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Thursday, February 3, 2022


In our attempt at hoping for a better future, we often write off the past. We have heard various sayings that "your past does not decide where you will end up." 
  I find the statement a little bit pretentious and 60% untrue.
Your past, and whatever experiences you might have had, leave invisible marks on you. Well, in some cases, they are quite visible. Some are scars, some are just marks. The way you think, some of your habits, and the way you respond to situations are a function of where you are coming from "your past." 
  Do not get me wrong, Your past does not make your choices for you, but it is one of the chief decision makers influencing you.

In fact, I believe a lot of people will make progress if they dared to look into their past thoroughly and accept something's about themselves. The unpleasant reject. But in rejecting it, it doesn't mean it never happened. It has happened to you, which means it has left a mark on you. 
    Despite motivational speeches, people still love their comfort zones, they do not want to step out of it. This is the makings of someone in the present comfortable in the past, and yet they go out and say "the past doe not define me." 

In psychotherapy, often times, during evaluation of a disorder or counselling, the psychologist wants to journey with you back to the events of the past, because that is often where the foundation for the present and the future is laid.  

And the bible says if the foundation be destroyed, what shall the righteous do?

This foundation, either you like it or not, youve been building it for a while now.  
sometimes, the sufferings in your past are not that bad, get out of your self-pity mentally.
   David went through a lot in his past, the king of Israel wanted him dead, and he became a fugitive, travelling day and night, in the rain and storm, forgetting what it was to sleep on a bed. That is difficulty, but God was preparing him for the throne and that was a disciplinary phase. Who knows if he would have gotten comfortable like saul too otherwise.

Rahab was an harlot. God knew that, But it was her experience as an harlot that got her information and gave her the wisdom to hid the Israel spies. She found a better future, left harlotry, but there were nuggets of wisdom hidden in her past experiences.

Discard your past, and you do not know who you are anymore. Struggle with your identity.

However, you want to discard your past properly. You need divine wisdom. There are a part of that past you do not want anymore, but God will teach you what to carry with you from your past and what to leave behind.

Wisdom is profitable to direct.

Much Love,


  1. '' Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new '' 2 Corinthians 5:17

    Past - Present - Future
    Reasonably true to say that our present is defined by our past and our future by our present; and our relapse or reflection on the past would either make or mar our present and future. However, for our new nature(present) to be maintain/sustain in Christ(from the spiritual point of view other than secular) we need to discard the past totally and properly.

    Five(5) New Testaments characters who did not discard their past(old lives) properly after receiving new life(present) from Christ are:
    (1) Ananias: He did not discard eye service, self glory and lies properly and landed himself in damnation.
    (2) Sapphira: Secrete conspiracy not properly discarded and met her untimely death.
    (3) Judas Iscariot: Stealing and covetousness not properly discarded and define his future by committing suicide.
    (4) Dymas: Worldliness not properly discarded and ended up lost in the world
    (5) The Rich Young Man: Stinginess not properly discarded and forfeited God's kingdom.

    Five(5) New Testaments characters who discarded their past(old lives) properly after receiving new life(present) from Christ are:
    (1) Mary Magdalene: Discarded evil thoughts and immoralities totally and properly and defined her future by becoming one of the beloveth of Jesus.
    (2) Zacheaus: Properly discarded bribery and corruption and money extortion and defined his future by making right his wrongs.
    (3) Peter: Totally discarded sin and defined his future by becoming saint and apostle.
    (4) Onesimus : Discarded stealing and unfaithfulness and became faithful servant of Christ.
    (5) Paul: Discarded persecution of people and moralistic religion, and defined his future by becoming the greatest apostle.

    (General) Stop self pity. Jesus can make everything new. He can make every wrong right in your life and secure your bright future on earth and in heaven if and only if you will totally discard the old sinful ways and pray for his wisdom and grace to journey this earth.


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