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Tuesday, January 11, 2022


Who asked for your opinion on the matter? 
I think sometimes we ought to ask ourselves that question. I am sure you have seen some "strong" men of God run their mouth in public places and you have been shocked.

Well, I am not talking about those men of God, who probably went home and prayed for forgiveness. I am concerned about you and how you easily pick apart people's character. So she dresses like an harlot....Isn't that a bit harsh? Remember we are all created by the same maker. Do you have to judge someone because they are not of the same conviction as you?
Someone you do not know from Adam, whom you should look upon with compassion, you look on them with contempt instead, and in the depths of your heart you actually believe that you are better than them.

How interesting. Mr/Miss Self-righteous.
It is hight time we concentrated on things that actually matters. Listen to this admonition from God.

Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
So in reality, you are supposed to meditate on the good side of others, learn from them. Be like Mary, who watched her own child Jesus and "kept all his sayings in her heart"..Mary kept them and thought about them.

The kingdom has no room for the proud. You have to become like little children, so whenever you catch yourself looking on someone in a judging manner. Ask yourself, who asked for you opinion. You might be surprised to trace it back to the devil.
Of course, he has a chieftaincy title known as "accuser of the brethren." and he does it well. Do not be one of his many instruments.

Vividly recall that the bible says "Judge not."
The two most important commandments spoke about love...Love God, love your neighbors....And then the bible said above such, there is no law. 
Selectively seive what goes through your mind, thoughts and what dictates your action.




    ''Judge not, that ye be not judged'' Mat 7:1
    ''So thou, O son of man, I have set thee a watchman unto the house of Isreal, therefore thou shalt hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me'' Ezekiel 33:7

    (Please, kindly ask for the Holy Spirit insight before reading this comment)

    The very first command in the Bible was the one given to Adam in Genesis 2:16 that he should not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and Adam passed it to Eve his wife. Satan knew fully well that Adam would not deviate from God's command and that Adam always listened to his wife. He went subtlety to Eve, deceived her to eat of the forbidden fruit. Even and Adam eyes were not opened until Adam ate from the fruit and broke the only simple command of God. They instantly became a tailor, sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons. But God saw that the aprons made by tailor Adam and tailor Eve were sensual and so God became a tailor also and sewed coats for them for complete covering.

    It is the will of God that all (men, women, boys, girls and children) dress modestly and discretely. Modesty involves dressing in such a way that would not attract undue attention to you; that would not stimulate impure thoughts in others; and that would not make you cross the boundary of reserve. Modesty is the outward manifestation of inward purity. We (Christians) are exalted in Romans 12:2 not to conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of our inner mind. that we may prove what is good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God.
    We are to resist the temptation to conform to the worldliness(immoralities, filthy words, sensual or seductive dresses, ungodly entertainments and worldly music) surrounding the church. The sensual or lascivious garments worn by men and women today and celebrated in churches are copied from the apostate churches of the Western World. Anything can go in the world but not in the church of Christ. That was why our loving and caring Jesus developed a Holy Anger and flogged those selling and exchanging in the temple of Almighty God.
    In the Church of God today, boys and young men sagged down and girls and women put on low waist and skimpy dresses that reveal their bodies. Ladies find it difficult to bend or sit, adjusting their harlotry garments because their conscience tell them that they are not properly covered.
    Jesus and Heavens love wedding that was while Jesus attended wedding. Heavens are weeping in today's wedding. Are brides not sensual in their wedding garments? Many are even competing as to who wears the sexiest garment. God is not happy because we have allowed filthiness and worldly music at the alter of God.

    It is very easy to spot a lawyer out of the crowd. A doctor is know by his white coat. What of nurses, footballer and security personnel. But it is very difficult to spot out a born again christian today because of inward defilement that has resulted to outward immodesty and sensual outfits.
    Many minister of God have abandoned their first love for Christ. And so called men of God who came through the back door as described by our Lord Jesus have brought defilement into the Church of Christ. They have forgotten that a leader sin is a leading sin, they have forgotten the words of Christ in Matthew 18:6 (But whosoever shall offend one of these little ones which believes in me, it were better for him that a milestone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea). Ministers of God and wives of G.O.s are not our perfect role model but Jesus Christ.

    God commanded us not to judge, not to backbite, not to defame others but to tame our tongues and warn others in love. Many youths have been defiled today through the putting on of sensual dresses(so saddened), souls are crying, men are dying. We are to warn them in love. Will you warn them are lead them to Christ?


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