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Tuesday, February 15, 2022


I made a mistake.

Often, after a celebration, you either begin to thank God, or you relax and smile with that satisfaction on your face that the celebration went well.
However, even if the celebration went well, there are moments later when you look back and start to feel like "I could have done this better." 
  Next time, I will do this and that. And sometimes you just wish you could have a "do-over" because the celebration didn't go as planned.

Listen. Yesterday was one of those celebrations. And one thing a lot of us don't realize is that little things have big consequences. 
(I am not even talking about sex right now. Those who spent their day doing such.)

That, I believe is something that has been preached to you over and over again. But little things like what you buy, how you spent your time, the words you spoke. They tend to have eternal consequences. 

Esau was justified because he thought he was dying, so he needed food. And sold his birthright. Wow, Imagine.

Several years later, the bowl of food wasn't important anymore, but the birthright was.

Open your eyes. What you have placed importance on, is not that important.

Lete draw you a scale of preference

1) Money
2) High Paying Job
3) Family
4) Relationship
5) Good Health
6) God.

What should come first?

Naturally, someone might say money brings good health and takes care of the family. It also attracts a life partner right? And you can pay your tithe to God that way.

Let me show you my Scale of preference

1) God
2) God
3) God

You can guess what number four is.
That is me being smart.

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and every other thing shall be added unto you.

My dear, When you chase money, at the end of your life, you will realize the truth behind what I am saying. If God could grant you a few minutes to talk with zillionaires who have passed to the great beyond. They would be brutally honest with you.

I'm not preaching against success or money. No. I want you to be diligent with your work like I am with mine. But if you have to choose between God and money, then there is a problem. That desperate decision you are making today, just to have. money to live a comfortable life, Judas Iscariot did the same. He didn't get comfortable before he passed.

That rich man in the bible that built a barn for his riches, didn't live to enjoy it.
Listen, All good things come from God. I'm also talking to myself right now
 So in all that you pursue, If God is not in it, The excitement will not be perfect
 it will be like a celebration with so many things that could have been done in a better way.

Open your eyes, and your heart.



  1. Great Tuesday!!!
    There is always an aftermath of celebration; either of good or bad. In the Bible, majority of celebrations had bad aftermaths save the wedding at Canaan that had Jesus as guest of honour. One of the celebrations with bad aftermath was the yearly feast of the LORD in Shiloh. This feast was perverted and polluted by the new generation that knew not the ways of the Lord. They introduced public display of dances; a strange culture copied from the Canaanite. The virgin daughters of Shiloh(Promise) were the participants.

    '' Then they said, Behold, there is a first of the LORD in Shiloh yearly in a place which is on the north side of Bethel, ...Therefore they commanded the children of Benjamin, saying, go and lie in wait in the vineyards; And see, and, behold, if the daughters of Shiloh come out to dance in dances, then come ye out of the vineyards, and catch you every man his wife of the daughters of Shiloh..And the children of Benjamin did so, and took them wives, according to their number, of then that danced, whom they caught..''

    These virgin daughters were cheaply caught like birds by the perverted men of Benjamites, no bride price on them and forced into what they never prepared for as a result of public display of dance and Canaanite's culture.

    Today, We live in the world where strange cultural practices have been introduced into Christendom which in the sight of God are abominations. There are always aftermaths. The public dance displayed of the virgin of daughters of Shiloh during celebration generated lust in perverted Benjamites and luring of the precious daughters of Shiloh into forceful marriage.

    Moral Lesson:
    We should be careful and not participate in any celebration that has no Jesus as the guest of honour.
    We should be careful of making ourselves public display especially on social media as it make us loose respect and dignity from people, could generate lust and luring of someone into evil.
    May the Lord help us not to join multitude in evil. May God always be the first in our lives in Jesus' Name. Amen


  2. A Wonderful Sermon!!!
