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Friday, January 28, 2022


Three days after the funeral of Rose Wilson.
Mrs Wilson knocked on the door of her house and it opened to  a complete stranger to her. The person she was staring at had pink dyed hair, long acrylic coloured fingernails and was dressed scantily in a crop top and crazy ripped jean trouser loudly chewing a gum. The bags she was holding fell from her hands as she stood frozen by the doorway in shock. Her husband came up behind her a while after and also couldn't believe his eyes. 

"Hi" Bella says raising one hand in greeting after which she turned around to walk back to her room.

"Bella?" Her mother croaked, struggling to reconcile what she was seeing with her daughter.

" In the flesh Mama" Bella replied popping the gum she blew out.

" God" Her mother exclaimed, finding it increasingly difficult to form a coherent sentence.

"How have you been? Fantastic. Have you been going for church services? No. Why didn't you call your father and I? Didn't feel like it. That's all you'll have asked for well I helped you out and on that note, see ya later mama" Bella announced and walked out of the room.

Mrs Wilson felt like she was in a bad dream. She had left the crusade early because she couldn't bear the sympathetic faces and the solemn whispers of everyone around her nor their condolences, not to mention the criticism of her friends who felt it's their job to inform her that " real parents attends their daughter's burial". She knew Rose's death would be harder on Bella, but this wasn't what she expected. never in a million years would she had seen this coming. 
Tyler had also refused to stay a second longer after the burial despite Mrs Wilson pleading for him to stay back for Bella. He must have needed an escape from the memories that would haunt him had he stayed back. Bella on the other hand has stopped bothering to picked up or return her mother's call. This went on until Mrs Wilson couldn't bear not knowing how her daughter was faring all alone back home. 
There was this underlying fear that she would lose her only surviving daughter too. The fear drove her to pester her husband who agreed with her and they had taken the next flight home.

Mrs Wilson didn't even know where things could've started to go wrong. She knew the effect of Rose's death would be traumatizing for her baby, but this was not the way she had assumed bella would grieve. Mostly, because it does not represent anything she and Rose stood for when the later was alive. A conversation she had with Rose when she was alive bubbled to the surface.

" Mum do you ever wonder what would happen to Bella if none of us was around when she needs us. You know she loves attention a lot. I wonder if she'll be alright by herself" Rose had said smiling as the two were making dinner in the kitchen that day.

"I think she'll do just fine. She's stronger than you think" Mrs Wilson had replied
Now she tearfully found her way to a sofa and sank into it.

"She's not fine on her own Rose your sister is not fine" She whispered through her quivering lips.

Mrs Wilson had always thought Bella was wiser and strong beyond her age and had treated her as such too. Bella never whined about anything nor did she ever tell when she's going through something. She always smiled and tell her "Mama I love you" "Mama I got this" "Mama I'll finish this". But, Bella was still just a child, and no child should have to be strong on their own for too long. At least, not her children, Not her Bella.

   Mrs Wilson had always thought Bella had it all together. Bella never asked for anything but she had begged ceaselessly for her and her husband not to leave but they didn't think much of it and left. Now Mrs Wilson knew Bella was about to loose it and she had needed them to help keep her in check but they have failed her. Mrs Wilson dropped to the floor hands joined together telling God to teach her what to do because she had failed as a mother.

With Love,


  1. Hi Grazie here. I'll really like to know what you think about todays episode. Please drop your comments here. Love you❤

  2. Hmm, our family is more important than ministry.

    1. Not neccessarily. It's just before you seek to take care of others you should take care of your own first its then you'll be able to fully take care of others. If you can't lead your family in the way of God then how do you expect to lead others to Christ. Our ministry begins at home❤

    2. Very true. Your family becomes a pillar of support in your ministry.

  3. '' Children obey your parents in the Lord; for this is right..father, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord'' Ephesian 6: 1&4

    If there was any family to be admired in the New Testament, it was the family of Evangelist Philip; a traveler who had four (4) daughters and whose daughters understood with their father his ministry and never for once shamed him. And if there was any family to be admired in the Old Testament, it was the family of Moses.

    What was so unique about Moses' family? God called Moses for greater assignment to lead his children out of Egypt but he loved his family, took his wife and two sons along without asking permission from God. The Lord sought to kill Moses on the way but thank God for Moses who had taught his foreign wife God's way. She was able to saved him by circumcising her son.(Exodus 4:20,24&25). He so much cherish his family to the extent that his own blood sister (Miriam) and brother (Aaron) became jealous as to while Moses did married foreign woman(Exodus 12).Thank God, He was able to defend the Moses' flawless family and proved the accusers wrong.

    One would not blame Bella's parent much because God's work may be somehow tasking at times and wisdom is needed to strike a balance between home and church.From the recap of the last week episode, Bella was 14 while her sister was 16 years old when she drove the her car that resulted into accident. Humanly speaking, she was too young to be allowed driving by her passive and pampering parents. Even in America, some states permit car driving at the age of 18 while few others 16.

    For Bella Wilson to revealed her true colour and new side of herself(putting on pink dyed hair, long acrylic coloured finger nails, crazy jeans and crop top) showed that she was never born again just like Judas Iscariot, a mere follower of Christ. Many ministers of God often make mistake that their wards are born again whereas they are not. Thank God Bella' mother waking up to her responsibility of striking balance between her love for church and home.Hope Bella is now genuinely born again!
    May God keep the homes of His servants, protect their families and grant them the wisdom to strike a balance between the home and church just as Moses in Jesus' Name. Amen

