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Wednesday, January 5, 2022


Firstly, I want to apologize on behalf of those who make it seem as if the level of your spiritual insight has to be the level of English you can speak. They want you to sound "photosynthesis".

If you have been measuring your spirituality by such standard, I have good news for you. From personal experience with God, no matter how complex a verse may look, God ends up bringing it back to the simple things.

Take faith for example. It looks big and insurmountable. it is hard for someone who has been diagnosed with cancer, holding the slip in his hands to look in the mirror and say "that doctor doesn't know what he's saying, God says I'm healed and That's final."

We all know that man will pray and go to crusades and miracle services and begin treatment while at it.

Yet Jesus reduces faith to having the heart of a child. Simply trusting...with the word "simply" emphasized...

The bible tells us that if we want to get to heaven, we have to be like little children. 
So if heaven is our aim, we have to revert to being children.
However, knowledgeable children. I think that is where the works come in. The knowledge that is supposed to shed light on the human situation has now become man's enemy.
We expound on the word that is written and deem ourselves smarter than the holy spirit. 

On occasions when God reveals a bit about myself to me, I have never failed to think... "o wretched man that I am... because in the eyes of my spirit, I see all the collection of rags that disguise themselves as wisdom "photosynthetic wisdom"

I write with a fire in my heart, that we would dig into the word because we starve, and not showcase our English proficiency which simpletons will mistake as anointing.
The day such men will be put to shame is the day a man of God will minister in baby language and souls will be saved.

There is however an exception, which I would not want you to focus on. There are people whose vocabulary consists of big words.. (I've been known to drop a few, ) but I am sure in their deepest of hearts, they wish they could break the word down to you and feed you bite after bite, because to such, the fire in their heart burns bright, so that they are passionate about the souls under their care, than the efficiency with which the word leaves their mouth.

God once used a stammerer, one who did wonders and whom God buried himself out of honor.
My dear, it is time to focus together, let's eat dainty bites and remind ourselves to be children before God.
Souls are waiting for the word of life in any language, pidgin, Yoruba or basic English, or big grammar.
Emphasis is on the word. Which is Christ.
Don't lose focus.

God bless.



  1. True Saying and Holy Spirit Inspired Post.

    Our Lord Jesus Christ knew this very well and that was why he did not choose the scholars, scribes and pharisees to be his apostles; but those of low estate who were teachable. They walked with the Lord, operated in the power of the Holy Ghost, spoke in tongues and boldness and better off than the learned.

    What of Moses, the greatest prophet in the Old Testament, who saw God. He was a stammerer but meek. '' Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth'' Numbers 12:3. God was able to use him because of his meekness, deadness to self glory and total dependence on God.

    This post reminded me of a visiting lecturer entering our University Department for the first time to lecture us- the PG students on an Entrepreneurship studie. I as the class Representative then, he got my contact line, called me and I went to welcome him, and to bring down to the lecture all. On meeting with him, I became afraid because of his accent/intonation and meekness and also imagined how this lecturer would stand in from of the great class of elites . He almost bent and saluted me. After introducing him, I sat down and bowed my head wishing the man will lecture very well and not disgrace himself.

    To my greatest surprise, the man started the lecture in his accent, not looking into any note or book, gave a fascinated lecture. It was as if the whole class was watching movie, and a round of applaud for him by all the students. In deed, he became the best lecturer and better off than lecturers with good accents. After the lecture, he became the talk of the PG school and other departments were asked to join us.

    Those that God want to use as His end time soldiers are those that are deaf to self glory and pride. They are those who will be willing to surrender to the leadership of the Holy Spirit.


  2. You are welcome Great Writer. More Grace
