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Tuesday, January 4, 2022


Yesterday afternoon, I was going to visit a friend I hadn't seen in a while. We all know how it is harmattan season and because this is Nigeria, we also know better than to wear white on a dusty road, go out without nose mask or properly creaming your skin.

Oh, don't look at me like that, I did cream my skin....with oil!!!!

(I know)

You know what else I did? I wore a white top and even took a white handkerchief to serve as my nose mask.
(you can laugh at at me now)

You know what else? I was passing a very dusty road, and as I reached mid way, I realised my error. Oil and sand are like long lost friends, they want to hug each other.
Each time I reach a cemented ground, I'd stump my foot add on the floor to get rid of the dust, but you see.....I was fighting a lost cause, this friends have refused to let anything put them asunder.
By the time I got to my friend, who was waiting outside the gate, my leg already looked like I was wearing brown pop socks...

let me rephrase..."Bright brown pop socks."

Then I had to use my white handkerchief to wipe down a bit...just to look presentable (sad) . 
Thankfully, my Friend isn't judgemental or anal  about this kind of thing.

Me with my white top and stained everything else came home to wash off, and started to think how I wasn't fully prepared for the weather.

A properly thought out or well laid out plan could have saved me the trouble of looking like an half way albino.
That is how we often rush out before God gives us the go ahead for his plan.

So God told you, so and so is your wife, and you went ahead and hinted her and succeeded in scaring her away...Good luck o, or God told you that Your ministry is to be a deliverance minister, and you rushed ahead before God could impact you.

A few minutes of "waiting" would have made a difference before I rushed out.

How about you? Where is that place you are rushing to?
Often times, those rushing do not realize they are in a hurry, because they have been deceived to Believe that they are zealous for God...Zealous does not equal being impatient. Remember the fruit of the spirit is patience too.
Zealous does not mean you are on top of every activity that has God's name on it, it simply means you are doing that one work that God has assigned you to do, after receiving impartation from him... otherwise, you will burn out fast like a candle.

I pray we will wait for the right time.
God bless.

1 comment:

  1. A Wonderful Gospel Post!!

    '' But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint'' Isaiah 40:31.

    Lord Jesus is our best epitome of emulation whom His lifestyle taught us the great virtue called patience. He knew fully well the plan of God for His life; and one would have thought of Jesus starting his mission on earth at His early stage but waited on the LORD for go ahead. No wonder, he was spiritually equipped, did the will of God an became the beloved of our Heavenly Father.
    May God help is to exercise patience in every endeavour of our lives in the LORD in Jesus' Name.
    (So sorry for the stain caused by the dust. Please, remember to take vitamins especially banana so as to boost your immunity against germs and infections)
