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Thursday, January 13, 2022


Good news for our Amiable Readers.
We are introducing Fiction Friday to y'all
Coming Tomorrow.
In the mean Time, settle down and listen to this Testimony of mine. I promised to share it this year.

So on December 15th, it was our Christmas party at my PPA in Abeokuta Ogun state.
We had prepared for weeks to make the party memorable for the students and we attended.

We corp members are 5 in number, 4 ladies and one guy. One of us arrived and told us her brother had a baby somewhere around obada area, and she wanted to go for the naming and celebrate. Immediately, Yoyo suggested we go with her as well wishers. (No real name is used). I didn't really like the idea, neither did Bee, as we exchanged glances, but I figured
 Rejoice with those who rejoice right???

So after a while, we piled into an Uber and arrived at our destination in a short period of time. By the time the celebration ended, I was feeling quite uncomfortable in my spirit. So I went ahead of the ladies while they were busy chattering behind me. I began to check myself for sins, and began to pray for forgiveness In case I had sinned.

We got to the bus stop, and it was getting really dark. Our school was on the outskirt of town, which meant we needed to get moving ASAP.
We stopped two bike men, since we were four.
However, Yoyo complained that she could not take bike because of her eyelash. she had fixed her eyelashes that day.
I was a little bit irritated, because it was getting darker, and time was going, but luckily for us, a Keke napep passed at that exact moment, and it was in fact very empty.

Perfect for four ladies about to be stranded.
Bee went first, and for some reasons she sat in the front. Naturally, the last person to enter sits in front because its uncomfortable, and I was the last person , but I found seat at the back to the right.
As we were going, the ladies engaged in some lewd banter with the Driver and I found myself distracted once again in my spirit, so I began to pray in tongues quietly. I started doubting in my spirit because I had read at devotional that some people's tongues is mere noise before the devil. Somehow, I figured I couldn't waste time doubting , so I tried to switch to English became Yoruba doesn't come smoothly as I'd like. However, I found that I could pray in Yoruba, and I was saying... "Oluwa, gbe ija mi." 
meaning. "God, be my defender."

It didn't make an ounce of sense to me to be praying that prayer in a Keke napep, but I didn't have time to figure it out because suddenly the vehicle jerked forward and then the napep began to spiral out of control.

I watched the driver struggle and fail to gain control, I watched as we went to hit a strong iron railings that divided the road in two, the strength of the iron sent us spinning back into the road, which by some miracle was free.

However, unknown to me, who was silently calling on the only sure name I know "Jesus."... With the earlier impact, the driver had fallen out of the napep.

So it remained Four clueless ladies in a moving tricycle, heading towards a Fork in the road. Vehicles were coming from left and right and even in front. It was a tricky junction.

Then God came over Bee who was sitting in front, and she gathered courage to grab the steering and she wheeled us strongly towards the side of the road, where a car was parked and two bike men without passengers.

We hit the vehicle and bike men's who came down with a crash. The napep came to a halt, and we all climbed out unhurt except for bee who was shaken probably from adrenaline draining out of her body.

We were worried for the bike men, but in closer inspection, we realised they were the bike men we had stopped earlier to convey us to this very location.

What would have happened if we had taken the bike? We would never know.
Sometimes God uses artificial eyelashes to save his people. He would use anything to come to your rescue.
We would realize later that God gave each of us a role. He used all of us for each other.

I am alive, and breathing, so are my other corp members. 

Something's, only God can Explain.



    Psalm 91

    '' Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night'' Psalm 1:1-2

    The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul. The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth and even forever more (Psalm 121:7-8) in Jesus' Name. Amen

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