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Friday, February 4, 2022


Walking along flourish street, Bella acknowledges greetings thrown her way. She nodded and sometimes smiled in response but her mind wasn't on it.. She vaguely wondered how life has moved on powerfully, without rose. Rose was the kind of person that was larger than life it self. She gave hope to those alive, that you wouldn't link her and death in a sentence. 

One would assume the hands of the clock would cease to move at her passing. Yet here she was, surrounded by people who still treats her the same and view her the same way they've always done which she finds disconcerting expecially when her parents have been doing all in their power to bring back the old Bella succeeding in nothing but frustrating themselves even more. 

     Bella wasn't sure she wanted to go back to being who she used to be. She wasn't sure she knew how. Especially without Rose there.Yet, a part of her wasn't sure she knew who she was anymore. She was pushing throught each day, trying not to think about her sisters last moments when they had all been chatting. Herself, Rose and tyler. The merry Wilson siblings.

Tyler had become someone she could not relate to anymore. It suddenly seemed like Rose was the connecting bridge between them, and now that she was gone, they didn't know how to cross that bridge. Tyler had thrown himself into school work after being poker faced at Roses burial. It was as if he worked hard enough and didn't cry, then Rose would not be dead. One out of every ten calls she made to Tyler was received with barely a response. It seemed to bella that Tyler was cutting himself away from her. What she had a hard time understanding is if he was cutting his family away because he blamed bella herself or because they all served as a reminder that someone is Missing. Some days, Bella also finds herself away waiting to here roses musical voice either singing at the top of her lungs while working, or scratchy from waking up late. 
Reaching into her shorts pocket, Bella pulled out her phone and dialled Tyler again. Maybe it was because she needed someone who understood Rose as she did to grieve with. She had no idea, but it had become reflex to dial Tyler this days, while she holds her breath waiting for him to pick up or not.

He picked on the first ring
"Hey lil sis" her brother chirped happily

" Hey . Uh....Tyler?" She frowned.

"Yes that's me."

"Sounds like celebration over there, what is the occasion?" Bella had a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.

The sound of loud music required her to shout into the phone for Tyler to hear her, and she didn't like doing that in the middle of the streets.

"Oh, that. It's just an harmless party, thrown in my honor." 

" Ahhh.... Okay, care to share?" Bella responded, she could imagine Tyler grinning over the phone, and this didn't fit into the image of Tyler she'd been carrying in her heart ever since the burial.

" I made it into the soccer team" 

" Oh wowwww thats great. Tyler I'm really happy for you" Bella responded with an unsure smile. 

Are we supposed to be happy? Without Rose? She thought to herself.

"Thanks Bels, ok I gotta go" Tyler says as someone called his name in the background.

"Hold on, so are you celebrating with me later or what?" 

"I'm at this club my new friends bought me to and it's amazinggggg" her brother responded slurring a little

"Tyler, are you drunk?" Bella couldn't help asking

"Maybe a little and I love it." 

"Ty..." Bella began

" Ok now I really have to go and hey you better not say a word about this to the adults" her brother says referring to their parent 

"Ok I won't just..." Bella got cut off as her brother ended the call.

" Just be careful Tyler. I miss you so much and I love you Ty. Bye" She whispered into the wind. Her breath catching on a hiccup. For some reasons, she was loosing Tyler too. She was feeling like an only child. It was just a matter of time, before she felt like an orphan when her parents get busy.
In her unseeing state, a gentle tug on her hand startled her, and she looked down to see a girl in pigtails

"Oh hi there Summer, how are you today?" Bella says scooting down to reach the girl's size.

" I'm good. I love your hair" The six years old replied

" Thanks Summer and no you can't get your hair done like mine" Bella says knowing fully well Summer was about to ask to get her hair done to match Bella's. She had met Summer at the orphanage across the street that she and her sister often visited while the latter was alive. Summer was one of Rose's closest friend, they shared the same passion that everyone called Summer Mini Rose Wilson. On hearing the news that Rose died, Summer had cried just a little then told everyone after that they shouldn't cry because they'll all get to see Rose again someday. Bella remembered how surprised she had been at the child's reaction and after that Summer had always stuck to Bella. She visited the Wilson's whenever she was allowed to since Bella had all together stopped coming to the orphanage after Rose's death.

" Can i get a sweet instead then?" The child asked

"Sure sunshine, I'll make you one" Bella responded. Bella was good at making sweets and all the children loved the sweets she used to make them.

" Ok now run along. We don't want to get Mrs Adams worried looking for you now, do we?" Bella says stirring the child along the way to the orphanage.

"Ok I'll go in now, Bye Bella and make me three sweets please?" Summer says

"Sure you'll get three. Ok bye Summer ." Bella calls from the gate of the orphanage. 

As she turns to go, her eyes caught Mrs Adam's the patron of the orphanage who gives her a huge smile. Bella waved awkardly in return, nodded her head in acknowledgement and turn to walk back home with a strange longing in her heart.

With Love,


  1. I really would appreciate you all sharing your thoughts and opinions hereπŸ™❤❤

  2. '' Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee '' Isaiah 49:15

    Did Bella's know the meaning of her childhood song?
    I love Jesus (2x)
    He's my friend(2x)
    I will never leave Him(2x)
    He's my friend (2x)

    There is a friend that is sticker to Bella than friends or family. He is Jesus. Though Bella felt lonely, uncared for, abandoned and left with the memory of Rose-Bella lovely bond, she ought to have encouraged herself in the Lord. Falling into backslidden state may be to hurt her supposed uncaring parents who were engrossed in church work, was childish. She was not only and directly hurting her parent but her friend Jesus. She should have made herself happy by visiting the orphanage home in continuation of good works in honour of Rose. Thank God her conscience told her she was not living right when Summer complimented her pink dye attachment.

    Has Bella ever thought of these?
    (1) She was never maltreated by her passive parents save for their busy schedule.
    (2) She was provided for (her parent bought her car)
    (3) She was given freedom of movement.
    (4) She was not an orphan like cheerful summer.
    (5) Her parents were not engrossed in sinful activities but church activities
    (6) She could have been dead by now. She should remember the love demonstrated her by Rose, manoeuvering the steering of the car.
    Bella! Your parent love you. It is just that they have put their hands on the plow and they can not turn back from busy serving the Lord. Please, come out of your snail shell and free yourself in Christ.


  3. Bella is like a soul crying for help amidst the tempestuous sea... but its hard to hear her voice, the wind is louder.

  4. Beautiful! I feel sorry for Bella though.
