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Tuesday, January 25, 2022


To Err is human, To forgive is divine.

There is an abandoned relationship in between this statement. The relationship of being human in the divine. This proverb is accurate, but the human mind has found a loop hole in this and made it a badge of honor.

We make it seem like it is impossible to forgive some hurt and wrong.However, the only impossibility lies In the way you think.

We now brag in our failures to forgive our fellow erring human, but we hope to be forgiven when we err. We are like that wicked servant the bible talked about whom after his master forgave his debts went to throw is fellow debtor in prison for something smaller.

God will not forgive on your behalf, you have to do the forgiveness yourself through help from God.

There is a popular Christian movie titled Abbatoir...The main character lives in a world of unforgiveness, and his life turned out to be a nightmare. He had woven his own prison of despair in his vengeful mind.

We all have friends who secretly think like the are better than us, and occasionally act like it, some come from divided family, or unhappy family, some are still struggling to find acceptance in the world. We've all been hurt one way or the other, and then our thoughts carry so much vengeance that it is all we think about when we sleep.

The bible says as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. What does that make you?

To forgive is divine, but in you. Divine in me. In the sense that you hurt me badly, or I hurt you badly. Yes! It hurts so much It feels like your blood is boiling. Yet in the midst of what you are feeling, you forgive by faith. You tell God to take the pain away from you.



  1. '' And forgive us our debt, as we forgive our debtors... for if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly father will also forgive you'' Mathew 6:12&14
    '' Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? Jesus said unto him, I say not unto thee, until seven times; but until seventy times seven'' Mathew 18:21

    According to psychologist, forgiveness is a deliberate decision to release/withdraw feelings of anger on someone who has hurt you. Psychologists also know that for one of the causes of depression is unforgiveness. As children of God, we should learn to forgive others and forget if we want our heavenly father to forgive us as we always recite in the memory verse. Our stance on forgiveness should be'' before any one offends me, I have already forgiven him or her.

    However, there are times, we need to apply wisdom in our relationship with the offender who had sought for our forgiveness. Because, failure to do that could lead to sin and destruction. Some offenders are insincere, unrepentant, seeking their selfish interest and benefits. Few cases in the Bible were what transpired between (1) David and Saul (2) David and Absalom (3) Samson and Delinah.

    On two different occasions, David speared Saul's life and demonstrated Christlike love to Saul seeking his life. Saul whom his remorseful action had earlier sought for mercy from David still went ahead the second time to kill David. Thank God for David who was able to discern that continuation of friendship could lead to further destruction(1 Samuel 24&26).

    Secondly, Joab and a woman deceived David to forgive Absalom who killed Amnon (David first born). David initially forgave him but avoided closed relationship with Absalom. But Absalom deceived David by forcing Joab to bring him before the king. we know what happened afterward in 2 Samuel 14 -19(Many lives were lost as a result of Absalom conspiracy to overthrown the king)

    What of Samson? Someone who forgave Delinah without applying wisdom in choice of friendship. Delinah (whom Samson deceived 3 times) on three occasions handed Samson to the Philistines but unable to capture. Samson forgave Delinah even without asking for forgiveness. Samson should as well cut off the blinded and unapproved relationship that God did not approved but continued in the blinded love and on 4th occasion lead to his destruction and termination of his God's given Glory

    May God give us the hearts to forgive others and forget their past wrongs in Jesus' Name. Amen


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