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Friday, January 14, 2022


FICTION FRIDAY, will officially commence next week. 
Have a lovely weekend, we resume on Monday again.


Did you think that you were meant to walk this life alone? That's funny if you think so, because from day one, no one has ever survived on their own.

From your taking your first step, to your saying your first words, there's a greater someone who has always been involved. GOD. All this things seem trivial or too petty, for God to be involved in, but it is not.

That is why from the clothes you wear, to where you are going to buy your wares to the friends you want to make, Oluwa has to be involved. That way, you save yourself a lot of wasted time. You invest your time in the right activities at the right time and early in life you attain the result.

It's so sad to see a lot of adults struggling to make something out of their lives. This one's are fighting in their own strength, trying to figure out the right thing to do at it's right time, but they never can tell unless they involve God. So let's save each other some sweats and put all our eggs in God's basket, that's the only place where it is safe.

After all, we walk by faith and not by sight.




  1. ''Can two walk together, except they agreed?'' Amos 3:3

    God knew that man could not walk and live alone, that was why he gave him an helper, and made them man and woman. God knew that man and woman could not walk alone, that was while He always descended from Heaven, had fellowship and walked with them. But the fellowship soon got terminated after been deceived by serpent to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God knew that man and woman would become social being, that was why He allowed them multiply the earth but the Enemy corrupted their hearts and spirit mind with evil. God knew that men would need Holy Spirit to drive out the evil spirits, that was why He first gave His word(Jesus) and left men to free decided to accept and live by His word or by the dictates of selves.

    God must be involved and we need God (The Father, Holy Spirit and Word) to be able to walk perfectly. ''Can two walk together except they agreed''?...... We need to agree with every bit of the word of God, lived by it and allow His word to over-rule our lives

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