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Wednesday, February 9, 2022


Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, let your request be made known unto God.

Do you know that you can be worried because someone close to you is worried? I know it has happened to me. And the thing about worry is that it is one of the early contagious disease, that can be dated back to the first generation created by God. The first sign of worry was rooted in Cain, who became concerned about his brothers sacrifice. That worry didn't stem out of love, but from selfishness.

 There's another kind of worry, the contagious kind. The kind that sends a whole family into a frenzy when one person is terminally ill. (Ha! I caught you. you were just justifying that kind of worry, as unavoidable.) We'll come back to that.

There's a kind of worry that seems small, but plagues us day to day. I'm worried my boss would not like my work, I'm worried that everyone would see me as incompetent, and I'm worried I will not get a job.

God never said we would never have to worry. He said when worry comes in, there is nothing you can do about it. Other than bring it to God.

We all worry whether we know it or not, and we have to acknowledge that dirt, before we can move forward. 

So now, I know I worry, or I am worried that my loved ones are worried, and it makes me take some drastic steps when I should take a deep breath and turn to God.

Next time, I will take a deep breath and pour out my complaints to God.
If there is anyone who is "worried" for us, it is God. However, God is not worried. The opposite of this kind of worry is Love, and with his Omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscience, he has faith in you to pull through the despair net the devil has put humanity in.

Listen, if God is not worried, why should you?
If we reason well, we'd realise that God is the one who has every reason to be worried, yet he isn't. He has invested in humanity, and he sees all the potential disaster ahead of everyone. 

You'd think he was watching an horror movie. Imagine God looking into the future and seeing Hitler, or ISIS, or the situation at Afghanistan. That's enough for high blood pressure, yet he is not worried, because his plans are perfect without a loop hole.

(Did I hear you say, but he is God.) Daniel, that's one person God could trust with some things he saw in the future, and who didn't go panicking.

God wants to trust you, but you have to trust him first to give him your worries.


1 comment:

  1. A Great Spiritual Insight!! God bless for sharing.

    '' Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his Stature?'' Mathew 6:28

    Lyrics: Why Worry
    Why worry
    When you can pray
    Trust in Jesus
    He'll never ever fail
    He's the same yesterday
    Today and forever
    Why worry
    When you can pray.

    Worry! One of the major causes of ulcer, loss of appetite, headache, fatigue, emaciation, headache, hypertension, shock and depression
    May all these never be our portion in Jesus' Name. Amen
