perfect man. Praying for me to break your heart, to finally release you, so that she could have you. "

"She must be wicked." Tee whispered hoarsely, struggling with tears, as the seven years they'd spent together rushed through him and left him vulnerable. When he looked up, she was gone. Just like that.


Dara was peeking from her window at the same moment. Her quiet neighbor just walked into the compound and was displaying her bejeweled fingers to her roommate.
Their scream of "Awwww" was what brought her to the window.

Tired of the loneliness that engulfs her when she gets back from work, she looked up at the sky that was pregnant with rain.

"God, if you are listening, that stubborn brother that you made for me, open his eyes. If he's in a relationship, destroy it, please. I don't know how long I can wait anymore. I the one who is closing my eyes ni?

Her eyes followed her neighbors again until her phone rang.

"Tayo? Pleasant surprise. We haven't spoken in how many years?"

"I need some advice, and I remember in school, you had plenty of those for me. It never led me astray. I need your help. My life is .....Over."

"Let's not get a dramatic....breath in and out slowly and all w......Tayo, are you crying?......... Tayo? Where are you? I'll come to meet you, just let me know where you are......"

God looked on and smiled. Dara was a favorite of his, and she was right, Tayo can be stubborn at times. Wasted years stubbornly holding on to a relationship with an appearance of love.

"So what next now?". Angel Gabriel asked, " You know I love a good romantic story."

"Well, in that case, You won't mind reading  1 Corinthians 13: 1-13 to my hearings," God replied

Angel Michael snickered.

Dara was going to have her prayer answered, and Tayo's heart would be mended.


1 comment:

  1. A Good Writeup

    ''Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth. And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity'' 1 Corinthians 13:6&13

    Majority of the celebrations in the Bible were accompanied with evil and disasters. It was only the wedding at Canaan that ending in praise and blessing, all because Jesus was present.

    Undoubtedly, many evil will be recorded under Heaven today. And today is one of the Happiest day in the kingdom of darkness because the world is celebrating a Nine Letter Word. As Christian, we should remember to celebrate all days with the Nine Fruit of the Spirit (Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness and Temperance). Let's remember this day and extend our charity to the orphans, prisoners, widows, handicaps, the needy and less privilege. Above all, we should remember to tell someone about the love of Christ.
