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Monday, January 10, 2022


Low-key, we are all struggling to be relevant, to reach a position of success, but I find myself asking various questions lately.
  In a few months, some will forget what it felt like to sit in that hall and listen to motivational speeches and revelatory verses of the bible that illuminated their minds to discover that all they need to make an impact is embedded in who they are and where they are right now.

To make an impact, one has to distinguish between Success and Fame, Money and Value. This things are never the same. In the name of chasing relevance and purpose, majority have directed their chase towards a platform that will make their name known and will attract admiring and envying gazes.
Your purpose Doen not necessarily make you popular, it is God that becomes popular, not you.
Most renowned men of God in their various fields, are known international because God has chosen to honor them, not because they had a platform for popularity. We know people like Adeboye, Kumuyi, Oyedepo, Bonnke, Graham, and Hagin because their lives Glorified God. In hindsight, you realize it is God in them that is popular, and not they themselves.

Money and Value are almost lost in themselves this days that when you ask the layman what value is, he immediately thinks money. Money has no value assigned to it, but that which you give to it.
Value however lies within You, an untapped well of potential trapped in a cage of ignorance with a solid unyielding lock called money.
Yes, money is the trap for value this days. it has mislead many and lured them into a whole different path that God hadn't destined for them.
What you need Is diligence, be diligent at what you do.
I have heard this saying several time, but the day it was spoken to me directly, it took on a deeper meaning.
"Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well."
So review your mindset today. Do not be deluded into thinking you are making and impact if your goal is money and Fame...
money will come....
The answer lies in
Seeking first the kingdom of God.



  1. Hmm... wonderful piece, Just my same thought after attending YMR 2021

    1. May the Holy Spirit remind us at the point where we need a reminder

  2. True Saying and Words of Wisdom!!!

    May God help us to seek first His kingdom and glory in all our aspirations, and may he help us to have positive and godly impact on our generation and generations after us in Jesus' Name. Amen

    I specially pray that the sister of Christ will use her multi-dynamics talents, skills and gifts (writing, singing, tailoring, computer graphics and design, eloquent speech, guidiance and counselling, psychological human management, teaching, spiritual insight, humanitarian service, caring and lot more) to impact the world.
    May you be greater than mummy Abiodun Kumuyi of blessed memory who by her lifestyle impacted the world and became an epitome of emulation for women and young sisters in modest dressing; and who her work (Christian Women Mirror) continue impacting the world.

    May you be greater than Cathering Booth, a great spinster counselor who believed in inculcating in Children implicit and uncompromising obedience to the Lord.

    May you be greater than Polly Wigglesworth, a woman evangelist who was a fluent speaker with talents in Jesus' Name. Amen

  3. Amen. I really appreciate this prayers. May we all be useful vessels for God.
