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Monday, January 24, 2022


Happy New Week!!!
I trust your week began well.
It is the Last week for the Month of January, and I have a free advice for us all.
Often times, we set yearly goals, and then promptly forget about them until the year is almost over.
A month is nearly gone out of twelve. And before you know it, half the year has gone.

My advice is to take your yearly goal, and assign months to them too. when you want them to take off.
Having a yearly goal is good, but it in not specific enough.
For instance, I am a writer, and I want to complete a novel this year. There will be good and productive distractions along the way, like church programs, seminars, Jobs and activities. 
However, I must also consider extraneous factors like writer's block? or maybe technical issues with the laptop?
Which means that every free time I have should go into making such goals productive.

  The bible says, do you have a vision/goal? Write it down (in your planner/journal) that he may run that reads it. (This means once you have written it down, you don't close it and assume you are done planning. It means you go back to it over and over again, This motivates you more because you have planned and organized and reading it again will make you almost taste the achievement of said Goal)

Do not be a dreamer! Be a dreamer!!!!
There are two common sets of Dreamers, The ones that dream like Nebuchadnezzar, pharaoh, the men in the prison with Joseph. Some of this men had good dreams. Yet the dream was useless for them because they lacked the ability to interprete it. They knew the dream was significant, it could make a change in their destiny, yet they didn't know about the writing it down and planning and making it plain . 
The second sets of Dreamers are the Joseph Kind.... They start out at first without understanding how great their dream. is, and they end up talking about it to the enemy who ensures their dream dies with them or tries to make their dream die with them. They are Unwise dreamers, but they learn from their mistakes. Sadly, Not everyone has the chance to learn from their mistakes.

There is the third set of Uncommon dreamers. The kind like Daniel. This one's have the midas touch in the sense that even while dreaming it, they can make things happen in the dream stage. Whatever they do will decidedly prosper. You hardly find this set of Dreamers in a talkative group. They are at every productive gathering that has a goal. Leading it!!!!

The difference between this dreamers are...

1) The first set of Dreamers lack divine wisdom. "By strength shall no man prevail." They know that verse, but they don't understand it, and they don't really try. Throughout, they depend on someone to interpret for them. 

2) The second set of Dreamers have a good heart. Yes! Their heart is in the right place, but they are ruled by emotions. Joseph couldn't keep the good news to himself. Emotions as we know it cannot be trusted. It is a destructive leader. The serpent appealed to Eve's emotion in Eden "don't you want to be wise as God?" David looked up and saw Beersheba, his heart jumped in his chest and he killed his friend. Saul's emotions ruled the throne of Israel and he ended up rejected of God. If Mary had let her emotions rule, Jesus wouldn't have died for our sins. This people have to get a rein on their emotions. You rule your emotions, It doesn't rule you.

3) The Daniels of this world are all round dependable. They are the sisters you can count on for sound support. The children that don't give their parents hypertension. They are responsible people, not by the world's standard, but by heavens standard. They love God desperately. 

Which one are you? You can always change your post.



  1. Great Week and Great Words of Advice!!

    '' Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it..'' Psalm 127:1
    It seemed the great sister skipped one other category of dreamers or goal setters. They are I/Self dreamers who do not set their priority right; whose goals are not tailored towards the effulgence of God's glory and edification of others. They work and plan towards their goals with self interest and expectation of human accolades. A typical example was the rich fool in Luke 12:17-19, who thought within himself with 6 letter I and 5 words- My, all within 2 verses.

    Our goals for each new year should be Holy Spirit driven, Word driven and selfless driven(of Immense benefit to others). We should carry God along because He knows the future and only in Him can all goals be perfectly executed.
    NB: Let's us not forget to include the reading of the Bible through from Genesis to Revelation(About 4 chapters per day) in our goals for the year as it will make us better Christians.
    May the LORD help us to set our priority right.


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