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Tuesday, January 18, 2022


You don't have to worry
and don't you be afraid
joy comes in the morning
troubles they don't last always
for there's a friend in Jesus
who will wipe your tears away
and if your heart is broken
just lift your hands and say

I know that I can make it
I know that I can stand
no matter what may come my way
my life is in your hands.

Say you are at the edge of desperation, and everything looks decidedly bleak for you. You begin to question the usefulness of God in your life, and why he said you should ask him what you want when he knows he's not gonna give you.

Remember that you see things with the eyes of a man, and that emotions are not to be trusted. They make terrible decisions for you. Just ask Sarah, whose feeling of barrenness led her to give Hagar to Abraham.

You just have to look inside of yourself and remember who you are, and you would begin to slowly understand that you can and will in fact make it through that situation, that God is actually nearer than you had imagined, because when you have cleared the cobwebs of your dramatic emotions, you'd realised that God has given you all you need. They all waiting "for the right time."

So repeat with me. 
"I know that I can make it
I know that I can stand
No matter what may come my way
Jesus, my life is in your hands."

Breath in and then slowly breath out and release yourself to him in surrender.


1 comment:

  1. ''...Then David and the people that were with him lifted up their voice and wept until they had no more power to weep... And David enquired at the LORD, saying shall I pursue after the troop?...And he answered him pursue...and without fail recover all'' 1 Samuel 30:4 & 8

    '' And she was in bitterness of soul, and prayed unto the LORD, and wept sore,...and the LORD remembered her'' 1 Samuel 1:10 &19

    Hymns Lyrics:
    Does Jesus care, when my heart is pained,
    Too deeply for mirth or song,
    As the burdens press, And the cares distress,
    And the way grows weary and long?

    Chorus: O yes, He cares; I Know He cares, His heart is touched with my grief;
    When the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my saviour cares.

    God cares for his dearest children especially those that are born again. All He demanded is just a little step of faith and patience.

    May we never be tired of enquiring at the LORD through His word (Bible) but become like David who enquired at the LORD. May we never be weary in doing good, loving God and our neighbours but become like David who gave bread and water to one of his enemies that made him cried. May we never be tired of prayers and joining others in fellowship but become like Hannah who took a little step of faith in waiting patiently on the Lord at Shiloh. May we never make the mistake of Sarai who ran ahead of God in getting alternate solution. Above all, may our tears turn into testimonies in Jesus' Name. Amen
    Rejoice, put off your feelings and fears and put on your faith and first love for Christ.
