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Wednesday, January 12, 2022


Without Faith, it is impossible to please God - Equation 1
The Just shall live by faith - Equation 2
conclusion - Your life

With this above equation, it is safe to say your life could be a right or wrong conclusion for said equation. Right?
We live in a world where faith is equal to foolishness. No? 
Then I daresay christians are called to be consistently foolish in the world for their lives to please God. Every thing a heaven bound man does, he does by faith. Forgiveness is by faith, strength is by faith, ability is by faith. Talking is by faith. You name it.

With the second Equation, How just are you? There is no scale for being just. it is either you are Just, or you are Unjust. Where do you fall? Do you live your life constantly asking for forgiveness, or is it when you step into the church or wake up in the morning for your quiet time that you remember that you are a Christian again?

There is a life you are expected to live, a life in the eyes of the world, below it, but to heaven above the world. A life of Faith. This simple words is the summary of the Christian life, pregnant with many possibilities, as to how and when you exercise such faith.

Faith is irrational, I must tell you, but it achieves great results. You cannot use your brain as a factor to determine your level of faith. Your level of faith is determined by the amount of God's word that lives in your heart, and how much of it you believe.

Have Faith.


1 comment:

  1. ''But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is , and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him'' Hebrew 11:6

    Faith is seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. Faith is living by and believing in every bit of the word of God, appropriating and equating it with every bit of our thoughts and actions.
    Faith is asking ourselves what does the word of God say concerning what we listen to? what we watch? what we eat and drink? what we adorn our body with? where we go? our thought and actions? counsels from friends? the sermon we listen to?
    Above all faith is earnestly contending for the old faith delivered into the saint.
