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Wednesday, February 2, 2022


Some times, people's opinion of you can be infuriating. Expecially when you don't want to be who they are trying to shape you into.
   It is easy to be angry, feel vindictive. Want to get back at them for their determination to see the worst in you, but that is exactly what you signed up for, when you decided to stand against the world.

Unfortunately, even "Christians" fall under this category. Every one with their own opinion, and judgements because they believe they are the only one walking in the light. This set if people, their words are disguised as light... They believe they know the truth and are trying to help you see the truth, but they lack love in their heart, and the bible says this set of people are mere loud clanging cymbals.

If you love your brother or sister, your corrections will not come out as condemnation or criticism. Be quiet for a moment and think. Why do condemnations for others come so easily to your heart.

The feeling is so strong in you, that it is an immovable pillar inside of you. The devil is the accuser of brethren, and you are his apprentice. If you lived in the time of Rahab, what would you think about her? Yet God saw her as better than the Israelites at the time enough for her to be the great grandmother of Jesus. 

Forget what you see outwardly. It is not your duty to pass judgement. It is your duty to love everyone. Everyone!
The two great commandments are to love God and your neighbors. God doesn't care that you think she's an harlot, he doesn't care that you think he is a yahoo person.
He doesn't care that she is a wicked witch who makes your life miserable.

You were sent to love.
Bible says especially the wicked ones...In doing so, you help them develop a conscience.
Review your method and technique of relating with believers you think are beneath you, and unbelievers.


1 comment:

  1. '' Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears. And they shall turn away their ears from truth, and shall be turned into fables '' 2 Timothy 4:2 - 4

    Few years ago, while we (Adults, Campus and Youth) were preparing for a great crusade in one of the Northern States, stood three sisters-Choir leaders and (virtuous mothers in Christ), called all the younger sisters apart; and asked them to loose their head gears(covers). '' wolves in sheep clothing '', echoed. Prior to that time, we were reminded on the sacred nature of music ministry; and to present our body within and without as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto the Lord. Brothers were to shun pencil trousers, tight shirt, long hairs and beard. While sisters were to fully covered with long skirt and moderately large top, no artificial hair attachment, no painting of lips, and no wearing of high heels/shoes. But many younger sisters defaulted.

    There are three kind of love dispositions born again believers could adopt in human relationship. I termed them:
    (a) Silent love
    (b) Correctional or concern love
    (c) Rebuking love

    Silent love is meant for sinners and unbelievers. We(born again) are to pretend as if we are not seeing their mistakes or errors, greet them with respect in the places of work and streets, welcome them very when entering newly into our fellowships, make them feel they are important, respect them, say something good about them while we are secretly praying for their salvation and telling them about the love of Christ.

    Correctional or concern Love is meant for babes in Christ. It may be apply in our dealings with children, youths and adults who are not spiritually matured. They needed to be corrected in love, enlighten from the word of God to know the danger that could result from what they put on, choice of friends, where they visit, music they hear.

    Rebuking love is meant for backsliders. They may be Christian leaders, workers or their Children whom having been silently corrected in love, still remain adamant in immoralities and worldliness. If they are not rebuke, the babes in Christ will emulate them and do worse than them. The babes would say: our pastors wife is wearing this ; our leader's children are doing that.

    Yours (brother) might be latest smart jeans, theirs would be crazy, mad and torn jeans; yours might be low carved handsome beard, theirs would be he-goat beard and dreadlocks; yours might be black artificial hair, but theirs would be Bella's pink dye hair; yours might be mini skirts, but theirs would be micro skirts; yours might be short tops but theirs would be skimpy tops and aprons. '' But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea '' Mathew 18:6

    Young sisters! humble yourselves and learn from reverend sisters in the catholics in their mode of dressing. They are typified examples of how goldly ladies should dress. They (young and old sisters) are very beautiful within and without and always spotted out on campuses, roads, market, schools. Heavens are proud of them. If all would emulate their mode of dressing, ladies would be respected without passing of judgemental comment on any one.

    God bless all sisters who are modest in outward adornments in Jesus' Name. Amen
