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Friday, January 7, 2022


You have been strong for too long, and suddenly one day you needed someone else to be strong while you catch your breath.

This is the way a lot of christians live their lives. They go day to day passionate about everything, immersed in activities, from evangelism to alms giving, to visitation, and to defending the word of truth before mockers.
They hardly have the time to catch their breath.
One of the things I want to point out, is that you will definitely get tired, because you have become Martha..."Thou art cumbered with many things, but Mary has chosen the needful, which shall not be taken from her."

What is the needful? Is it fasting and prayer and marking attendance at every church service? Those are expedient, but what is needful, is a moment of sitting on the floor!!! At Jesus' feet.

Do you know what it means to sit on the floor and gaze up at someone? It means worship and adoration, and it means eagerness to listen to them because they are the wisest person you know. It means eagerness to do whatever they want you to do.

Now you are thinking, well, I have been doing just that. God wants me to evangelize and such...It is God that.......blah blah blah... 
Ask yourself a few questions? I'll give you one, you can think of a few to ask yourself.

Has it not become mere tradition? You sitting at Jesus' feet? Because 30 minutes later, you cannot remember what you read. You do your part and hardly wait for Jesus to speak back to you because you have other things to do...

My dear, you will be tired. Because you have been going by your own strength too long. Bible said they shall run and shall never be weary. Why? Because day and night, whether they sleep or walk, they do so in the strength of God.

So do not focus on an hour of meaningless quiet time and a day full of activities. Focus on a few golden minutes of listening to God, and you shall not be weary.


1 comment:

  1. Absolutely Right!!!

    We read in Genesis that God rested the Seventh day after the six days process of creation(1st: day and night, 2nd: sky and firmament of Heaven, 3rd: dry lands, seas, plants and trees, 4th: sun, moon and stars, 5th: sea creatures and birds, 6th: Animals and man). Thoughtfully and humanly speaking, the process could be imagined tedious to the extent that Almighty God had to take a rest. No wonder he knew the importance of bodily rest and commanded us in the 10 commandment to take a day off and rest from all activities so that we will not die before our time.

    Our Lord Jesus once fell into deep sleep amidst the boisterous stormy sea. He was at a point very tired, an hunger, thirsty and rested beside Jacob well while he sent the disciples on an errand. He oftentimes withdrew himself from the disciples and crowd to have a personal retreat with the Almighty God. As children of God, wisdom demands that we learn from God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Too much of activities weakens the body even the spirit mind. It is generally believed that the average life expectancy of Nigerians is 55 years while that of Americans is 79 years. The reason for this disparity is lack of wisdom on part of Nigerians in body management especially with secular and spiritual activities.

    Of Course, yes, Mary took a better decision, sitting at Jesus' feet for worship and hearing the word of Christ! if everyone was like Mary, would there had been someone to render service to hungry disciples and Jesus? This is the story of today' church. Some are passive in serving the body of Christ while some are active, making sure they fill in the gaps and no lapses; Although, this active members are many at times, bodily overburdened and stressed but the positive side is that they rarely fall into sin because they are not idle in spiritual matters. Those sets of Christians that are always rising and falling into sins are those that are passive in serving the body of Christ, chosing specific days of fellowship with brethren and always late to church. God is not unrighteous to forget the labour of love of active Christians in their service to members of Christ in the sense that they will be adequately rewarded here on earth and in Heaven.

    May our lives never become like that of king David who ought to be in the service of the LORD, chose to rest at home and ended up in sin; May we never wear-out but wise like Moses who hearkened to his father -in - law in delegating responsibilities to other godly men; May God make us healthy bodily and spiritually so that we can be effective in secular and spiritual activities. Above all, may our personal quiet-time and fellowship with God be stronger everyday.
