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Wednesday, February 23, 2022


We are Sorry for our absence yesterday.

so we pick up today

Jeremiah 29:11 says:

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.’

Well, I find that hard to believe, in between all the chaos in this world and people dying left and right, God has his hands full. Giving me a good plan is less important, I have to find my way!

LIES!!!! Lies of the Devil. Are the Lord's hands short? You have to stop assuming you understand everything God is doing. Abraham was God's friend. God told him his plans, yet he didn't understand God's reason. hence he bargained and failed. 40 people became 10 people, and then he realized. Whoa, God. I see what you mean now.

One of the things I want you to consider today is how your purpose is very important in the grand scheme of things. Maybe you are thinking, what Nigeria needs is a youth president that will overrule tyranny and corruption, whereas, God is waiting on you, because unless Jonathan Loves David, and chose to give up his throne, maybe David also would have stopped believing.

We are all important, Your purpose is important for Nigeria to survive. The dying people are depending on you to discover your purpose. God uses people to intervene, but we want to just chase money and turn God into a magician who waves his wands and then fixes everything once.

If you do not find your purpose, You would have failed God, but God would not fail, he would find someone else to replace you.

Dr. Miles Munroe once said that the richest place in the world was the Graveyard because it is filled with unfulfilled potentials, unwritten books, unwritten music, presidents of organizations, nations, cooperations, world-renowned ministers but never became those things they were meant to be.

You need to decide if that is how you want to end up, or if you want to follow that path that God has designed for you. I know I want to follow him. You should too.

To find your hidden wealth, you must look inwards, the things you love to do, and how it brings glory to God, then take it before God and let him eliminate those things you don't need to focus on, like he did with Jesse's family when he was looking for David.

That part of you, that you consider insignificant, might just be what God wants. There is nothing insignificant about you.




  1. Great Wednesday and Great Post!!!

    '' And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect '' Gen 17:1

    It is only in Almighty God we can achieve and fulfil our God's ordained plan and purpose in life. However, in walking towards fulfilling our purpose in life, we should bear in mind that there are four (4) but three (3) categories of people that can; disorganise, destroy, delay or develop our plan and purpose in life.

    (1) The first is ourselves: Abraham disorganised God's plan and purpose for his life by not involving God before; taking Lot's along to Canaan land; going down to Egypt; marrying Hagar. God wants to be involved in all our plans and actions. He wants to be first of our lives. He wants us to be perfect and Christlike so that we can align with his plan and purpose for our lives.

    (2) The second categories are serpent likes, old prophet likes, Delilah likes and Potiphar's wife likes: This are purpose destroyers. They are tempters, seducers and evil suggesters. They come subtly and acts as friends but instruments in devil's hands; to destroy our plan and purpose. Once anyone yields to their suggestions, he or she is doomed forever.

    (3) The third categories are Sarah likes, David unauthorised women choir likes and Rebekah likes: This are purpose delayers. They always run ahead of God, trying to help God hasten His plan and purpose for our lives. They love singing praise of men. They are those that love exposing and announcing us to the world of pride, jealousy and evil. They believed we can not effectively market ourselves and products if we don't do advertisement in the sensual and worldly ways.

    (4) The fourth are the Jonathan likes, Aquila and Priscilla likes: They are purpose developers and they truly love us. Firstly, they are not just ordinary Christians but born again Christians who help in catalysing our godly plans and purpose. They influence us positively, holily and in outward modesty. Aquila and Priscilla saw untapped virtues in Apollos and they opened his eyes and helped him to align with God's plan and purpose.

    May will never fall victims of purpose disorganisers, delayers and destroyers in Jesus' Name. May God help us to align with his plan and purpose for our lives in Jesus' Name. Amen



    ''To find your hidden wealth, you must look inwards, the things you love to do, and how it brings glory to God, then take it before God and let him eliminate those things you don't need to focus on, like he did with Jesse's family when he was looking for David.
    That part of you, that you consider insignificant, might just be what God wants. There is nothing insignificant about you''

