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Thursday, January 20, 2022


There is something I'd like to discuss that a lot of us deal with as individuals. Growing up I know some of us believed in befriending girls or guys that we believed to be prettier or more handsome than we are. This are people we call "The Lookers", who dictated the status quo.

 Some of you became slaves to this set of people, indulging their every whims and bowing to their demands. The underlying factor is that you subconsciously believed that with time you'd become relevant due to the kind of company you kept. 

Your parasitic relationship with these people (The Lookers) fed their already inflated ego and you helped them unknowingly to crush your already low self-esteem. You have patterned your life after their blueprint hoping to become like them , which unfortunately has ended up badly for you now.

   Low Self esteem is a disease which affects it's victim a lot in all areas of life be it physically, financially, emotionally, productively and so on. Till date a lot of individual still deal with this troubling issue and while there are a lot of contributing factors, a renowned one is body weight.

Its no news that people are often body shamed about their sizes which i find disgusting and downright cruel. It's not only food that contributes to body weight, it could be a drug a person has to take occasionally , heredity or some kind of sickness. Which is why we have to keep our judgement and opinion to ourselves. Why do we even feel the need to say what we think about our fellow's body sizes?
 We all are created in the perfect image of God and we all are fearfully and wonderfully made and if we obey the most important commandment which says to love our neighbours(everyone) as ourselves then we wouldn't dare to hurt someone's feelings.
You would be surprised by just how much damage low self esteem can do to an individual. Take for example those children who called Elisha a bald man mocking him not only provoked him to anger but also got themselves killed brutally which goes to show you that nothing good can ever come from putting other people down. Instead of talking ill about someones weight, be the one to make them feel good about themselves.

 Remind them that they're royalty which means they've got everything abundantly including beauty and perfection in who they are. A lot of people have commited sucide because of low self esteem. They feel like they are unworthy no matter what they do. Speak gently and kindly to everyone, make people around you feel loved and important just like Jesus deemed fishermen worthy of being disciples. Spread love, happiness and kindness and in so doing we show others how to treat others becoming good examples for all to follow. Put a smile on someones face today. Make the world a better place.

With Love,

1 comment:

  1. '' I will praise thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works and that my soul knoweth right well'' Psalm 139:14
    '' In like manner also, that women adorn themselves with modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety: not with broided hair or gold, or pears, or costly array'' 1 Timothy 2:9
    '' But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price'' 1 Peter 3:4

    Realistically and naturally, no one created in the image of God is ugly. Masculine genders are wonderful and all feminine genders are beautiful and attractive. The beauty of a woman is not best defined by/on the externals but in the the hidden man of the hearts (ornaments of meekness, quietness, intelligence, humility, caring, sharing, goodness, temperance, agape love, cheerfulness, hardworking and joyful countenance). These virtues in a godly feminine gender are what attract a godly masculine gender.

    We read of the most beautiful old woman (Sarah) in the Bible that kings wanted to have as wife. The secret of her beauty that made Abraham firmly griped on her in honour and love was her hidden man of the heart as referenced in 1 Peter 3: 1-7.
    Beauty and handsomeness will fade one day but the hidden man of the heart will not fade. Many are deceived to believe that the love stories from Hollywood and Nollywood movies are real but in actual sense are fictional. So many girls, ladies and women have become fake, hypocrites, copy cats and living a low esteem life. They copy actresses(whom in real life are having issues in relationship) in fashions and shoe wears, artificial attachments, speech, body toning, leg walks and eating habits. What of masculine genders? many have become imitators of musicians, footballers and celebrities.

    Over a period of time, I have seen many masculine and female genders whose small physicals (body status) suddenly and massively changed. It is a true saying '' we are what we eat'' what would you expect of someone that is not eating very well or skipping food? In the morning, indomie and Noddles; in the afternoon, biscuits and soft drinks; in the evening sweets, chewing gum and fast foods; No fruits, no drinking of plenty water, no rest, no exercise. It is also a true saying '' eat fast foods and die fast''. As Africans, we should learn to cherish our local foods and vegetables. What would you expect of someone that is always sad, always thinking he or she is maltreated? Of course, he or she will emaciate. According to science, smiling helps one live longer, reduce stress, look beautiful.

    So sadden to see how many look down and make fun of others. I vividly remembered how I sternly corrected a much older relation of mine during Junior Secondary School days. On our way we came across a young lady with scattered set of teeth. ''Look at her scattered teeth'' She said and smiled. As children of God we are to learn how to appreciate others and help others to discover in themselves they are actually beautiful, wonderfully and fearfully made.

    May God help us not to look down on our selves and others. May God help us to possess the inner beauty in in Jesus' Name. Amen
