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Wednesday, January 26, 2022


There is something we can all learn to do. The Act of talking to God. And waiting for him to talk back. Most of us are great talkers but terrible listeners.

Yesterday, I and my friend were talking to an elderly man about our plans, and then he asked us if we had prayed and heard God's opinion about it. We both laughed and said yes, but our case was the same. God has been silent. He hasn't been saying anything.

The man laughed and said, or you weren't listening. Immediately, I realized I had talked to God, but I'd also assumed some oppurtunities will close while the only one God wants for me will remain opened. I had been playing games with God. I hadn't sat still to listen. To say God what do you think about this and let him talk.

Some of us even lie against God. We go through the ritual of telling God things pretending we actually care about his opinion and decisions when in reality, we have made up our minds about what we would do, then we go out and tell others "God said....." but God has not spoken.

A warning for you, if you are this kind of person, and you mislead others because of your selfish, then there is a curse on you. 

Daily, we interact, Daily we chat on our phones with our friends, we talk to and greet our neighbors. But daily we hardly talk to God. It would be hard for your neighbor to want to continually see you if you only talk without letting them respond. In fact, I am sure they would avoid you or snap at you.

So why do that to God?.
This is what I call the Radio Syndrome.
Talking endlessly without a response.
God is tired of radios. He wants reality shows with you.


1 comment:

  1. '' I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go: I will guide thee with mine eye'' Psalms 32:8
    '' But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength...'' Isaiah 40:31

    It is always good to wait upon the LORD; instructed of Him in every matter and for us to subject every spirit and counsel into test to see whether they are from the LORD, man or self. After we have sought the Lord in prayer and word and we are convinced of the Holy Spirit of the Lord's backing, we should not hesitate to take a bold step like David(who faced Goliath and who on other occasion, encouraged himself in the LORD and pursued after the enemy that invaded Ziklag); like Abraham(who left the known for unknown); like the Apostles (who left all, followed the master and engaged in heavenly and humanitarian service).

    It is always disastrous to follow the counsel of men after we have known the will of God concerning a matter. Remember; (1) the old prophet and the young prophet (2) the counsel Sarah gave Abraham regarding second wife (3) the counsel Eve gave Adam regarding the forbidden fruit(4) the persuasive counsel of prophet Jeremiah to Rachabites regarding wine.(5) the persuasive counsel of the king of Israel to king Jehoshaphat to join in battle against Ramoth Gilead.
    However, it is not always wrong to applied our discretion in secular matters, but may be disastrous to sole rely upon our discretion especially in spiritual matters without asking for the Holy Spirit Guidance or leading.

    May the Good Lord guide us in all things and may all His good plans for our lives come to reality in Jesus' Name. Amen

